Chapter 1.
No one POV.
A small child maybe 7 years old is seen running through the night of Musutafu. Something is hunting him and it was catching up to the small boy fast. The boy ran as fast as he could but it seemed like that thing was gonna get him if he wanted to or not.
But then a whistle was heard and the next thing the small boy knew was that the thing fell to the ground before exploding into golden dust.
Izuku :,,What was that?"
He asked out of breath at that moment a teenage girl in a silver parka stepped out of the shadows.
??? :,,Are you Izuku Midoriya?"
Izuku :,,Ahm no."
??? :,,..... you are a bad liar."
Izuku :,,No I am not."
??? :,,Yes you are. Anyways! I am Zoe Nightshade I was send to bring you to camp."
Izuku :,,Hold up! Why should I go with you? I just met you. Also what camp?"
Zoe :,,Listen if I wanted to kill you I would have by now. Also I just saved your live, I wouldn't have done that if I wnated you dead and the camp I am talking about were people like you are safe from those things."
Izuku :,,Wait there are more of those?!"
Zoe :,,Of course. Now come on I am not gonna save you a second time."
Zoe turned away from Izuku and walked down the street, Izuku looking back at where the monster was hesitated for a second but then shaked his head.
Izuku :,,I got nothing here anyways."
He then quickly ran after the older girl not wanting to be left behind.
2 days later on a cargo ship in the middle of the Pacific:
Izuku :,,Why didn't we take a plane?"
Zoe :,,Because Zeus is pissed at Demeter at the moment and I am not risking being shot down by a lightning bolt."
Izuku :,,Right..."
Izuku still didn't believed half of the things Zoe told him in the last two days. Apparently his mom that he never met is a Goddess and that his dad died because a monster hunted him. Causing him to grow up with his aunt and her asshole of a husband and son. It didn't got better as he was diagnosed as quirkless.
On the other side there were weird things that happened around him whenever his emotions got the better of him. Like one time a branch of a tree fell on Bakugou as the explosive kid hunted him through the woods, Bakugou had to go to the hospital because of a heavy concussion and a broken shoulder. He could have died if it wasn't for Izuku dragging him back to the street and calling a ambulance. After that Bakugou left Izuku mostly alone but he was also deeply afraid of trees for a while. But that wasn't the only incident where something weird happened, thinking about those incidents Izuku started to realise that some of those incidents were hardly to explain with good luck. Branches breaking of from healthy trees exactly at the moment when he is in danger or the roots of plants suddenly sticking out of the ground and tripping his cousin and his gang of bullies.
Zoe :,,What is on your mind?"
Izuku :,,Huh? What?"
Zoe :,,You just were staring at the wall of the container."
Izuku :,,Oh. Well I just remembered a few incidents. Now that I think about them they seem less like a incident."
Zoe :,,Yeah that happens to many Demigods. Their powers protecting them without them even realising."
Izuku :,,A question. Are all Demigods quirkless?"
Zoe :,,Mostly, there are some that have quirks but they are really weak most of the time that is unless the quirk fits with their godly powers. If we say for example a child of Aphrodite has a quirk that allows them to make their skin smooth, combine that with their godly side then the quirk gets 3 times stronger. Their skin could get so smooth that attacks just bounce right off."
Izuku :,,So if I had a plant quirk it would get boosted?"
Zoe :,,Yep."
Izuku just nodded as Zoe just closed her eyes.
Zoe :,,You should try to get some sleep. This will be a long trip."
Izuku sighed before he layed down on the cold floor of the cargo container. He thought about what was ahead of him and how much his life was gonna change. But one thing he was sure about is that nothing will be as it was before for him.
5 days later, Port of San Francisco:
Zoe :,,Hey! Wake up!"
Izuku :,,Huh huh? What's going on?"
Zoe :,,We have arrived we need to get off before they check the containers."
Izuku :,,Oh"
Zoe pulled Izuku to his feets, she then walked to the entrance of the container opening it slightly. She peered outside before turning to Izuku.
Zoe :,,The coast is clear let's go."
Zoe ran out of the container quickly followed by Izuku they ran through the port past other containers. They only stopped running as they reached the end of the port and walked into a busy street.
Izuku :,,Where are we?"
Zoe :,,San Francisco."
Izuku :,,We are in the USA?!"
Zoe :,,Yeah of course where else did you thought we would go?"
Izuku :,,Greece because my mom is a Greek Goddess."
Zoe :,,Fair point but no. You see Olympus moves with the center of the Western World. Once that was Greece, then it was Italy, then France and England until it shifted here to the USA."
