Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Queen's Rule
End of January.
"Liev has been brought to the castle as you requested." Lazarus states as he stands before me in the office.
"Thank you, Lazarus. Where is he being kept?" I ask as I get up and start making my way towards the door.
I lock the office and hand Benno the key before adjusting my jumper. Because my body has been going through rapid changes and weight gain, I'm wearing slightly baggier clothing today so that Liev won't be able to tell if I'm pregnant. It took some time to find him in the dragon kingdom but eventually, Ira brought him to me this morning.
"Amelia! Wait!" I hear Nova shout and turn around to see her rushing towards me.
"What is it, Nova?" I ask in confusion as she takes out a purple bottle made of glass.
She sprays a sweet-smelling concoction all over me as well as giving me a ring made from silver to wear. "This will mask your scent. He's met you before and will most likely figure out that you're pregnant."
"Thank you." I smile appreciatively. Had she not thought ahead I would've put the safety of my child in jeopardy.
We bid her goodbye and Lazarus guides me to the building where the holding cells are. Four guards greet us outside the entrance before letting us in. The place is dark and cold with narrow hallways. There are security measures in place everywhere I look and every corner we turn a metal door needs to be opened by a keypad pin. It's like something out of a movie.
Finally, the last metal door opens to reveal four warriors guarding a door. Greeting them, I wait for them to open it before stepping inside. Lazarus, Benno and Hendrix follow me in as I make my way up to the cell that Liev is being kept in. He's hanging from the ceiling by Wolfsbane laced chains with his eyes closed and his head dropped. His dark brown hair hangs limply across his forehead. Dirt and grass cover his skin and his clothes are tattered in places. It's clear that he had a scuffle with Ira before being caught.
But as soon as he hears me he opens his eyes to meet my gaze. I smirk wickedly when I catch the flicker of frustration and anger in his hazel orbs. How delusional of him to think that he wouldn't be caught, I scoff to myself.
"Holding up alright there, Liev?" I question as I take in the cell.
"What do you want?" He grunts when the chains rattle. A hiss escapes him as the movement causes his wrists to bleed even further.
"You know what I want. So, why don't you start talking and make it easier for yourself, yeah?" I take a seat when I feel my lower back start to ache.
"He deserved it!" He snarls angrily with hatred shining bright in his eyes.
"Are you fucking deaf? When did I ask for your opinion?" I arch a brow in a bemused fashion.
Benno openly snickers while Hendrix and Lazarus smirk as they shake their heads at him. Liev clenches his jaw as he glares at me which makes me sigh heavily. After much unsuccessful probing he still refuses to speak and I make the decision to force it out of him. I've had a god-awful migraine since morning, my back hurts and my baby's been craving pickles and mustard but this prick is adamant on making my life harder than it already is.
"Amelia, you cannot overwork yourself. Let us do it." Lazarus speaks in the mind link shared by us four.
I grit my teeth in anger, wanting to inflict pain myself but regardless I back down. "Waterboard him."
The guys immediately get to work while I take my seat again. The holding cells have every tool and weapon for every type of torture technique known. Unfortunately for Liev, I'm starting off easy. I plan to break him inside until he's begging for mercy.
"Stop!" He gasps as he struggles to breathe.
"Tell me what you did to Ivan and I will." I offer but he still won't budge. "Whip him next. I want it to be coated in Wolfsbane."
"No!" Liev roars as he struggles to break free from the chains.
Hendrix brings it over when it's ready and the guys take turns to whip him. I tell them that they're not just restricted to his back and they decorate his chest with blood too. The cell fills with noises of the lashing and Liev's cries. When the metallic smell of blood becomes too much for me to handle I stand and make my way to the back of the room where the tools and weapons are kept.
"I pushed his car over the edge! I did it!" He yells just as I find packets of the spiciest chilies.
I turn and look at him, unimpressed. "Ten more lashes for wasting my time."
He roars in pain when Lazarus whips him repeatedly. Bright blood runs down his body and drips onto the concrete floor. I'm about to turn back when he pleads for us to stop and that he'll tell us more. Lazarus completes the ten lashes regardless before stepping away. His body twitches and I can see tears streaming down his cheeks. Good, I think to myself.
"He fell out of the car...a-and...he hit a ledge b-but I-I...we shot at him to make sure he d-died." He stammers and gasps while my eyes widen at his words. "T-The bullets were l-laced with...with silver and w-wolfsbane to weaken his beasts."
I turn my back to the men as tears brim my eyes. That's the pain I felt that night. I feel myself shake at the thought of his injuries and wounds. Did someone find him? Has anyone helped him? I find myself thinking and desperately wishing that he's okay.
"Amelia –" Benno starts but I wipe my tears and turn around.
"What else?" I demand from Liev because I remember that he was dragged to a river.
"I sent one of my men down to dump him in the river. There were people coming up the path so we didn't stick around to see if someone found him or not." He explains while panting harshly.
I feel a surge of anger course through me and I turn to rummage through the tools and weapons. "Strap him to a chair."
