Not Exactly Evil
Midoriya scribbled furiously in his notebook, not looking up from the pages. It was easy for him to write it down in code, as he had memorized the codes he used for his notebooks. He had seen a hero fight, and wanted to write down his analysis before he forgot it. He was unaware that he was muttering in backwards talk while doing so.
People stared at him, but he couldn't care less. When he was analyzing something, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. He just blocked it all out. He was rather good at that.
Too any onlookers, he looked like some crazy lunatic scribbling nonsense in his book, but it was their fault for watching him.
Once he had finished, he shut the notebook gently, not wanting to accidentally destroy the pages. They were extremely delicate, after Bakugou had blown the notebook up and thrown it in the fountain. Midoriya snapped his fingers in front of his forehead, distracting him from the memory before it fully surfaced. He scanned the area, before turning onto a path, which would lead him home.
He picked at the quirk suppressant braclet that he wore, finding the clip on it and tugging it off. He was required to wear one in school, as the teachers and students all said he had a villain's quirk and didn't want him to posess anyone or enter their minds. Midoriya didn't plan on using his quirk to teleport home, it was a nice day, and he wanted to enjoy it. Having the quirk suppressant braclet just made him feel nauseous. He placed the braclet in one of his backpack pockets.
Cherry blossoms danced to the ground, as the gentle breeze shook them out of the trees. The wind picked the petals back up, and they seemed to fly as they swirled around in the air. Wildflowers and clovers swayed in the breeze, their bright yellows and reds and blues and violets standing out amongst the green. There were few, fluffy clouds in the air, painted like cotton candy by the slowly setting sun. Birds sat in the trees, singing a beautiful song that seemed to be harmonized with the crickets that chirped in the grass. No one else was there, just Midoriya and the nature. How'd he get to the park anyway..? He was sure he was heading home...
Midoriya sat down on a bench, inhaling the sweet, fresh air. He almost wished he had a camera, it was such a beautiful sunset. Too bad he was all alone, and had no one to enjoy it with. That was fine, Midoriya liked the peace and quiet of sitting alone in the park. He always had.
Pink petals from cherry trees landed in his green hair, causing for him to chuckle. A small smile graced his lips, far more genuine than the large, fake smiles he gave his mother to ensure that he was fine. He snapped his fingers in front of his head again. He didn't want to ruin the plesant atmosphere for himself with unwanted thoughts.
He watched as butterflies fluttered about, their large, pretty wings flapping gracefully. They went from one flower to the next, drinking the pollen from the delicate plants. They flew away, possibly to the nearby woods.
"It's getting dark... the twins will probably get worried soon. I should head home" Midoriya mumbled to himself, standing up and shaking the petals out of his hair.
He walked out of the park, and went to the appartment complex that he, his mother, and the Pines twins lived in. Inko wouldn't be home that day, as she had to go to work. The Pines twins would live with the Midoriyas until they found a different place to live. Besides, the two of them wanted to keep an eye on him, with his similarity to Bill. Midoriya went inside, climbing the stairs up to their floor. He would use his quirk, but that drew alot of attention, and he didn't like attention.
He slowly opened the door, not seeing or hearing anything. Maybe they went to bed? It is pretty late...
Or Mabel is trying to get Dipper to decode my notebooks again..
Midoriya shrugged, noticing the way his stomache growled at him. He needed to eat something.
He opened up the cupboards, and used is telekinesis to get a packet of instant ramen off the top shelf. Yeah, he was too short to reach the ramen otherwise.
After he had cooked the noodles in the microwave, he began to eat them, satisfying his hunger.
Midoriya then walked over to the hallway with everyone's rooms. As he got closer, he could hear whispers coming from his room. He opened the door a crack, only to see Dipper and Mabel looking through a book. It was the one about what had happened during Weirdmaggedon. They looked up at him, startled. Mabel jumped up, and hugged him, "Heya Zuku!!" Dipper stared at him with distrust, "Cipher, what took so long?"
"Sorry, I decided to go to the park for a little bit before coming home... And there was a hero fight... And Kacchan..." Midoriya mumbled.
"Who is this 'Kacchan' guy, anyway?" Mabel asked, still hugging Midoriya.
"Oh! Katsuki Bakugou, or as I call him, Kacchan. He has an explosion quirk, and an explosive personality to match. He's kind of a jerk, and he has a large ego. Kacchan and I used to be friends, but we became... distant, when our quirks manifested." Midoriya rambled.
"Soo, childhood friend turned rivals?" Mabel asked, and Midoriya shook his head.
"No... rivals suggests we're equals.. Kacchan is way better than me..."
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