Cell Party
Meanwhile, in another universe, two individuals were just standing in the middle of the Cell Games Arena. The two individuals being Cell and Kermit The Frog.
Kermit:Cell? Do you have ANYTHING to do around here?
Cell:Oh, I'm sorry, if you're bored, go on one of your stupid adventures, Kermit!
Kermit:You know, that is NOT a bad idea, Cell. Let's go hit up the Mushroom Kingdom.
Cell:You wanna go to the Mushroom Kingdom? Do you not remember that it is one of the most dangerous places in that universe? And the fact that it has a large group of heroes that will not hesitate to try and defeat me?
Kermit:Wow, Cell, I didn't take you for a bitch.
In the Mushroom Kingdom, Cell and Kermit have just arrived there thanks to instant transmission and the two began to walk around.
Cell:I hope you know that if you die today, I'm not reviving you.
Kermit:Nothing like this universe. There's always crazy shit going down here.
Cell:If we're gonna be here, might as well squeeze some money out of some people. *Notices a building* Heights Alliance? *Smirks* Kermit. I think I may have found some suckers.
Cell and Kermit began to make their way to Class 1-A's dorms as Cell has an idea of what to do to get some money out of them. They eventually arrived and Cell just casually walked inside, causing everyone inside to snap their heads up towards the door.
Yaoyorozu:Uhhh...can we help you, by any chance?
Bakugo:Are you lost or something, you two?!
Iida:What are your names?
Cell:My name is Cell and this is my friend, Kermit.
Kermit:What's up?
Cell:And we're here because--
Vegeta:*Walks inside* The Saiyan Prince has arrived. *Notices Cell* The hell is he doing here?! He should be dead!
Cell:I'm not the one from here, so calm your panties, Vegeta. Now, before I was rudely interrupted, Kermit and I are here cuz we need some cash money.
Uraraka:You interrupted our TV time with Eri for that?
Kermit:You have a kid? In High School?
Cell:You two fucked?
Vegeta:Watch your mouth in front of the child!
Bakugo:Can I have some money now?
Cell:Yes, well Kermit and I have some friends and found some weirdos willing to pay for any four of you to bash each other and other stuff. And just so the cops here don't find out, I call this scheme...CELL PARTY!
Eri:A party? That sounds fun!
Cell:She's cute as a button.
Mineta:I want to die.
Cell:See? Even the little grape-head likes the idea! Also, whoever makes the most money gets this! *Reveals a star*
Cell:This thing is pretty useless but hey, it's shiny!
Bakugo:I~ NEED~ IT~!!!
Cell:You gotta make some dough, first! *Points at Izuku* You! *Points at Ochaco* You! *Points at Bakugo* You! *Points at Mineta* And you! Let's go!
Cell, Kermit, Midoriya, Uraraka, Bakugo and Mineta went down a warp pipe that took them to a large area that looks like a large board game board and every television screen in their home was tuned into the event, similar to the Cell Games.
Cell:Alright, Black here will explain the rules.
Gabriel:*Spits out his soda* Oh, come the hell on! How is he alive again?!
Goku Black:Take this big ass die, roll it and move that many number of spaces. Afterwards, you have to compete in a challenge where the prize is cash money.
Bakugo:I guess that makes sense.
Cell:*Throws them in the car* Just get in the frickin' car!
*Lakitu flies by*
Cell:*Shoots him down with a shotgun* Let's make Cell some money! *Throws the die down*
*Lands on three*
*Their car lands on the third space, giving them three coins*
Kermit:Time or a minigame, bitches!
Bakugo:This better be fun.
Uraraka:And what kind of game are we talking about, exactly?
Kermit:Beat each other's asses with these crowbars! Last one standing wins!
Uraraka:What?! That's crazy! No one would do that-
Bakugo:*Hits Uraraka through a wall* BUT I CAN~!!!
Mineta:OH MY GOD!
