The Wolf Grows Stronger
Please do not play the song yet. It is for a very important part of the chapter. Thank you. We will let you know when to play it. Enjoy the chapter!
Funneh's POV
"DRACO! GET DOWN HERE!" I screamed "What do you Want?!" He growled "Lets go." I Said. He seemed to know what I meant by those two words. "Lemme just get my jacket." He Said
"K." I Said "Where are you two
going?" Lunar Asked "Nowhere." I answered "Uh-Huh... Well, Better be on your way." Gold said. "Yeah, Bye." I Said "LETS GO DRACO!" I Yelled "Right behind ya' sis. Literally." I heard. "WHAT THE!?" I screeched "Hi. I'm Draco." He Said (A/N... Fun Fact about Wolfy, Her Friend, Aric, He always says that in texts, He just says 'Hi. I'm Aric. What's your name.' Over and Over and Over again.) "DAMNIT DRACO!!" I raged "LANGUAGE FUNNEH!!" Gold yelled "Whatever." I Said "Lets go." I Said to Draco "Yeah whatever..." He said
Rainbow's POV
"We're totally following them right?" I asked when they were out of hearing range. "Yeh, We are." Gold said
Lunar's POV
"So, What should we do first?" Funneh Asked "Lets Battle!" Draco said "Gotcha, Lets Do it." Funneh Said. There was a puff of smoke and in Funneh's place was a blue wolf wearing a gold bracelet and a black and Blue collar. "Show off." Draco said, Changing into a Black and red wolf with green eyes. He was wearing a gray collar and had a gold ring pierced into his ear.
3rd Person POV (Play song)
Funneh and Draco were talking in wolf language while Lunar, Gold, And Rainbow couldn't understand them. "So, You think you can beat me? HAH! What a
joke." Funneh Barked "I don't Think I can beat you. I know I can!" Draco Growled "That's cute. But I know you definitely can't beat me." Funneh barked "Grrrr, LETS JUST FIGHT
AREADY!" Draco Howled, lunging At Funneh. Rainbow was watching from the treetops. She had a look of fear and worry on her face. "OWWW! DRACO WHY!?!" Funneh yelped "Who's the Alpha now?" Draco Yipped, Teasing his sister. "Grrrrr... YOU WILL PAY!" Funneh growled "OW OW OW OWWWWW!" Draco whined "SAY IT!" Funneh yelped "IM SORRY!! I WILL NEVER DEFY YOU AGAIN!" Draco whined "That's better." Funneh Said, Turning Human. "But I was referring to something else." She Said "I'm sorry.... Alpha..." Draco said, Transforming back. "Let's get back to the house." Funneh Said
Funneh's POV
I saw the same wolf that turned me and my brother into wolves. "YOU!" I Yelled. Turning back and lunging at the wolf. "STAHP! I COME IN PEACE!" It yelped "Wait... You can talk in wolf form?" Draco asked, still in human form "Yeah, BUT THAT IS BESIDES THE POINT!" It Yelled "Get to talking, or I will scratch you til' you can't see outta either of your eyes!!!!" I barked. "OK OK! DON'T KILL ME! Anyway, I am here to tell you why I turned you into werewolves." The wolf said "Well? GET TALKING!" barked. "Let me just turn human." The wolf said. It— No— SHE turned into a girl who had white hair with turquoise tips, purple eyes, and black wolf ears and tail. "My name is Wolfy. I am the alpha of the Luna Moon Pack. I need your help. My pack is in trouble. The wolf pups... they have all been taken and raised by other packs. There is a sickness going around and I had to turn you so my power would be your power and we could work to save them. Please. Help me save them. They are my family.... I can't let them die... please...." Wolfy pleaded ".... Funneh... We can't just let her pack die.... we have to help her..." Draco said "Fine. But... what about The Krew? We can't leave them!" I Said "Well... They are part of the problem... if they aren't wolves like us, then we will be weaker. It will be more difficult to help my pack. So... Please... I need you to help me...." Wolfy Said "...Ok! I will help. I can't stay mad forever." I Said
Lunar's POV
"Wait... They are werewolves!?!? And WE need to help!?" Gold Yelled... and she fell out of the tree... "AHHHHH!!" She screamed "I gotcha!!!" Draco yelled, Running over and catching her. "AHHHH!" Gold screamed, jumping out of his arms and running "W-Wha?" He Said, looking generally confused "Why did she run? Its just me, her brother... I'm so confused" Draco said "I... I CAN EXPLAIN!! We were listening to you!" I yelled, jumping down and landing perfectly. Rainbow did the same thing "Oh.... Ok..." Draco said "Well, Now you know and I am gonna go for a run." Funneh Said, Running off in her wolf
?????'s POV
I saw a blue and white wolf run by... she was beautiful.... I have to talk to her!! Oh look! She stopped by the lake. "H-Hello... M-My name is Storm...." I stuttered (A/N AYYYY!! BOTH THE AUTHORS ARE IN THE BOOK! AND WE BOTH ARE WOLVES!! YASSS BITCH YASSSS!!!!) "Hi! I'm Funneh." She Said "N-Nice to meet you Funneh...." I Said "Hey! I got an Idea! Follow me! I have someone who I think you should meet! They are amazing people. They are my siblings actually. And then there is another wolf near there named Wolfy, ever heard of her?" She Said "Wolfy?! YOU'VE SEEN HER! Where is she?! She has been missing for a week!" I Said "Wow, Is she like your friend or something?" She Asked "Nope. My sister." I Said "Oh... Well, we are at the clearing." Funneh Said "FUNNEH!!" A boy with brown hair Yelled "What Draco?!" Funneh Yelled "There is a Black and Turquoise Wolf behind you." The boy, who I'm assuming is Draco, said "Yeah. I know." She Said, turning human.
Draco's POV
After Funneh changed back, the wolf turned into a human boy with turquoise hair and grey eyes
"Hi! I'm Storm!" He Said "Hi... Funneh, May I talk to you for a second?" I Said "Yeah sure." She Said "You CAN'T be serious!! I can tell you like him! And you JUST met him!!! C'mon!!! He could be a cannibal or a murderer for all we know!!!" I Said "Grrrr... I can love who I wanna love, Draco!!!!!" Funneh growled "Fine! I'm going for a walk. Let me know when you've come to your senses." I Said, walking off to who knows where.
Did y'all enjoy the chapter? We hope you did!!~ Storm
May you enjoy what God brings you and have a Good Day... BAIIII GUYS🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁~ Wolfy
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