I hear rustling behind me as Liev protests and screams but too bad nobody will come to help him. I grab a set of four speakers and ask Hendrix to place them around Liev. Next, I flick through the screen on the wall and select the sounds I want those speakers to play. I set two of them to play loud alarm like noises while the others play multiple people talking at once.
"Lock the door. We're leaving." I say and watch the men file out.
I turn the volume up to the loudest setting and change the lighting to full so that his senses are overloaded with noise and light. Because he's a werewolf with heightened hearing and sensitive eyes it's going to hurt a lot more. Liev closes his eyes instantly with a yell and as I walk out of the cell his cries only become louder.
Until Ivan is found I will keep pushing him to the brink of death, just like he did with the man I love.
"Last day of my first month." I state as I hold up the camera. "Apparently he or she is the size of a peach right now."
I chuckle as I rub my growing baby bump. "So far the little one has given me lots of morning sickness and back pain but other than that we seem to be doing just fine."
Frustratingly, my voice cracks and trembles at the end of that sentence. Immediately, I save the recording before turning the camera off. I have a rule not to cry in these videos that I'm making for Ivan. I don't want him to hear that I'm miserable. I know that when he comes back to find me pregnant or to find that I've given birth he's going to feel guilty, angry and sad. I don't want these videos to make him feel even guiltier.
Sighing heavily, I put down the camera and decide to rest for a while since my feet and back are starting to hurt again. But as soon as I've sat down there's a knock on the door. Looking up when it opens I smile as aunt Aurora enters with a plate of food and a hot water bottle under her arm. Ever since she found out that I'm pregnant she's been at the castle and taking care of me. I'm a little sad that she'll be leaving tomorrow morning to go back to the pack but my mom will be arriving by the end of the week and Ayla will be visiting next so that cheers me right up.
"For your back pain." She smiles lovingly as she hands me the bottle. "I'll give you your medication after you finish this."
"Thank you." I sigh as the heat slightly soothes my aching muscles.
I tuck into my plate of salmon with roasted vegetables and rice. Today marks the end of my first month out of the three and thankfully, there has been no major problems with me or my baby. I have the usual morning sickness with the aches and pains but I feel very grateful that I've been doing okay so far. Of course, this wouldn't be possible without everyone helping to take care of me.
"Any ideas yet on what the gender will be or names?" She grins excitedly but I manage to catch the flicker of sadness in her eyes.
"I'm hoping for a boy but I would be equally as happy if I have a girl. As for names, I still haven't thought of anything yet." I reply before taking a sip of water.
"If they're anything like Ivan they'd be a handful to take care of!" She chuckles before shaking her head.
She smiles softly as we lapse into silence, lost in our thoughts. Like usual, my mind is flooded with memories of Ivan. From our childhood ones to when we met again at The Renascence Pack and all the ones we made here. I wonder how he would've reacted to the news of my pregnancy. He really wanted us to start a family after Liev was dealt with. Looks like you got your wish Ivan, I smile sadly to myself. Just a little too early.
I wonder how he would have behaved around me. He would have given over-protectiveness a whole new meaning that's for sure. Oh, how I wish I could be wrapped up in his arms now as he whispered that everything will be alright. I'm terrified of giving birth and there's too many doubts and fears running through my mind. I just want him to come home.
"Did Vulcan or Kaden call today about the search?" Her question brings me out of my thoughts.
"Not yet, no." I shake my head as I wonder if they're alright. In addition to Ivan being gone there's always that worry over the men out there searching for him day and night.
She hums and we lapse into silence once more. But I catch her hands shaking and look up to see her biting her lip hard as tears brim her eyes. I whisper her name in concern as I grasp her hand in mine.
"I'm just so worried for him." An anguished sob escapes her before she hurriedly wipes away her tears. "Oh look at me, I'm a mess! I should be keeping you strong and instead I'm bawling like a baby!"
"It's alright." I whisper as I set my empty plate down on the bedside table before squeezing her shoulder. "You're his mother. It's understandable that you'd be upset."
"But honey, you're his mate." She sighs sadly as she takes a seat on the bed beside me and pulls me into her arms. "You felt his fear and pain. On top of that the distance must be affecting the mate bond."
"I feel...empty." I admit as traitorous tears escape the corner of my eyes and stream down my cheeks. "Lost. It's maddening."
"You must promise me something, Amelia." Aunt Aurora murmurs as she runs her fingers through my hair soothingly. "While the mate bond is a beautiful gift it can also destroy people. This's only going to increase the longer Ivan remains missing. You must fight it – for yourself, for him and for your baby."
How can I promise her that? I think to myself as the constant dull ache in my chest becomes stronger. No, she's right. I can't let it take over me. When Ivan comes back I want him to see that I remained strong throughout it all and took care of his kingdom, like a true Queen. His Queen. I don't want him to come back to a person that has become a shell of who he remembered.
"I won't break." I whisper with a nod. "I promise."
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- R.W. ♡
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