Izuku was walking with Jirou and Jirou was feeling strange with him.
Jirou: (What is this feeling...)
Izuku: I know you are not comfortable around me, Jirou...
Jirou was confused about what Izuku said.
Izuku: Don't play dumb, most people either hate or fear me... Which one are you?
Jirou: I don't hate or fear you... I don't know how I feel about you, it feels like my chest is gonna explode...
Jirou: *embarrassed* Why are you laughing!?
Izuku: Because, you are in love.
Jirou: W-what?!
Izuku: It's obvious... You know, you are so damn cute, but so damn dense...
Then they made it to Jirou's house and Mr. Jirou opened the door.
Mr. Jirou: *shaking in fear because of Izuku* Who are you?
Izuku: Yujiro Hanma, don't worry... I'm just walking Kyoka home to make sure she didn't get attacked again.
Mr. Jirou: Oh... Well, then come in!
Izuku then came inside and sat with the family.
Izuku: May I have some tea, sir?
Mr. Jirou: Of course! *brings him tea*
Izuku: Thank you, now ask your questions...
Mrs. Jirou: How old are you? If you don't mind, Mr. Hanma.
Izuku: I am 15 and please call me Yujiro.
Mr. Jirou: How the hell are you that Goddamn big? You taking steroids?
Izuku: Hahahahaha!!!
Mr. Jirou: Am I a joke to you?!
Izuku: Sorry, but it's just not how we Hanma's build muscle... We do so through combat.
The Jirou family was confused and Mr. Jirou decided to ask the question.
Mr. Jirou: Are you... *gulp* "The Ogre"?
Izuku: Yes, I was sent to fight in the jungles of Vietnam when I was a kid... I returned as something more than a man... I returned as The Ogre.
Izuku: Of course, I may be violent and brutal at times, but I have always had one thing in my heart...
Mrs. Jirou: What's that?
Izuku: The love that my little sister always gave me... It was the only thing that kept me sane when I was in that damn jungle...
Mr. Jirou: Really?
Izuku then looked at Mr. Jirou with a serious face.
Izuku: But, to say I didn't enjoy the challenge of fighting entire armies of armed men would be a lie.
Izuku then looked at Jirou and gave her an offer most would kill for.
Izuku: Kyoka, if you really are interested then come to Dagobah beach this weekend with Izumi, Nejire, and Katsumi.
Izuku then left to pay a visit to Emi Akezawa(Baki's mom).
Izuku: (This should be interesting...)
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