Chapter 9.
No one POV.
Izuku :,,RUN!!"
Izuku, Connor and Rachel were running as fast as they could as they were chased by three big man who coincidentally were the bodyguards of Rachel.
Connor :,,Of course you got fucking bodyguards who have quirk allowance!!"
Rachel :,,Stop complaining and Run!!"
The group cut corners and ran through alleyways in their attempt to get away from their pursuers. Luckily for Izuku and Connor as demigods they had far more stamina then normal humans, bad for them Rachel despite being the Oracle of Delphi still was a normal human and struggled to keep up with the other two.
Seeing Rachel slowing down Connor saw no other way and spinned around to the once chasing them.
He punched the first one in the face, then spinned and kicked the second one in the chest sending him backwards.
The third one tries to grab him but Connor dodges him and kicks him in the ass sending him towards Izuku who quickly punches the Bodyguard twice in the face knocking him out.
The other two guards get up and charge at Connor both of them having their quirk activated.
Connor ducks as one swings his rock covered fist at him and instat of hitting Connor he hits his colleague square in the face knocking out the second man.
Connor quickly stands up straight kicking the last bodyguard between the legs and as the man bends over in pain he brings his elbow down on the back of the mans head knocking him out.
Now three man lay unconscious on the ground as Rachel tried to catch her breath.
Rachel :,,This... is so.. unfair."
Izuku pats her on the back.
Connor :,,Why the hell do you need three bodyguards?"
Rachel :,,You do realise that the entirety of the Northern American continent is in disarray right now? Anyways my dad thinks it isn't safe enough anymore for me to go alone, actually all of the parents of my school think that."
Connor :,,Yeah, yeha anyways we should better get to the spot Percy and Lou are waiting for us."
Rachel :,,Actually what the hell is going on? You guy just turn up to my school completely without Iris message or anything."
Izuku :,,Well... the mortals found out about the Oracle, they don't know it is you but they are looking."
Connor :,,Yeah and before they find you, we thought it would be better if we bring you to camp."
Rachel :,,... I see"
Izuku :,,We are sorry Rachel, we don't know how they found out bu-"
Rachel :,,No.. no it's okay. I should have guessed this day was coming but... I just didn't wanted to believe it."
Connor pats her on the shoulder.
Connor :,,We better get going. Percy and Lou are waiting for us and I don't want to be here when those guys wake up."
Moans of pain and screams of agony filled the air as the Demigods gathered the injured soldiers who were laying all across the field.
Chiron looked over the battlefield, no this isn't a battlefield he thought this is a butchery.
The chariots were used as transporters for the injured to brong them back to the infirmary, while the dead bodies are being collected and lined up.
Grover :,,Where are the mortals when you need them?"
Chiron turns his head to the Satyr.
Chiron :,,That is a good question."
Chiron turns back to look over the field.
Chiron :,,They should have realised by now that something is wrong."
Percy :,,What the Hades happened here!"
Chiron and Grover turned around to see, Percy, Lou Ellen, Izuku, Connor and Rachel standing there.
Grover :,,As you were gone the remnants of Gaea's army returned and attacked the siege camp of the Mortals."
Percy looked over the massacre and sighs.
Percy :,,Damn.... and here I thought I saw everything"**
Chiron :,,Rachel and Lou can you two please help out in the infirmary. Percy, I need the chariot of the Poseidon cabin for the transportation of the wounded can you please do that. Izuku and Connor please help out on the field, look for injured and give them first aid and line up the dead, Grover you aswell. Also keep your weapons at the ready we don't know if all the monsters are gone or not."
The young demigods nodded at their Mentor and started with their work. But before Izuku could leave Chiron put a hand on his shoulder.
Chiron :,,Did everything go alright?"
Izuku :,,We had to deal with Rachels bodyguards but besides that nothing happened."
Chiron :,,Good. Now go to work."
Izuku nods and runs off, that was when Ibara walked past Chiron with a injured female soldier who seemed to have a broken leg.
Chiron :,,Ibara let me take her, I will get her to the infirmary."
Ibara hands the female soldier over to Chiron who picked her up bridal style.
Ibara :,,Sir"
Chiron :,,Yes?"
Ibara :,,Why did this happen?"
She gestures at the field and Chiron sighs as he looks at the young demigod.
Chiron :,,I don't know Ibara. Maybe it's a cruel twist of fate or maybe something far more sinister is behind this."
Ibara nods looking at the ground and taking a deep breath before turning around and going back from where she came. Chiron sighs sadly and turns around before galloping towards Camp Half Blood.
A figure hidden in the shadows chuckles as it watches the results of the attack.
??? :,,Master has really outdone himself."
The eyes of the figure glow red before vanishing a whirlpool of shadows.
This evening there was no dinner and no campfire songs as everyone was busy tending to the wounded.
Will :,,We got around 600 wounded here, three quarters of them are severely injured.... many of them will not see a tomorrow."
Chiron :,,How many dead?"
Will :,,Around 1300 that we know of..... according to one of the surviving officers there were around 2000 soldiers in total meaning that around 100 are missing."
Chiron :,,Anything else?"
Will :,,We are running out of medical supplies. Since we can't give them ambrosia or Nectar we do have to rely heavily on our other supplies, we are nearly out of painkillers and we had to start tearing up old shirts since we ran out of bandages a while ago. The Demeter and Dionysus kids are also using their powers at full speed to re-supply us with Healing herbs as fast as they can."
Chiron :,,What about the camp of the mortals? Don't they have any medical supplies there?"
Will :,,Some Ares Kids were already there, sadly most of the camp has been burned down including their field hospital and the rest is so destroyed that it is unusable."
Chiron nods :,,Thanks Will."
Will nods and turns around to return to his work.
Chiron :,,This is going to be a long night."
**: For those wondering why I made Percys reaction as it is. Percy is a war veteran as are many other of the Demigods, so I don't see them braking down at the sight of dead bodies or a battlefield so easily and instat just shut down their emotions to better coupe with the situation. Of course that doesn't apply to the new Demigods.
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