Chapter 26
Chapter Twenty-Six - Far From Home
Ivan Romanov's P.O.V.
End of February.
Location: Eastern Region, West Area.
I open my eyes once more when I hear someone enter the hut I have been staying in. A familiar, elderly man enters who is dressed in simple clothes. His eyes are grey but wrinkled at the corners and his hair has become white along with his long beard. His hand grasps a wooden staff to support him as he walks and as usual he gives me a warm smile.
"How are you feeling, your highness?" He asks as he takes a seat on the wooden chair beside my bed.
Immediately, I always. "Please don't call me that. I don't even know if I am truly a king."
"You don't believe me?" He grins and his eyes sparkle with humor.
"That's not what I meant." I sigh heavily as I sit up on my bed. "If you say my name is Ivan then please, call me that."
"Ivan it is." He nods albeit reluctantly.
"Can I go outside?" I ask and hope that he will say yes today.
"Depends on how you feel." He shrugs while assessing me.
"I feel much better, Edgar. I'm sick of staying inside. I would like to walk around please." I request and he moves to help me up.
I brush my teeth and freshen up before changing my clothes. I pick up a long brown tunic with shorts that reach my knees. But I catch the sight of my body in the long shard of glass that is leaning against the wall and sigh heavily. Changing quickly, I make my way outside and exit the hut I'm staying in.
As soon as I step outside though my eyes widen as I take in my surroundings. The sun is setting and casting a warm, orange glow everywhere. We're surrounded by trees and the village seems to be deep within a forest. There are numerous huts around mine that seem to be made from wattle and daub with roofs made from straw. Everything here is plain and traditional. It's like I've stepped back in time.
"Do you remember anything today?" Edgar asks as we start walking slowly.
I shake my head with a frown as I try to remember anything about my past life or how I ended up in the valley. Apparently when Edgar and his men were out catching food for their village they saw a man drag my unconscious body and throw me into the river. They also saw a car in in flames on one of the mountain's edge and people waiting above with vehicles. Some of them pulled that man up by a rope before they all drove away.
As soon as Edgar and his men saw that they were in the clear they pulled me out and brought me back to their village. I have spent almost three months in a coma recovering as Edgar tells me that I had many wounds. When I woke up a week ago, I remember seeing my heavily scarred back in a large shard of glass that was in my hut. But now my entire torso also has a collection of new scars and cuts that are in the process of healing.
I touch the bandage wrapped around my head and grimace when it aches in protest. Edgar told me that the wound on my forehead was quite large when he found me and that I had lost the most blood from there in addition to my bullet wounds. When they brought me to their village they stitched me up but they also say that I must have hit my head quite hard. Now, I am experiencing memory loss as I can't remember anything that happened before I woke up.
Edgar told me that we are in a western village of the eastern region in the Lycan Kingdom. He also believes that I am the king and that he will bring me home soon. But because I don't remember anything I don't quite believe him. However, I do listen to him as he explains how it will take some time to reach the castle.
"We will leave as soon as you have regained your strength and energy. You must be fit to travel such a long way." He states as he guides me around the village.
I nod and smile at the people walking past us. Little children run around squealing and laughing and I feel a sense of deja vu hit me. But I don't have much time to ponder on it as it's gone just as quick as it came. I shrug it off with a frown before tuning back into what Edgar is saying.
"We will travel up the mountain and to the harbor. From there we will board one of the vessels to the mainland and hire some sort of transportation to the castle. I should have you back home soon." He smiles widely as he pats my back in assurance. "All you must focus on is healing and remembering, young man."
I sigh and nod while wishing I could get my memories back. I have been awake for a few days now and am yet to remember anything except the hazy memories of being in a car and falling down the mountain's jagged edge. Other than that, my mind draws a blank every time.
"Are all the houses of the kingdom like this?" I ask curiously when I see some men building a new one.
"No, the kingdom has been modernizing everything to match the speed of the outside world. However, some of us choose to live simpler lives which you and your father allowed." He explains and I nod in understanding.
