Chapter 7. Entrance exam
No one POV.
Izuku woke up at 5 am in the morning he took a shower he took some clothes and dressed up he wore the jacket he got as a gift he ate the rest of the cake he bought yesterday from the restaurant but not before he burned a part as offering to the gods. Then he did somerhing he never did he put on make up to hide the freckles, he knew that everybody told him that they wouldn't recognise him but he just wanted to make sure. After everything was done he walked to his garage jumped on his bike and drove to UA.
After half a hour he reached his destination he parked his bike and walked towards the entrance of UA. As he walked his phone rang he took it out and looked at the number it was his mom.
Izuku :,,Hey mom, what's up?"
Sally :,,Hey Izu I just wanted to call to wish you good luck."
Izuku :,,Thanks mom but I am recomended so I don't really need it."
Sally :,,I know but I just wanted to make sure you are ok."
Izuku :,,I am ok mom nervous yes but I am ok."
Sally :,,Good to hear please call me after the exam and tell me how it went."
Izuku :,,Will do mom goodbye."
Sally :,,Bye Izu."
Izuku hung up and continued his walk towards the entrance he walked through the gate and saw a group of 3 people one of them tripping. Izuku made a tiny tornado and stopped the girl from falling the group was shocked to see a timy tornado all of a sudden. Izuku walked over to them and said.
Izuku :,,Sorry that I used my quirk on you but we wouldn't want you to trip the first day now would we." he said nicely.
Izuku looked at the group only to see his 2 oldest friends Kyouka and Momo together with a guy he didn't knew.
Kyouka :,,Yeah thank you."
Izuku :,,No problem."
Guy :,,Who are you and why are you not wearing you're school uniform?"
Izuku :,,My name is Izuku Jackson and I come from the USA we don't have uniforms like in Japan."
Momo and Kyoka got sad eyes as I said that my name was Izuku but they recovered fast.
Guy :,,Oh I am sorry I didn't know my name is Tenya Iida nice to meet you Jackson." he stretched out his hand for Izuku to shake.
Izuku :,,Oh no problem nice to meet you aswell Iida and you two are?" he already knew theyr names but he couldn't let them know.
Momo :,,My name is Momo Yaoyorozu nice to meet you Jackson -san"
Kyouka :,,The name is Kyouka Jiro nice to meet you."
Kyouka looked bored but that changed in a flesh as she looked past Izuku at the gate.
Kyouka :,,Come on Tenya the exam will start soon see you later Momo."
Momo :,,See you later Kyo bye Tenya and good luck to both of you."
Iida :,,Thank you Momo until later."
Izuku didn't need to look back to knew why Kyouka wanted to go he knew it already.
??? :,,HOI, get out of our way extra." (You know who)
Izuku only to make them angry didn't and talked to Momo.
Izuku :,,Why are you not going to the exam?" knowing the answer.
Momo :,,Oh I am recomended and you?"
Izuku :,,Me too do you know were to go?"
Momo :,,Yeah I kno...."
??? :,,Hoi, I said get out of my way extra."
Now Izuku turned sideways looking at them with his left eye showing of the scar they gave him.
Izuku :,,You know in the time we talked here you could just walked around us."
He saw all of his tormentors standing there Izumi, Shoka and Katsumi were little taken aback as they saw the scar Shoto was calm as always and Katsuki was fuming with anger.
Katsuki :,,What did you say!?!"
Izuku :,,You heard me you angry Pomerinian."
Katsuki :,,You little fuck!"
Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the collar and turned him around fully he brought up his hand to intimidate him with his quirk but nothing came out. Katsuki looked at his hand as he realized that his quirk didn't activate, he looked backt to Izuku and asked.
Katsuki :,,What did you do you damn extra?!"
Izuku :,,Oh nothing." he said calmly pissing Katsuki off more.
Katsuki formed a fist in an attempt to punch Izuku but was stopped by Izumi.
Izumi :,,Kacchan calm down he isn't worth it."
Katsuki let go off Izuku and walked away towards the entrance.
Izumi :,,Sorry about him."
Izuku :,,No problem"
Izumi :,,Oh hey Mo....."
Momo :,,Don't talk to me Yagi come on Jackson-san I show you were the recomendation is."
Izumi looked upset the same goes for the other two females only Shoto kept an emotionless face.
Izuku :,,Oh ok goodbye."
Izumi :,,Bye"
Izuku walked after Momo who was still a little bit angry bur calmed down fast and then asked Izuku.
Momo :,,How did you do that?"
Izuku :,,Did what?"
Momo :,,Erased his quirk."
Izuku :,,Oh I didn't erased it I just controlled his sweat so it didn't explode."
Momo :,,You did what?"
Izuku :,,My quirk is a DG ranked water manipulation quirk so I simple controlled his sweat" (DG = Demigod this rank was made for Demigods)
Momo :,,DG ranked!"
Momo yelled catching the attention from the people around them.
Izuku :,,Yeah but please don't scream it around."
Momo :,,Oh sorry about that."
They walked a part in silence as Momo spoke up again.
Momo :,,But how did you made that little tornado?"
Izuku :,,I controlled the water particles in the air."
Momo :,,Wow I knew DG quirks are strong but that you can controle it so easy." (DG "quirks" are known to be the strongest quirks on earth)
Izuku :,,I trained hard."
Momo :,,I see but how did you know that his quirk works with sweat?"
Izuku :,,Lucky guess." he lied
Momo :,,Oh ok..... a we are here."
They stood before a door Momo knocked and behind it you could hear a "come in". Momo opened the door and went inside followed by Izuku. They saw Principal Nezu and Aizawa together with some Pro Heroes two of them were All Might and Green Wave and one other student that was Shoka Todoroki.
