Chapter 3.
Izuku POV.
It has been four years since the betrayal of Luke. Two years later Zoe died because of him and a year later 3 of my siblings died during the battle of the Labyrinth. He tried to get me to join him and as I refused he tried to kill me he even went so far and tried to kidnap Katie to get to me. Which ended in the death of alot of his underlings.
Right now I was in Manhattan fighting off monster after Monster, my spear hitting it's target every time. I was defending the entrance to the Empire State Building together with my siblings, the Ares, Athena and the rest of the cabins. The Apollo kids were attending the wounded as good as they could and the Heaphestus kids were cut off from our position. Me, Connor and the rest of the Hermes cabin attempted a counter attack to get to the Heaphestus kids and at first it seemed we would succeed that was until Luke or at that moment Kronos turned up. Seeing him made my blood boil.
Izuku :,,BASTARD!!!"
My scream was filled with rage and sounded like rolling thunder, the weaker monsters instantly started to run away from together with some of the Demigods that were on Kronos side.
Kronos :,,I must say that you have changed quite dramatically since last time. You look more like your ancestor now."
I roared again as I charged at him, I thrusted my pelian spear at him. He tried to redirect it but it still hit his armor and pierced right through it. If it weren't for the curse of Achilles he would be dead right now. He the pushed my spear asid and got close to me, he tried to hit me with the pommel of his sword but I moved my head to the side and his arm landed on my shoulder. Quickly I lifted my shield and bashed it into the side of his head, he stumbled backwards as I thrusted at him again. He redirected the strike again and so instat of hitting his chest the spear hit him straight in the face but because of the curse the mighty weapon of Achilles just caused his head to snap backwards. Using the moment I charged at him with my shield infront of me, being caught off guard I managed to push him to the ground. I put my knees on his arms and pushed my shield down onto his throat choking him with the edge of my shield. He might be invincible but he can still be choked to death or drown. So that was my best bet of killing him, he tried to get free but my knees on his arms prevented that. Soon his movements became less frequent and his golden eyes began to flicker as he tried to breath out for air. His eyes changed to it's originally blue color.
Luke :,,I-Iz-uku."
Just as he was about to pass out I felt a shar pain in my left shoulder and then was kicked off of Luke. I rolled on the floor before I stopped and got up on one knee, I looked towards the direction of where Luke was. Standing there were two demigods one being a guy with a sword and a eye patch which if I remember correctly from what Percy told me is Ethan Nakamura while the other one was a girl with long black hair and bow and arrow. The girl quickly checked on Luke while Nakamura was standing infront of him watching me. I looked at my shoulder seeing a broken arrow shaft sticking out of it. Grunting I got up just at the same moment when Luke got up, Luke looked at me before his eyes turned back to gold indicating that Kronos was back in charge.
Kronos :,,Get rid of him!"
Kronos barked as the two demigods were joined by several monsters as Kronos made his way towards the entrance of the Empire State Building were the Demigod phalanx was still holding firm. I stood up just as Connor and Travis came up besides me. Travis looked at my shoulder were the arrow was sticking out.
Izuku :,,We have to get to the Phalanx."
Travis :,,That is easier said then done."
We were surrounded at this point and cut of from our comrades.
Connor :,,How about we get some Ice cream after this, if we survive of course."
Travis :,,Sure why not."
Izuku :,,But first we have to survive this."
Just then the ground behind us opened and a man on a chariot flanked by two women appeared. The chariot was pulled by skeletal horses, the chariot stopped besides me Connor and Travis.
Hades :,,Seems like we just came in time."
Kronos returned as he saw Hades arrive.
Kronos :,,Ah my son and daughter have you come to bend your knee infront of me and see me destroy Olympus?"
Hades just stared at his father and so did my mother until Hades replied.
Hades :,,As much as I dislike certain upstart demigods, it would not do for Olympus to fall. I would miss bickering with my siblings. And if there is one thing we agree on- it is that you were a TERRIBLE father."
