Almost got seen by Mrs. Afton
Izura can't take it making her to hate this before she found herself in a room as a large, tall ballerina animatronic's dancing some ballet making her to remain quiet to not spook her as she also sings a song as well, too.
"Why do you hide behind your walls
When there is music in my halls
All I see is a empty room
No more joy, an empty tomb
It's so good to sing all day
To dance, to sing, to fly away." Izura made a sound accidentally which's her sneezing cause of the dust in the room making her to cover her nose and mouth in fear as the Ballerina stops and she turns to where she is.
"Is someone there? Is it time for the show? I can hear someone creeping through my room. Perhaps not." Izura sneezes once again and then she glitches fastly out before the Ballerina animatronic could jump towards her spot in the room.
"*Insert Ballora's Jumpscare*" The Ballerina animatronic opens an eye and saw no one making them to think it's a spirit as they then hear footsteps heading towards her making her to close the eye and turns towards them as they enter her room.
"Mom! What happened?!" The animatronic went into a human soul with brown hair and orange in the front plus blue highlights. One eye the same color as the animatronic she possesses and one eye orange. She has a green turtle neck shirt on.
She also has a blue skirt and cafe-length socks plus high-heels. She had scars on her legs and blood under her eyes as a flower crown covers her eyes from view. She even felt someone holding her from behind knowing it's just her husband, she didn't freak out.
"I was dancing and singing when I heard a sneeze in this corner. I did Ballora's lines after the song and then another sneeze. I did her jumpscare and then when I had opened an eye, no one's there and then you lot came in. I think we have a spirit in the place.
We'll search for it tomorrow since it's almost daylight outside. Lolbit can search for it during that time when we entertain the visitors." She said as everyone agrees with her as her husband's worried since a new one never showed up unless they want revenge.
"Circus Baby, go ask if Lolbit and Yenndo can help search for them. The rest of you Funtimes, when entertaining visitors, keep an eye out for them. We need to be very careful. Ennard, you search the vents. But be careful to not make a lot of noises." One of them said to the others.
"Sure thing there, Michael/Eggs Benedict."
"AND MY NAME'S ISN'T EGGS BENEDICT! STUPID HAND-UNIT HAVING A GLITCH AND FORCING ME TO USE THAT NAME FOR MY JOB HERE AT SISTER LOCATION!" The person shouts making Ennard to rub his back since Mr. Afton got the damn hand-unit fully fixed finally.
Izura's glitching rapidly as she's trying to find the door and many animatronics or the family kept on seeing something fully glitching away too fast to see properly until Izura saw the very door and she slams it opened before slamming it shut as she flies down fast as she needs to get to Lolbit and Yenndo asap.
"Lol! Lol! Lol!Lol!Lol!Lol!" Izura shouts as she hugs the fox making them to calm her down before they all heard someone coming down the stairs and Lolbit got her to go inside of them and to be fully quiet until they're very much gone from the room.
"Who's there?!" Yenndo shouts as everyone knows only Lolbit comes down here to see Yenndo if they want to talk with them alone fully.
"Relax! It's me! It's Circus Baby!" She shows herself fast and fully explains the situation to them both fast (AN: she can't see the fur thanks to Izura's illusion. Still thinking of her dead powers like Shadows Glitch -0- and • FNãF Glitçh • did for their FNAF AU videos on YouTube).
"We'll help. I'll search down here and Lolbit has the rest." Yenndo said as Circus Baby nods and left making Izura to have tears coming down her face when she came out as she keeps apologizing to them both over and over again cause it's her fault this happened.
"Little one, little one. Calm down. Deep breaths now. It's not your fault. Now explain from the start to finish for us to understand what happened up there." Lolbit said as Izura takes a deep breath and then breathes out slowly trying to calm herself down.
"Yenndo shouts. You calming him down. I went to outside top of SL. Hating 'mother'. Remembering the seven things she did to me. Realize I was in a room. Saw a ballerina animatronic. She singed plus she danced. I sneezed. She spoke.
I sneezed again. Glitched out of there. Heard her jumpscare. Rapidly glitched around. Got seen multiplying times, but was too blurry to properly see me. Found the door. Slammed it open and shut. Flies down fast to you two.
Came back here. You hugged me. Heard someone coming. And then you told me to hide inside of you until the person left the room." Lolbit and Yenndo realized she had almost met Mrs. Afton and then got blurry seen by the others in the place.
"It'll be alright. It's not your fault." Yenndo said as he knows Lolbit's not going to be able to search fully cause Izura needs them to go to school. Yenndo hugs her as she calms down more and nuzzles his fur containt where she is making him to blush.
Izura went home to get ready for school as she wonders why she has a feeling that All Might took her costume from her locker fully. She'll leave it be as she'll fully avoid her 'mother' and went to school as she doesn't want to stay with that woman anymore.
Lolbit and Yenndo has to get Izura away from her mother as only with Yenndo at nights are she safe, but they can't keep doing that as the woman's starting to expect something and will start locking Izura up in her home and not feed her if she does that.
'What can I do for her?' Lolbit thinks as they need to save her and fast.
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