Bakugo:*Hits Mineta into a pole* YOU'RE NEXT, DEKU~!!!
Midoriya:KACCHAN! WAI--
Bakugo:*Hits Midoriya with the crowbar*
Eri:Mommy! Daddy!
Yaoyorozu:Don't worry, Eri. I'm sure they're okay.
Kermit:The blonde haired Vegeta wins!
*Money rains down as Bakugo dances*
Cell:YES! LOOK AT ALL MY MONEY! Uhhh, I mean, Blonde Vegeta's winning!
Bakugo:Heh. Of course. *Throws the die*
*Lands on two*
*Car lands on a red space, making them lose three coins*
Bakugo:God damn it!
Cell:You stupid BITCH.
Kermit:Who's ready for another minigame~?!
Midoriya and Uraraka:NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
The four were suddenly teleported to a large structure surrounded by lava and eventually Goku Black appeared floating ahead of them.
Goku Black:Alright, all you have to do in this minigame is just chill.
Midoriya:That doesn't sound too bad.
Uraraka:Yeah! Finally, a safe one!
Goku Black:*Smirks*...chill while I try and murder you! *Transforms into Super Saiyan Rose* Hahahahahaha!
Midoriya and Uraraka:Oh no.
Goku Black then started throwing ki blasts down at them as three of them dodged attacks only for Mineta to just stand in place.
Mineta:My body is ready.
Bakugo:Deku! Wanna become an umbrella for your old pal?
Bakugo:*Lifts Midoriya over his head* Thanks~. *Starts humming a song*
Midoriya:AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *Gets hit by one of the ki blasts*
Bakugo:Huh? Damn!
Bakugo:Hey, Roundface, wanna be my umbrella?
Uraraka:*Backflips off the structure into the lava*
Bakugo:Wow, what an asshole.
Goku Black:GOTCHA BITCH! *Throws a ki sphere down*
Bakugo:AHHHHHH!!! *Gets hit by the explosion off of the structure*
Kermit:Grape boy wins!
*Money rains down*
Mineta:But I wanna die.
They were all taken back to the board alive for some reason as Midoriya throws the die down. After landing on four, they went four spaces and landed on a green one.
Midoriya:What does the green space mean?
Cell:It means you're all fucked!
*Cell Jrs land a distance away from them with sticks of dynamite*
Bakugo:What the fu~?
Cell Jrs:*Start running towards them* YOLO~!!!
All four of them:*Scream their heads off*
Bakugo:Alright, I have an idea! But I'm only gonna say it ONCE!
Midoriya:Okay, Kacchan! We're all ears!
Bakugo:*Starts whispering the plan to them*
Uraraka:How is this gonna help?
Midoriya:*Looks up* Uhhh, Kacchan?
Bakugo:What, Deku?! *Looks around the car to see Cell Jrs* Oh, shit!
*Get blown across the board by the explosion*
Kermit:Oh, boy! Is it that time of the day again?
The four were in front of Shy Guy who takes out two pieces of toast.
Goku Black:In this minigame, just copy what the Shy Guy does with his toast.
Shy Guy:YAAA TOAST! *Lifts the burnt toast*
Midoriya, Uraraka and Mineta:*Do the same*
Bakugo:*Eating the toast*
Shy Guy:...BEEP.
*Bakugo gets flattened by the Gourmet Guy*
Shy Guy:*Holds up the not burnt toast* TOAST!
Midoriya:*Holds up the same*
Shy Guy:YAAAH TOAST! *Holds up the burnt toast*
Mineta:*PPAP Reference and holds up the burnt toast*
Shy Guy:*Holds up both of them* YAAA TOA-*Holds up the not burnt one*-SIKE!
Uraraka:*Holds up the burnt one* YES! OH, WAIT! WAIT! WAI-
Shy Guy:BEEP!
Uraraka:OH NO-*Gets flattened by the Gourmet Guy*
Shy Guy:It's high TOAAAAST!