I wish I could remember my family. Edgar has told me many stories about my parents and all the things they've done, especially praising my dad. He said that although it was visible that my father was fighting his own demons he always put his people first and when I took over, everyone realized I am just like him. I wish I could remember dad.
Edgar guides me to a clearing and lights a fire. We sit on the logs by it and he gestures to a hut that is his. An elderly woman comes out and Edgar introduces her to me as his wife, Naomi. She has tanned skin and brown hair but some of the strands are graying. Her eyes are a light green and she smiles lovingly at me. But it slips right off when I begin to stand slowly.
"Don't stress those injuries of yours more, son. Sit back down and drink this." She walks over to me and pushes me back down onto the log.
I thank her and watch as she disappears back into the hut while mumbling about making dinner. I frown in confusion as I look back down at the mug that has a murky brown liquid in it. It doesn't exactly look like the tea that Edgar drinks every time he comes to see me. Regardless, I decide to take a sip only to regret it soon after.
"What is this?!" I cry out as I spit the liquid out and wipe my lips.
Edgar laughs loudly and pats my back with one hand as he moves the mug of doom back up to my mouth. "That, my boy, is medicine. You are a Lycan – a hybrid! This will help you become stronger and heal quicker. Now, drink!"
I drink the foul-tasting liquid unwillingly. "A hybrid?"
"Yes." He nods before sitting back down when he sees that I'm drinking the medicine. "Apparently you have a wolf and a vampire."
"Can I talk to them?"
"I believe you can. Try it." He smiles gently before laughing at my confused expression. "Talk to them as if you're saying something in your mind."
I nod and take a deep breath before doing as he says. "Um...hello?"
"Hello, Ivan." Two voices reply instantly which makes me drop the mug in surprise.
Edgar shakes his head at my sheepish smile and I groan mentally when he calls out to Naomi to make me another mug.
Amelia Romanov's P.O.V.
Location: Central Kingdom.
"Stop!" Liev roars as he shakes his head vehemently. "No more! Please, no more!"
I gesture for Benno to continue and roll my eyes when he laughs gleefully before force feeding Liev a Carolina Reaper. He's about to feed him another one when I stop with a glare. Pouting he puts it back on the tray before removing his gloves and stepping out of the cell. Liev starts coughing and screaming for water or milk which I refuse to give him. His skin turns red as the chili affects him strongly.
"Hendrix, remove his chains and tie him to a chair." I order as I shift slightly in my seat to find a more comfortable position. "Benno, get that bucket and let it hang above his head."
"No!" Liev's eyes widen in horror as he realizes that I'm going to use the Chinese water torture technique on him. "You can't do this!"
"I believe I can. You're the one in a cell, remember?" I muse humorlessly.
"I told you everything! I have nothing more!" He screams as he struggles with Hendrix.
"Wow. For someone who executed an attack on the king, you're pretty dumb." Benno chuckles as he works on tying the bucket. "Do you really think we'd let you walk off into the sunset after a bit of torturing?"
"You can't kill me! You have no evidence! The Council will come –"
"Don't worry, I won't be the one to kill you. I'll leave that to Ivan when he returns." I cut off his rambling.
"Then I hope he never returns!" He sneers which causes me to tremble in anger.
"Hendrix, once you've tied him up I want him to receive twenty lashes." I order as my fists clench the material of the coat I'm wearing. Nova had given me a necklace that is currently acting as a glamour to hide my heavily pregnant body.
"Fuck you all! My men will come for me! Just you wait and –"
"Oh, shut up already will you?" Benno backhands him with a huff. "So annoying!"
I bite my lip to stifle the chuckle threatening to escape over Benno's frustration with our captive. He gets riled up quickly and has hit Liev on more than one occasion just for talking too much. I continue to watch as they set everything up and open the wooden flap where drops of water land on Liev's head every few seconds. Hendrix fixes his head into a contraption that will ensure he can't move to avoid the water droplets.
Just as they leave the cell and lock it a guard runs in shouting for me. I stand with a confused frown as he speaks a mile a minute...which obviously irritates Benno who slaps the back of his head and yells at him to talk slowly.
