Chapter 1- The Krew Reunited and The Mission
The song is for a very important part of the chapter so please do not play it yet. Thanks, enjoy the book :3 (BTW the song is called Welcome To The Party)
Funneh's POV
"So, Gold. When do you think The Krew will be here. I heard their school closed down, and this means that they'll get to come to OUR school! Now we won't be alone on missions!" I Said "SHHH! You NEVER know who is listening! HAVE YOU NOT LEARNED THAT!?!?!?" Gold said, shaking me by the shoulders "I Get it!! STAHP!!" I Said "K, Oh! There they are!!" Gold said "GUYS!!" I Yelled "FUNNEH?! GOLD!?" Draco yelled "YOU POTATOES!!! HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP LATE!!" Gold yelled "S-Sorry Gold..." Draco stuttered, Fearing his sister. "YOU SHOULD BE!!" Gold Said, Slapping Draco "AHHHH! THIS IS DRACO ABUSE!! STAHP!!" Draco yelled "Fine!" Gold Said
-one week later-
Funneh's POV
"GUYS! I just got a call from the boss. She wants us to go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria. She says that there were reports that people have been turned into pizza!!!" I Said "Lets go!" Lunar Said "Funneh, Get the guns. Gold, get the grappling hooks. Lunar, get the night vision potions. Rainbow, get the splash poison potions, just incase we need them for the animatronics or the killers. I will get the milk to, ya know, get rid of poison potions if they get onto any of us!" Draco ordered "Oh! And I will get some health potions too! Now, get the stuff! We can't forget anything!" Draco said "Yes Sir!" We Said
At the Pizzeria
"K. Draco, Go see the Back Room. Gold, Go to the Office. