Bonus Chapter
Amelia Romanov's P.O.V.
26th June: Two Years Later.
"Come on, just one last push. You can do this!" Ivan encourages as he sweeps my matted hair away from my sweaty forehead.
"We're stopping at two right?" I pant as I get ready to push again.
"You said you wanted four –"
"Forget what I said!" I hiss as I feel the pain and pressure increase. "We're stopping at two and that's final!"
"Of course, Моя любовь. Whatever you say." He soothes as he takes hold of my hand again when Doctor Sarah says it's time. (My love)
"Okay, Amelia. Give this one your all." Doctor Sarah encourages before telling me to push.
I push one last time with everything in me and slump back down on the bed as I hear my baby's loud cries echo in the room. I look up as one of the nurses places my daughter on my bare chest and immediately I begin to cry at the sight of her. Her eyes are mixture of blue and green with a head of brown hair.
My heart bursts with joy as Ivan leans over to get a good look with tears in his eyes. He coos softly as she begins to whimper before looking at me. Pressing his lips to mine in a sweet kiss I feel him convey his love and gratitude through our bond. I smile up at him when he pulls away before looking down at my little girl. Just like when Raiden was born I promise to love and protect my daughter, to be her best friend and someone she can turn to no matter what.
Ivan follows her as she's taken away to be cleaned and weighed by the nurses. He has the cutest smile on his face as he takes in everything through teary eyes. It truly warms my heart to see him so happy. He comes back to me when our daughter is wrapped up in a blanket and placed on my chest once again.
"Are you okay?" He asks with a worried glance to the doctor cleaning and stitching me up behind the cover.
"I'm fine, just some pain." I reassure him as I caress my baby girl's cheeks. I have blocked him from feeling all my pain but throughout my delivery I could see him grimace here and there as some of it would slip through our bond.
"All done!" Doctor Sarah eventually smiles before taking off her gloves and washing her hands. "Shall we let your family in?"
"Yes, please." Ivan grins excitedly before we thank her.
The doctor and nurses file out of the room before Ivan brings our families in. It's almost a struggle to fit everyone in as the Romanov, Reid and Antonov families are all here alongside Lazarus, Nova, Benno and Hendrix. Lazarus and Nova carry one twin in their arms which they had last month. They were blessed with a boy who they named Ezra and a girl who they named Astrid.
"Everyone, meet Maia Romanov." Ivan announces as he brings Raiden closer to Maia and I. (Pronounced my-ah)
We all watch as he stares at Maia with both wonder and confusion before struggling in Ivan's grip. I nod reassuringly when he looks over at me worriedly before he lays Raiden down on my chest.
"Hi sweetheart, this is your baby sister Maia." I whisper as he sits up on his arms and legs.
Raiden leans in close before smiling and saying one of the few words he knows. "Hi!"
Everyone chuckles as he accidentally bumps his nose into Maia's cheek before trying to grab her face. Ivan takes him before she starts crying but he immediately frowns and cries out for me. Thankfully, my dad swoops in and captures Raiden's attention while everyone else begins to meet Maia.
"She's so cute!" Mom smiles widely as she picks her up. "Congratulations you two."
"Thank you." I smile as I watch Evie and Isaac play with her little hands and feet.
"Come to your godparent, little one!" Valentina coos as she takes Maia into her arms.
"Actually, Nathan is her godparent." Ivan interrupts and I try to stifle my laughter when her jaw drops.
"Yes!" He fist pumps the air before grabbing Maia from Valentina who is protesting angrily.
"Don't worry Vee, we decided that you'll be the godparent for my baby." Ayla reveals loudly and it takes everyone except Asher, Ivan and I to realize what she means.
"Oh my god!" Aunt Aurora squeals before hugging Ayla and Asher tightly.
Everyone congratulates the couple and there's smiles all around as our families take turns in meeting Maia. Eventually they decide to let Maia and I rest as I have been in labor since yesterday morning. Raiden is still being fussy so Ivan grabs him just before everyone leaves. He brings our son back to me before placing him beside me and he instantly cuddles up to me with a needy whine. I caress his soft hair as I watch Ivan change Maia into her clothes before wrapping her in her blanket once more and placing her in the crib beside my bed.
"Hungry?" He whispers as he notices Raiden drifting off to sleep.
"Very. Can you have something brought up, please?" I ask as I pat Raiden's back rhythmically.
"Of course, I'll be right back." He presses a kiss to my forehead before disappearing.