Izuku :,,Wait Olympus could even be in Japan?"
Zoe :,,If it is the center of the Western World maybe. Anyways, let's grab some supplies we have a long way ahead of us."
Izuku :,,Where is that Camp anyways?"
Zoe :,,Long Island, New York."
Izuku :,,Wait so we traveled over the Pacific and now we have to travel all across the USA?"
Zoe :,,Yeah got any problem with that?"
Izuku :,,..... No let's go."
Zoe :,,Good, oh and here you will need this."
Zoe held out a bronze dagger and dropped it in his hands.
Izuku :,,A dagger for what do I need that?"
Zoe :,,To fight of the Monsters of course. The sooner you start to learn how to defend yourself the better for us. Also that dagger is made out of Celestial bronze, it will kill monsters but it will be useless against normal mortals."
Izuku :,,Ok?"
Zoe :,,Now let's go, the sun is still up for a 5 hours. I want to get out of San Francisco today."
Zoe took the lead, Izuku put the dagger in his pocket as he tried to keep up with the older girl. Just then Izuku's stomach growled.
Zoe :,,How about we get a Hot Dog first."
Izuku :,,Sounds nice. But I don't know how to speak english."
Zoe :,,No worry I will order."
Izuku :,,Where did you even learn how to speak Japanese?"
Zoe :,,I didn't we are speaking ancient greek at the moment."
Izuku :,,Wait what?"
Zoe laughed :,,You didn't realised that? We have spoken greek the entire time."
Izuku :,,But I never learned how to speak greek."
Zoe :,,It's natural for you. That is why you have problems reading and writing, your brain is put on the greek language. So you could say Japanese is a foreign language for it."
Izuku :,,Great and let me guess I will have to learn english now aswell."
Zoe :,,Yep"
Izuku :,,Great."
1 Month Later near Long Island:
Zoe :,,FASTER!!"
Izuku :,,I CAN'T ANY FASTER!!"
Zoe and Izuku were running from a group of Hellhounds. It was dark and raining as they ran through the woods trying to get to camp.
Just then a Hellhound came out of nowhere and jumped onto Zoe, they fell to the ground as the Hellhound tried to bite Zoe. Izuku thinking fast pulled out his dagger and jumped on the Hellhound thrusting his dagger into the back of the beast. The beast exploded into golden dust and Izuku grabbed Zoes arm trying to pull her up but she was unconscious with blood dripping down from a wound on her head.
Izuku :,,Damnit!"
Then Izuku heard growling and he looked up seeing the pack of Hellhounds surrounding him and Zoe.
Izuku :,,Leave us alone!"
But the Hellhounds just growled at him, that pack had hunted him and Zoe for 2 days now. His mind suddenly was filled with anger, those dogs hurted Zoe they bit her and now she is unconscious because of them. He was hungry, he was tired and frustrated so he screamed out in anger but it sounded more like rolling thunder.
The Hellhounds backed away fear in their eyes before one of them started yelping and running away, the others following quickly after. Izuku was stunned as he saw the pack of Hellhounds running away.
Izuku :,,They actually left."
Snapping out of his suprise he turned back to Zoe who was still unconscious. He growned and huffed as he lifted the girl up, she was taller then him and heavier. But he tried his best to ignore it as he put the girl on his back and dragged her up the hill.
Izuku :,,Nearly. There."
He huffed and groaned until he finally saw a lonely Pine tree ontop of the hill.
Izuku :,,Come on!"
Izuku finally with the last of his strength managed to reach the top of the hill. But there was nothing there only the view over a plain field.
Izuku :,,W-what? Here is nothing!?"
He turned around his hope of safety shattering as he saw nothing, no camp, no house not even a ruin of something. Until he heard a gentle female voice.
??? :,,Go ahead."
Izuku :,,Huh?"
??? .,,Go ahead. There is safety ahead."
The same voice said again, Izuku turned around looking for the person where the voice came from but he found nothing. The voice rang out again but this time she sounded more demanding, Izuku though felt like he could trust the voice. So he took a step forward and then another until all of a sudden the field infront of him changed. Izukus jaw dropped as several cabins surrounded by training grounds and strawberry fields appeared infront of him.
Izuku :,,Wow..."
Izuku shaked his head concentrating on the task ahead. He had to find help, he looked around until he saw light coming out of a big house. He readjusted Zoe on his back before he made his way towards the big house, he was just about to go up the stairs as a man half horse, half human came opened the door bow in hand.
Izuku gritted his teeth :,,Great."