Then the army of the underworld appeared out of the crack behind us and Connor jumped as the skeleton of a former german soldier came up besides him. Mother then looked at me and gave me a nod.
Hades :,,CHARGE!!"
I let out a scream of rage, the charging armies of undead combined with my scream caused many of our enemies to run in fear in a instant. Those who didn't fled where quickly overrun, from the corner of my eye I could see Connor clash swords with Ethan Nakamura. I thrusted my pelian spear forward piercing a hellhound, I thrusted again killing one of Kronos loyal Demigods. Each thrust hit it's target as more and more monsters turned to dust and the Kronos loyal Demigods fall to the floor. It got to the point were when monsters and hostile demigods saw me they would run away to escape my spear. This caused more openings for the undead soldiers to charge in and cause even more havoc.
I turn around just in time to see a intense duel between Connor and Ethan and it seemed like Ethan had the upper hand until he made a false step, Connor using the moment got behind Ethans guard and thrusted his sword into Ethans chest. Blood came out of the Demigods mouth as Connor pulled his sword back, Ethan fell to his knees and with his last breath curses the fates before falling dead to the ground.
The enemy started to flee trampling over each other as they tried to get away from the combined forces of Demigods and Undead. We had won but there was no time to rest, Kronos managed to get through our line and up to Olympus. Me, Connor, Katie, Clarisse and Travis ran to the elevator and pressed the button for the 400th floor. But as we arrived there we saw the Fates carry out the dead body of Luke. I lowered my head remembering the time me, Luke and Clarisse were on the quest for the spear. At that time I never could have imagined that Luke would betray us, I looked over at Clarisse her eyes were cold towards Luke dead body. After all she lost alot of her siblings and her best friend today, Luke caused us all alot of pain. I remembered that as I straightened my shoulders before walking into the throne room of Olympus. Nearly in a instant Ares was besides Clarisse praising her on how bravely she fought the Drakon. Then my mother arrived together with Hades and Persephone.
Demeter :,,My son! You did great! If it weren't for those two mortals you would have defeated Kronos even before he got to Olympus."
I thanked my mother as Zeus finally called for order in the throne room.
Connor :,,You fine Izuku?"
Izuku :,,I have to find one of the Apollo kids my shoulder is killing me."
Zeus :,,As for Izuku the son of Demeter and descendant of Achilles I will give you something that once belonged to your great ancestor!"
No one POV.
2 weeks later.....
Izuku is seen in a mass of campers holding up Annabeth and Percy walking towards the shore of the lake. They were laughing as they threw the two into the lake but after 10 minutes they still didn't came up.
Travis :,,Where are they?"
Clarisse :,,They are taking their sweet time."
Izuku :,,Should we see if they are ok?"
Connor :,,They will be fine."
Slowly the group started to disperse, Izuku was walking towards the Demeter Cabin as he heard someone run after him.
Connor :,,Izuku!"
Izuku turned around.
Izuku :,,Oh Connor what is it?"
Connor :,,Here"
Izuku gasped :,,No way! It's the All Might attacking pose figurine! But they are brand new how did you get one so fast?"
Connor :,,Stole it."
Izuku :,,Really?! Why?!"
Connor :,,Remember that one figurine me and Travis destroyed four years ago before all of this started."
Izuku :,,Yeah."
Connor :,,Well I realised that I never made that up to you so. Yeah I hope you like it."
Izuku smiles practically blinding the son of Hermes.
Izuku :,,I love it thank you so much!"
Izuku hugs Connor and gives him a kiss on the cheek before running of towards the Demeter Cabin to add the new figurine to his collection. While Connor was left behind staring and blushing at the son of Demeter.
Travis :,,oh oh oh little bro got a crush?"
Connor :,,S-shut up!"
Now here as a little explanation about Achilles spear.
Achilles spear is very powerful, in the Illias the spear was able to pierce armor with one thrust and never missed it's target. That is what I tried to build in here and I hope that I brought it over good.
Well anyways I hope you liked this chapter.
Makedonius out!
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