I sigh contently as I stare at both my babies. I'm so lucky, I think to myself. I have a husband who loves me and two babies who I would do anything for. I couldn't have asked for anything better. It's crazy how far I have come in life.
"How does a cheeseburger sound?" Ivan comes in with a cheeky grin.
"Sounds exactly like what I asked for." I chuckle before taking the plate of food from him. I had requested to have burgers, fries and fried chicken after my delivery so right now I'm quite pleased.
"Do you think it would be okay to let Maksim and Konstantin out? They've been begging to see them." He asks as he glances at our sleeping babies.
"Sure, but only for a little while though. I assume she's going to want to feed soon." I smile as his eyes light up with excitement.
He doesn't transform into his beasts fully as it's too risky. Instead, he morphs halfway and lets them takeover while he sits in the back of his mind watching it all, ready to interfere should our babies wake up suddenly. Ivan's skin is now very pale with obsidian eyes that are swirling with hints of red in them. His hair is slightly longer and I catch the sight of his sharp canines.
They come over to me first and pepper kisses to every inch of my face before giving me a sweet and gentle kiss. "Is mate okay?"
"I'm fine, guys. Loving life!" I joke as I hold up the cheeseburger.
They chuckle deeply and look down at me with adoration. However, their attention is quickly captured by Raiden's soft whimper as he cuddles up to me further. Konstantin and Maksim press feather-light kisses to his cheek as they caress the wild mess of black hair sitting atop his head.
They take out a stuffed wolf toy from the bag that Ivan had brought in earlier before placing it beside Raiden. "Gift."
"Thank you." I smile softly as I watch them move towards Maia.
They fawn over the little girl for a lot longer as they play with her hands and feet covered by the blanket. Their wide eyes filled with amazement and love makes me chuckle as they comment on how tiny she is. Taking out a little stuffed bear they place it into her crib before showering her with kisses. However, her soft mewl makes me look up and I smile when they gasp and cling to the side of the crib as they watch her move slightly.
"Pup is so perfect." They comment as they press one last kiss to her forehead before coming back to me. "We will protect family forever."
"I know you will." I grin as they kiss my hand.
"Will mate let us take the pain away now?" They ask and I sigh before nodding in defeat.
"Alright, I will. Thank you, guys." I nod and watch them smile in satisfaction as they help ease the pain.
Just then a loud cry echoes in the quiet room as Maia wakes up. Konstantin and Maksim quickly say goodbye with a kiss before Ivan takes over and rushes to our daughter. He takes Maia into his arms and hushes her while rocking her in his arms. I set down my plate as she starts to become even fussier which tells me that she wants to feed. I take her from Ivan and help her latch on before watching him grab Raiden.
"I'll get Benno to put him to bed." He murmurs and I thank him gratefully.
I'm still feeling a lot of pain and having Raiden's added weight on top of me is not helping at all. He hands our son off before closing the door and coming back to me. Ivan watches me breastfeed with a tender smile and I grab his hand before giving it a squeeze.
"You okay?" I ask softly as he caresses the back of Maia's head.
"Yes." He laughs before shaking his head. "It's just a lot to take in. I only had Raiden's birth video to go on after all!"
I chuckle along as I remember Ivan watching the video two days before. Our room is littered with pregnancy and parenting books because he wanted to be prepared on how to help me during labor. He's been an exceptional father to Raiden and I don't doubt he'll be anything less for Maia too.
"She's so cute, isn't she? Our little heart-breaker." I coo as Maia stares up at me with wide blue-green eyes.
"Um...she will not be breaking any hearts!" Ivan grumbles protectively as he takes her from me so that he can burp her. "My princess isn't going to date until she's thirty, isn't that right little pup?"
"Ivan!" I laugh incredulously over his words.
"And mommy's not going to argue with daddy, no she isn't!" He keeps talking to Maia in a baby voice as she smiles up at him with drooping eyelids.
"You're crazy!" I shake my head in amusement as I watch him rock Maia to sleep.
She drifts off to dreamland in a matter of minutes and he places her in the crib before tucking her blanket around her small body. Then he walks back over to me before gently gripping my chin and pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back eagerly and smile as I feel our bond rejoice over the contact with a million sparks and tingles exploding over my skin in delight.
"Crazy about you." He winks as he pulls away with a handsome smile.
The end. Thank you all for your constant love, support and encouragement! ❤️
Until the next book, my loves!
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- R.W. ♡
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