Ashido's Nomu and Villain Gang Raped
Ashido's took out another Villain when she saw the large inhuman creature making her about to use her acids on it when it grabbed her around the neck. It's eyes were acid green and it's looking at her in a very weird way and her acids does nothing to it's skin.
Ashido's all alone and she can't scream since it's hand's around her neck. It lifts her up more and tears her costume off as it opens it's mouth and three leech-like tongues showed up from it's very mouth. It's other hand spreads Ashido's legs apart.
One went into her between her legs and the other two attached themselves to her bosoms causing her to gasp at all three since they did it at the same time. There's no teeth, but the sucking was painful as the third one's sucking on the entrance to womb.
Ashido can feel it fully sucking her acids out of those three places as she sees the bloats in them making her to worry before the hand let's go of her neck and she's hanging as she bounces cause of the three are tugging her up each time the suck on her.
The third one has a fourth one coming from it before it's sucking in between her folds and then a small fifth one came from that one as it sucks on her cite. Ashido feels it stopping as if it's fully holding something in place as it's left hand holds her in place.
It's using it's pointing and middle finger on her shoulders making her to feel something's being fully gathered in those five places only making her to feel uncomfortable before she gasps as it sucks the many balls out of her body rapidly and making her drained.
Ashido can feel her eyes closing on her before she faints while the inhuman creature sucks on the five spots. Ashido didn't even realized that all of her acids are gone from her bosom and the five leech-like tongues do have teeth.
They inject liquid to keep pain gone and then inject a secondary liquid which forces the female to make breast milk as if she's fully heavily pregnant. The inhuman creature's now sucking Ashido's breast milk out of her with her.
The balls were her energy making it to let go of her from below, but it then inserted it's manhood into her making her to just groan and moan as it's hand's not there fully holding her up anymore as it's manhood's has springs and two smaller hands hold her ankles.
Ashido's still unconscious as her energy's still being drained from her and the manhood's being sprigged into her as it's decreasing the time to fully spring into her as it's increasing it's spring speed to fully go into her as it keeps hitting her G-Spot repeatedly.
It keeps going for thirty minutes before it cummed inside of her and everything stops as a large Jupiter sized ball is in her stomach area as Ashido looks heavily nine-months before it glows and she snaps fully awake with a finger in her mouth blocking her screams.
The ball's glow's a sign of a very successfully impregnation of a female making her to scream until the blow's fully gone making the inhuman creature to suck on her bosom as both milk and energy balls leaves her making her to faint again as it's too rapidly fast.
Ashido's unconscious with the finger gone from her mouth as the glow takes thirty minutes to fully vanish from the stomach area. Once the glow's fully gone, the inhuman creature manhood starts bloating as it's draining the energy in the area.
This is to keep the female drained and unable to do harm in that area until it's too late plus Ashido's bosoms are getting bigger by one cup size per sucking after being fully impregnated by the inhuman creature successfully as she's fully looking to be a G Cup now.
It stops sucking and drops her as it's job's done before leaving to look for another female to do the same thing to as Ashido's laying on the ground fully unconscious. During this time, human males would try to impregnate the very female, but unsuccessfully.
Ashido got ganged banged as she's lifted onto two and one's in her mouth with two sucking on her bosoms and the one in her mouths holding her arms up above her as she wakes up to this and can't get away from them as she's fully just creampied by five males.
They each take a turn doing her three holes making her to groan as she can't get away from the five man making her to not noticed that they're lifespan's are fully just decreasing as they cummed inside of her making it to be added to her own lifespan and to strengthen the babies within her.
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