Chapter 49. Ikarus
No one POV.
Izumi :,,Everybody please go this way!!"
Class 1A and B helped with the evacuation, the pro heroes helped aswell since they couldn't do anything else. Jiro run towards her sister as Miruko just helped a mother with her child.
Jiro :,,Rumi!"
Miruko :,,Kyouka what is it I don't have time right now!"
Jiro :,,That is dad! Dad is fighting someone I could hear him!"
Miruko :,,Dammit! Who the hell is he fighting to cause something like this!?"
Izuku :,,Another god probably!"
Izuku had his trident in his hand and he looked ready for a fight.
Miruko :,,Izuku what are you doing with youre trident!?"
Izuku :,,What does it look like I am gonna stop this fight what else!"
Jiro :,,Are you crazy you can't get involved in a fight between gods!"
Izuku :,,Whatch me!"
Izuku run down the street deeper into the storm.
Miruko :,,You idiot come back here!"
Just as Miruko was about to run after him Koda came running over a little mouse in his hand.
Koda :,,The mouse told me that there are more people in need for help in that building over there!"
Miruko looked at the building at then down the street were Izuku was running.
Miruko :,,Gods, good luck Maelstorm, come on Jiro those people need our help!"
Jiro :,,But Izuku!"
Miruko :,,He will be ok when there is someone who can stop this then him, now come on!"
Jiro looked in the direction were Izuku run off and then ran after her sister towards the building.
*with Izuku*
We can see Izuku running down the street using his trident to deafened himself from the flying cars and debris.
Izuku :,,Dam in which direction is Dagobah?"
??? :,,This way"
Izuku heard this voice and immediately recognised, he turned towards the voice and saw the person who kidnaped him.
Izuku :,,Phobia"
Phobia :,,Maelstorm"
Izuku :,,I wouldn't be suprised if you have something to do with this."
Phobia :,,HAHAHAHA and you would be right, you see I worked hard to set this up."
Izuku :,,You set up two gods to fight each other, do you know what you did!"
Phobia :,,I am very well aware but this fight serves a higher purpose."
Izuku :,,One that is more worth then the life of all those people!"
Phobia :,,Those people who you try to protect brought this upon themselves, I was treated like a villian even if I wanted to become a hero just because of my quirk I was treated like scum even if I didn't do anything to deserve that you know of what I am talking about you were treated worse but still you are standing there and I am here."
Phobia pulled out a one of his guns and aimed at Izuku.
Phobia :,,Do you want to know how I got these scar across my mouth? My own brother did this and he wasn't punished no instat he was treated like an angel while I was treated like a devil!"
Izuku :,,You are right this society is sick but do you think this here will change it, look around you death and destruction this will change nothing!"
Phobia :,,You are wrong"
Izuku :,,What do you mean?"
Phobia :,,Did you ever heard the story of Ikarus the boy with wax wings, he flew to close to the sun and the wax melted making him fall down to earth, this society, the heroes and the villians they are all Ikarus so high of themselves and I am the sun the one who will remind them that they are only humans."
Izuku :,,And youre way to show that is by letting two gods fight each other."
Phobia :,,Yes but I get 2 for the price of one."
Izuku :,,What?"
Izuku dodged a flying rock but Phobia kept his gun pointed at Izuku not caring about the chaos around him.
Phobia :,,I am a demigod just like you but other then you my godly parent just want me to harvest fear so he gets stronger he also is Ikarus reaching for Olympus but today he will find his end by the hand of a mortal."
Izuku's eyes widened :,,You can't be serious that is impossible you can't kill a god!"
Phobia :,,Yes I can and I will this will not only be a warning for the mortals but also the immortals."
Izuku charged at Phobia, Phobia dodged Izuku's attack. Izuku got into a fighting stance but he had to jump as the building besides him began to collapse. Izuku just dodged it in time to not get squished but as he looked up he saw Phobia aiming at him, Izuku tried to move out of the way but...
Phobia shot, the bullet flew and pierced through Izuku's chest and heart. Izuku collapsed to the ground he screamed in pain. Phobia walked over to Izuku. He stood above Izuku looking down on him as a crazy smile made it's way on his face.
Phobia :,,No fear Jackson you won't die, but I can't have you get in the way either."
Izuku looked up at Phobia :,,How am I still alive, I can feel the hole in my heart."
Phobia :,,Let's just say you can't die anymore atleast not that easy anymore."
Phobia then kneeled down and looked directly into Izuku's eyes, Phobia wanted to use his chloroform quirk but as he reached for Izuku he was met with a trident he tried to block it but the trident pierced through his hand.
Phobia :,,AAAAH you son of a bi...."
Izuku pushed forward pushing Phobia back. Izuku got up as Phobia stumbeld backwards holding his bleeding hand. Izuku then charge at Phobia, Phobia dodged and got his knife out he stabbed at Izuku who easily dodged. Izuku then shoulderd his trident holding it like a bat, Phobia reached for his gun but Izuku was faster he swung his trident and hit Phobia in the face. Phobia fell backwards on the ground. Izuku stabbed at Phobia but Phobia rolled out of the way got his gun out and shot at Izuku he hit his knee. Izuku screamed and got on one knee, Phobia got up and kneeled Izuku in the face. Izuku fell backwards but as he fell he brought his leg up and kicked at Phobia's knee a crack was heard Phobia's knee was broken and Phobia fell to the ground holdinge his knee. Izuku got up and walked over to Phobia and got on his knees infront of him and looked into Phobia's eyes what were filled with anger.
Izuku :,,You are right this society is like Ikarus but you forgot to look at yourself because you became one too that is why you lost."
With those words Izuku punched Phobia in his face knocking him out. Izuku then got up using his trident as crutch. He walked towards the direction of Dagobah beach towards the fighting gods. As he reached the stairs he had to put all of his strength into his one good leg to move forward since the winds were so extremely strong he was on top of the stairs he saw the two gods fighting. Bishamon slashing at Phobos while Phobos blocked every attack and countered with his own attacks what wee blocked or dodged by Bishamon.
Izuku :,,Time to move into the eye of the storm."
to be continued.......
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