Class 1A was in their form common room doing their own things. Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari were playing Uno, the girls were talking about who they liked and Solara Belle was practicing her guitar. Eri moved into the dorms with Izuku a few months ago, and she loved the music her 'Papa' makes on his turntables.
Right when Kirishima was about to place a card down, he heard techno music being played from somewhere in the dorms. "Do you guys hear that music?" he asked everyone else as they stopped to listen to the music being played.
"I hear it, too. Let's go and see where it's coming from," Iida said as they all headed up to Izuku's dorm room floor.
Inside Izuku's room, he was showing Eri a demonstration of his newest song. "Okay, Eri. This song is called "One More Time". Do you want to drop the beat when it's time, Snowball?" Izuku asked the little toddler sitting at his feet who was bouncing in excitement. She just answered by nodding her head with starstruck eyes because there was a pacifier in her mouth and it was almost time for her nap. (A/N: In this story, Eri is only two years old.) With that answer, he started filming a video. "WASSUP, JAPAN?! This is Techno King: Trollex with my newest song. And, today, my daughter, Eri Sophia Alana Midoriya is going to be dropping the beat today. Hope you like it," Izuku said and started playing the music.
(Stop at 2:15)
One more time!
One more time
One more time
One more time!
One more time, we're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right, don't stop the dancing
(Outside his bedroom door, Izuku's classmates were listening to him sing and play the turntables. "Midoribro is good!" Kirishima complimented. "I didn't know he could DJ like this!" Everyone nodded in agreement and continued listening to the song.)
(Let's go!)
(Here we go)
One more time
One more time, we're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right, don't stop the dancing
One more time, we're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right, one more time
I'm just feeling
Don't wait too late
'Cause we don't stop
You can't stop
We're gonna celebrate, oh yeah
One more time, come on
One more time
(One more time)
One more time
A celebration
You know we gon' do it right
Tonight, yeah, just feeling
Music's got me feelin' so free
Celebrate and dance so free
We're gonna celebrate
Music's got me feelin' so free
Celebrate and dance so free
Music's got me feelin so free
Celebrate and dance so free
Music's got me feelin so, music's got me...
Music's got me feelin so...
( "Get ready, everybody! The moment you've been waiting for is about to arrive! Get ready for the drop! Ready, baby girl?" Izuku asked, looking at Eri with a raised eyebrow. Eri nodded in excitement and held her arms up to be picked up. He picked her up and chanted, "Wait for it!" Outside, everyone could ask much longer. "Just do it already!" they whispered in anticipation. Then, Izuku held Eri's hand and slammed it into the drop button.)
One more time!
Music's got me feelin so free
We're gonna celebrate
Celebrate and dance so free
Just one more time
Gonna party all night
One more time
We're gonna celebrate, oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancin', oh yeah, alright
Don't stop the daa-
"Well, that's my newest song: One More Time. Until next time, Techno King: Trollex signing off." Izuku said and published the video. He then picked up the toddler sitting at his feet and said, "And as for you, Eri Sophia, time for your nap,"
He placed the child into her bed and grabbed a piano before singing a lullaby that his and Katsuki's mothers sang to them.
Once Eri Sophia was asleep, Izuku quietly left the room, and saw his classmates standing in front of him.
Solara Belle opened her mouth and said...
What do you think Solara Belle was going to say to Izuku? Vote in the comments and I'll decide in the next chapter.
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