Nezu :,,Ah it looks like our other recomended students are here."
Momo :,,Good day Sir." she said and bowed Izuku did the same.
Nezu :,,Good day to you aswell now that every recomended student is here it's time to begin you're exam.
Every adult begun leaving the office, Green Wave looked at Izuku and Izuku hoped she didn't recognised him already but lucky for him she didn't as everyone was gone it were only 5 people in the room Shoka, Izuku, Momo, Nezu and Aizawa.
Nezu :,,Mrs. Todoroki, Mrs. Yaoyorozu here are you're exam."
Nezu gave them the exam and then turned towards Izuku.
Nezu :,,And you Mr. Jackson can go with Aizawa here for youre oral exam."
Shoka :,,Why can he make a oral exam?"
Nezu :,,Because Mr.Jackson here has dislexia and it's easyer for him."
Shoka :,,Oh sorry."
Nezu :,,Now Mr. Jackson please follow Aizawa here."
Izuku :,,Ok"
Izuku and Aizawa walked out of the room as they were outside the room Izuku let out a deep breath what he didn't know he was holding.
Aizawa :,,Are you ok?"
Izuku :,,Yeah it's just weird to see them again."
Aizawa :,,I can imagine"
Izuku :,,So what are we gonna do?"
Aizawa :,,Nothing we are gonna wait half an hour and then go to the monitor room and look at the normal exam."
Izuku :,,Ok have nothing against that."
So they did that they simple sat in a random room for half a hour talking about random stuff until they went towards the monitor room. Everyone was suprised to see that Izuku already finished his exam. They sat down and waited Momo and Shoka joining them after another half hour. Izuku looked around the monitor room and saw GW (Green Wave), All Might, Endeavor and to his suprise Blue Devil (Dabi ,Touya). As the written exam was over the physical part started.
Nezu :,,Quite a good bunch this year."
Vlad King :,,Yeah some of them have very strong quirks."
Aizawa :,,Yeah but no technique behind it they simple relate on theyr quirk that isn't good."
Touya :,,Power without technique can lead to theyr downfall."
All Might :,,How is our daughter doing Sir?"
Nezu :,,Pretty good she got enough rescue points sucess with that alone."
All Might :,,Ah I didn't expected anything less from her she trained to be one of the best."
Izuku tried to stay calm but to say it was hard but then Touya spoke up.
Touya :,,Oh yeah how did she train by bullying quirkless people?"
This caught everyone in the room of guard atleast those people who didn't know about Izuku and what happened to him.
Snipe :,,What do you mean?"
Endeavor :,,Nothing" he gave a knowing look towards his son and Touya shut his mouth.
All Might and GW on the other hand looked at the ground knowing very well what he ment.
Izuku :,,Who is first place?" he asked to bring the tension down.
Nezu looked at his laptop and said :,,that would be Kyouka Jiro"
Nezu switched the cameras towards Kyouka, she sliced robots with her Katana or destroyed them with her quirk.
Izuku :,,She knows how to swing a sword."
Momo :,,Yeah she does she trained very hard for this"
Izuku looked at Momo who looked proud at her best friend.
Nezu :,,It's time to realese the Kraken."
He pressed a red button and we could see the 0 Pointer rise in the fake city's
Izumi POV.
I punched a 3 pointer and searched for other robots as the ground started to rumble. I looked around and saw people run from the 0 Pointer, he was gigantic and I thought that isn't worth it until I heard a scream for help and saw a brown heard girl with a round face. I run towards and lifted the chunk that fell on her with my telekinesis and threw it at the 0 Pointer.
Izumi :,,Can you walk?"
??? :,,No my ankle hurts."
I lifted her with my telekinesis and started to run away until I was hit with a extreme headache, not the best time for that. I tripped and my telekinesis stopped working the girl also fell to the ground I looked around and saw the 0 pointer throwing a punch towards us, I closed my eyes.
Izumi :,,I am sorry Izu."
I waited for the punch but it never came I heard a gasp from the girl beside me I opened my eyes and saw that the robot was punched back from a fist made of water and I saw the boy from earlier controlling the water. He then again attacked the 0 pointer only this time the water pierced trough the robot destroying it. He then turned around and walked towards us.
Izuku :,,Are you alright?"
Izumi :,,Yeah I just overused my quirk and her ankle is probably sprained or broken."
He nodded and helped us up and walked us towards the entrance were we were greeted by Recovery girl he then left.
Izuku POV.
I walked back towards the monitor room and as I went in I saw that everyone was looking at me.
Izuku :,,What?"
Cementoss :,,What, what you just destroyed that 0 pointer like it was nothing."
I just shrugged as Ass Might and Green Bitch came over to me and bowed before me.
All Might :,,Thanks for saving our daughter young man."
GW :,,We are in your debt."
I waved my hand and said :,,No problem that is what every hero would do."
They thanked me again and then left, probably to check on theyr little princess.
Endeavor, Shoka and Touya also left as the exam was over I also walked to my bike and drove home. I called mom and told her how it went she was glade to hear that I am ok and that I didn't attacked them as soon as I saw them. I also called my friends and talked to them, after that I went out to buy some groceries and then cooked dinner, took a shower, watched TV and then went to sleep and prepared myself mentally to see them again in two weeks.
Author Note:
Hey guys new chapter I hope you like it. This note is about the other story I start soon Izuku Newgate I couldn't decide what Devil Fruit Izuku gets there so I wanted to ask you guys I decided on three devil Fruits from each type one.
Paramecia: Ito Ito no Mi, String fruit from Doflamingo.
Zoan: the neko neko no mi type Leopard from Rob Lucci
Logia: Hie Hie no Mi the Ice fruit from Kuzan
tell me what fruit you would like Izuku to have.
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