Midoriya:*Gulps nervously*
Shy Guy:*Starts moving both of them quickly*
*Mineta.exe has stopped working*
Shy Guy:*Trollface*
Mineta:*Head explodes*
Midoriya:THIS ONE?! *Holds up the not burnt toast*
Shy Guy:*Holding the burnt one* BEEP!!!
Midoriya:AHHHH--*Gets flattened along with Mineta*
Cell:You idiots! Couldn't even get one coin! How can you even lose this?!
*Teleports himself and them back to the board*
Bakugo:Fine, you damn bug! *Throws the die*
*Die lands on two*
*Car moves up two spaces and lands on a bank*
Bakugo:What's so bad about a damn bank?
Towa:Money~... *Takes five coins*
Bakugo:Well, that was a load of shit.
Midoriya:D-DON'T WORRY! WE'LL GET YOUR MONEY, CELL! *Throws the die*
*Die lands on six*
*Car moves six spaces and stops on a Cermit space*
Cermit:Who's ready to lose some money?! Yeah BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
Cermit:Let's play a Cermit minigame! Listen up, fuckers. Rules are simple. Copy the face that IO make with these sexy Cermit faces. Any I don't like, I'll take your money!
Midoriya:Oh no.
Cermit:*Makes the face* Go!
Midoriya:*Starts trying to make the face*
Bakugo:Hahahahaha! Hey, I'm a stupid fucking frog who has a brother that's way better than me!
Mineta:Perfect! Looks just like him. Ugly.
Cermit:Bitch! I'm fabulous!
Bakugo:Tch... *Kicks the face* This isn't good enough. I need something more accurate! *Rearranges Cermit's face* There--
Cermit:*Punches Bakugo* Alright, times up! Let's see who isn't a loser! *Looks at all the faces* None of them! Cuz I look nothing like these.
Midoriya, Uraraka and Mineta:WHAT?!
Bakugo:This is bullshit!
Cermit:*Hits them with a ki blast and leaves*
Goku Black:Hey, kids! Do you know what time it is?
5000 Minigames of Maiming Later...
Cell:Bitchin'! You kids are almost done making us money! Just roll the dice!
Midoriya:It's been...three weeks...
Uraraka:Please let us go home...Eri's probably worried sick...
Mineta:And Aizawa's probably pissed..!
Bakugo:I'm not going home until I get that star, you damn extras!!! *Throws the die*
*Lands on two*
*Car moves two spaces*
Uraraka:What does that mean?
Cell:It means all that you worked for could potentially be all for nothing! Welcome to Chance Time! You can either gain everything or lose everything! Do you believe in fate? Let's see what happens!
Three monitors began flashing pictures of the four and an arrow of who gets whatever it lands on. The monitors land on Midoriya, who gets everyone's coins.
Cell:Congratulations! This Green Haired kid gets everyone's money... Which means he wins by doing absolutely nothing!
Bakugo:AHHHHHHH!!! *Explodes a boulder*
Cell:Let me bestow upon you the star!!! *Gives Midoriya the star* Well, have fun with that. Kermit and I are going to go count our money. Oh! Let's send you back home.
Cell used instant transmission to get himself, the money, Kermit, Midoriya, Uraraka, Bakugo and Mineta back to their dorms before using it again to take himself and Kermit back to their home.
Vegeta:Deku, Uraraka, Bakugo and Grape Juice. Welcome back.
Eri:Mama! Papa! *Hugs their legs*
Midoriya:Hi, Eri!
Uraraka:*Smiles* Have you been behaving yourself?
Eri:Mmm-hmm! Uncle Todoroki and Auntie Momo's been taking care of me along with everyone else!
Kirishima:Even Vegeta helped out with making sure she was alright and good to go.
Midoriya:Thanks for taking care of her while we were away. That Cell guy really kept us there for a while.
Vegeta:Hope you three don't have plans. *Smirks* Aizawa's got a pile of work for you four.
Midoriya:Oh, boy...
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