The next morning:
Zoe groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.
Zoe :,,What the fuck happened?"
Chiron :,,Ah! You are finally awake."
Zoe looked to her left to see Chiron standing in the doorframe.
Zoe :,,Chiron? How did I get here? Where is Izuku?!"
Chiron :,,He brought you here while you were unconscious and right now he is with Annabeth who shows him around camp."
Zoe :,,What? How? We were hunted by a pack of Hellhounds. How did he get us both here?"
Chiron :,,Well he says he screamed at them and they ran away."
Zoe :,,He screamed? So he has the ability of-"
Chiron :,,Of his ancestor yes. Combine that with his godly powers and natural strength that comes with being a demigod and you get a very mighty Demigod."
Zoe :,,Gods and I thought his bloodline died out centuries ago."
Chiron :,,Same, I never could have imagined it getting all the way from Greece to Japan."
Zoe :,,..... so what now?"
Chiron :,,First we will wait until his mother claims him and then I don't know. I guess we wait until we get a sign."
With Izuku:
We can see Izuku walking around with the one year older Annabeth Chase. Annabeth was showing him the Cabins and they just reached the Hermes Cabin.
Annabeth :,,This is the Hermes Cabin. He is the God of Travels. You will stay there until.... forget it."
Izuku :,,Huh?"
Annabeth :,,You are going to the Demeter Cabin."
She pointed above Izukus head, Izuku looked up just in time to see a glowing sheaves of Wheat fading.
Annabeth :,,Hail to Izuku Midoriya son of Demeter!"
4 years later:
We can see a 11 year old Izuku sitting by his siblings on the Demeter table during lunch. It has been around 2 weeks since Percy Jackson joined the camp and yesterday was the day he was claimed. It happened during the game of Capture the Flag and it shocked the whole camp. Percy Jackson was the child of Poseidon one of the big three a child that shouldn't be according to the oath the big three took after World War 2.
Anyways Izuku was sitting with his siblings as Chiron walked past their table.
Chiron :,,Ah Izuku would you be so kind to come to the Big House after lunch. I have something to tell you."
Izuku :,,Oh of course Chiron."
Chiron walked away and his sister Katie Gardener asked him.
Katie :,,Did you do something?"
Izuku :,,No? Atleast not that I know."
Izuku finished his lunch and then headed up towards the Big House where Chiron and Mr. D live. They were sitting outside playing cards as they saw Izuku.
Chiron :,,Ah! Izuku, perfect."
Izuku :,,You wanted to see me?"
Chiron :,,Yes you see we got a quest for you."
Izuku :,,A quest?! Why?! What do I have to do?! Is it-"
Mr.D :,,Shut it!..... Good. Now you see the quest is about you retrieving a family heirloom of yours."
Izuku :,,A heirloom? From the Midoriyas?"
Chiron :,,Well kinda. This heirloon has been in the posassion of your bloodline far longer, the family of Midoriya didn't even existed at that time."
Izuku :,,Ok, then what is that heirloom?"
Chiron :,,A spear."
Izuku :,,A spear? Just a spear?"
Mr.D :,,It's not just a spear, it's the Pelian Spear. The Spear of Achilles."
Izuku :,,.... What?"
Chiron :,,Do you remember what happened as you arrived at camp? As you screamed at those Hellhounds and they ran."
Izuku :,,Yes?"
Chiron :,,You see Achilles not only was invulnerable but he also had another ability his scream. His scream was so mighty it caused fear among his enemies especially if it was filled with anger it sounded like rolling thunder and you have that ability."
Izuku :,,Like Pan."
Mr.D :,,No, Pan's screamed caused panic. Achilles scream caused fear."
Chiron :,,We thought his Bloodline died out until you were born."
Mr.D :,,His spear was lost to us centuries ago. But we got a prophecy that only one of Achilles blood will be able to find it."
Chiron :,,When the Blood of the King of the Myrmidons steps up once again the spear will be found.
Guarded by 7 Guards of mud and stone, hidden away of the sunlight under a mountain.
The heads of 4 great Leaders rest above, their noses held high.
The Blood of the Myrmidons King will claim his fate or lose the Spear to a enemy far worse."
Mr.D :,,This prophecy is quite forward so you should have no problem puzzle it together. Now get a team together you will start your journey in two days. Now go I have a card game to win."
As Izuku walked away as the things they talked about rushed through his head.
So Chapter 1 done!!
I hope you like it. If you do then please let me know.
I will try my best to make this story as enjoyable as possible.
If you have suggestions on how I should improve the story.
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