"I apologize, your majesty." The young guard apologizes in a sheepish manner. "Beta Lazarus sent me down to tell you that a report came back from the search parties. It's about the king and –"
I push past him and rush upstairs through the hallways as I make my way to the office. My heart is hammering away in my chest as I wonder if they've found him. Hope blossoms within me as I pray hard that it's good news.
"What did they say?!" I gasp out as I burst into the office where Nova and Lazarus stand waiting for me.
"They came across some travelers while they were resting. When they showed Ivan's picture the men said that they had seen some people bringing him somewhere in the west around two months ago." Lazarus explains and I feel relief fill me. "Ivan was unconscious and had a lot of wounds. The men didn't ask many questions so we'll still have to search to see which village he was brought to."
That's why uncle Vulcan has been failing to dream walk Ivan's mind! I hope he will try again soon now that Ivan is awake. Ayla had wanted to help too but it's impossible for her to teleport when she doesn't know his location. Hopefully if uncle Vulcan and my dad find Ivan in one of the villages she could bring them all back.
"Thank god!" I breathe out as tears of happiness stream down my cheeks. "He'll be home soon!"
"Yes!" Nova grins widely as she gives me a tight hug. "We just need to be patient."
"Have my dad and uncle Vulcan set off yet?" I ask and am unable to contain the smile on my face.
"They leave early morning tomorrow." Lazarus replies and I nod in satisfaction.
"I hope he's okay." I whisper in worry but am quickly distracted by my baby kicking.
I rub my rounded belly as I try to soothe my baby. I started feeling him or her move a few weeks ago and it was such an amazing feeling. Right now, I look like I'm six months pregnant as I complete my second month. Everyone has been capturing moments of me during my pregnancy as well as myself, either on cameras or their phones. We'll be making it into a little movie for Ivan by the end.
Next week I will be finding out what gender my baby is and I'm so excited. At first I wanted to keep it as a surprise but I'm too impatient for such things. I'm also a little suspicious of Nova because I've found her whispering to Benno and Hendrix or even talking on the phone to someone but as soon as she sees me she stops talking. I have a feeling she's planning something like a baby shower even though I told her there's no need. I would miss Ivan too much. I'd hate to break down crying and ruin everything.
"We now know that there are people who helped him so I'm sure he's fine." Nova smiles reassuringly as she drapes an arm over my shoulders. "Let's get you something to eat, yes?"
"But I wanted to –"
"Nope! No more work for today!" Lazarus chuckles as he gently pushes me out of the office. "I know you were in here this morning."
I smile sheepishly before giving in. I've been experiencing a lot of growing pains where my ligaments are stretching to support my bump so maybe it's better if I just rest for the remainder of the day. Nova helps me up the stairs and towards my bedroom before telling me she'll get the cook to fix me some dinner. The door then shuts quietly as she leaves me in the room.
For a moment I just stand there and stare at the bed where one side remains untouched. A small smile lifts my lips at the thought of Ivan being back soon. I can't wait to have him beside me again, to feel his warmth as we sleep and to be wrapped up in his strong embrace.
My gaze lands on the camera and I pick it up before making my way into the wardrobe to the largest mirror. I'm wearing a pastel blue dress with short sleeves that I felt a little insecure in because of how big I look but Nova immediately scolded me for my thoughts and then proceeded to make me blush by making lots of lewd yet funny remarks.
I turn the camera on and hold it up so that I'm filming my reflection. "So, on the last day of my second month the baby is now the size of a lettuce head."
I chuckle as I zoom in on my belly so that the camera can catch the baby kicking. "Maybe I should stop comparing you to vegetables. You don't seem to like it very much, huh?"
I film some more and talk about how I've picked a room for the nursery and that the boys will be starting on it tomorrow. I'm excited to start shopping for the baby such as getting the clothes, toys, furniture and many more cute things!
"Daddy will be home soon." I murmur and grin when I feel my baby kick in response.
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- R.W. ♡
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