Quirk Testing
She wonders why he asked them all to be outside in their gym cloth as she's not getting dressed in front of the boys. She went to one person she hopes can help her out as she asked if she can make a long cloth to keep the boys from looking at her.
"Of course!" She did it very fast and Venus hands over food as payment as she uses it to change into her gym clothing making the other girls to use it as well, too. One of the boy's upset about that as she ignores him and walks outside.
She saw him talking to Present Mic making her to be confused to how close they are. It's more of a spouses closeness than a friend closeness. It's getting her to be confused as she doesn't get it at all as she needs to figure this whole thing out more on her own.
"Senseis?" Both saw her and Present Mic had to leave, but he did give her hair a ruffle making her to duck and pop back up once his hand's gone making Shota to snort at that scene as it's too funny for him to not do it.
"If you can do that while fighting Villains, you can keep your head on your shoulders." She nods as she saw the others coming making Shota to know she's the fastest to come down than the others were. Shota looks to them and nods to himself.
"First task's the 50-Meter Dash. You guys must run fifty meters straight while using your Quirks to fully improve your mobility. Your completion times are going to be recorded." Shota's fully marking down the results and the results are as follows:
Competitor/Quirk Time
Engine: 3.04 seconds
Explosion: 4.13 seconds
Frog: 5.58 seconds
Zero Gravity: 7.15 seconds
Tail: 5.49 seconds
Navel Laser: 5.51 seconds
Acid: Unknown (Faster than Yuga Aoyama)
OFA (five percent): 2.58 seconds
Everyone's shocked as she's much quicker than their fastest member who's shocked as she's too quick for him to keep up. She didn't fully do that as Lolbit's just as fast as Funtime Foxy, but faster by thirty seconds more making her to not realized this fully.
OFA (five percent) would have gotten her to only 3.40 seconds maximum which she doesn't know about. Shota's shocked as he has to know if she's using her wings or not. Shota would never know until it's too late fully.
"The next test's the Grip Strength test as you guys need to grasps a hand-held device that reads the force your grip exhibits in kilograms." Shota wonders about the participants and results are as follows:
Competitor/Quirk Force
Dupli-Arms: 540.0kg
OFA (five percent): broke the hand-held device
Everyone's shocked as she's too strong making her to move her hand from her face as she's lucky she did that actually. OFA (five percent) can only do 680.5kg making her to not realized that Lolbit's very strong cause of what they are.
"The next test's the Standing Long Jump test which you guys use your Quirks to clear a sandbox designed for a standing long jump. Your distance is also recorded." Shota knows that the results are as follows:
Competitor/Quirk Distance
N/A: Cleared sandbox
Navel Laser: Cleared sandbox
N/A: Landed within sandbox
OFA (five percent): Cleared sandbox
"The next test's the Repeated Side Steps test as you guys move between three lines by side stepping from one to the other." Shota wonders why only Minoru Mineta and the girl's participated in this test. Mineta used his Quirk bouncing himself quickly between the lines.
She's quick to figure out a good rhythm to use making it to be like she's dancing while in reality she's not as she's letting Lolbit do this one making them to be happy since they stayed in the between the lines as they moved from one side to the next in a big zig-zag pattern.
'Maybe not interested in it really.' Shota thinks to himself making him to wonder as he thought he saw her eyes change, but that could've been his imagination there as he did the next test.
"The next test's the Ball Throw test as you guys are required to throw a ball as far as you could using your Quirks." Shota said as he looks at them all and starts to record their numbers.
Competitor/Quirk Distance
Explosion: 705.2 meters
Zero Gravity: ∞
OFA (five percent): 4,358.6 meters
Everyone's now greatly shocked as her throwing aim's too much for them since she thrown it like a baseball player in a live baseball game. Shota's shocked as he's not happy as he needs to know who she truly is as he noticed her hair's fully different now.
She had long dark green that fully reaches her heels of her feet with purple covering the top quarter of her head as it 'bleeds' into the rest of her hair as pure one mm thick highlights with orange in the front and there's markings under her dark green/black and white dotted eyes.
Shota only knows one person with the same markings under his eyes and he needs to phone him after school, but something's telling him that's a bad idea and won't be a safe one. He'll wait, but both of the markings are purple which isn't good for her fully.
Final Results
Izura Midoriya 1st
Momo Yaoyorozu 2nd
Shoto Todoroki 3rd
Tenya Iida 4th
Fumikage Tokoyami 5th
Mezzo Shoji 6th
Mashirao Ojiro 7th
Eijuro Kirishima 8th
Mina Ashido 9th
Ochaco Uraraka 10th
Katsuki Bakugou 11th
Koji Koda 12th
Rikido Sato 13th
Tsuyu Asui 14th
Yuga Aoyama 15th
Hanta Sero 16th
Denki Kaminari 17th
Kyoka Jiro 18th
Toru Hagakure 19th
Minoru Mineta 20th
After showing the results of the test, Shota reveals that this is the top strongest in the class as the top two will be the Class President and Vice-President for their class. While Shota's leaving, he sees All Might as if he's been watching the whole time fully.
"I knew that you're actually on planning to expel last place from U.A, but you changed it fully." Shota shrugs off All Might's words as he doesn't know what he's talking about as all students are the same as any other student in the school.
"The chances of any of them becoming a great hero's higher than zero and that I don't see anything more than that. I'll expel them if I see they're chances ever fall below that mark." At the end of the day, Izura had to head home quick.
'I hate living with her fully really.' Izura thinks as she just heads to her room.
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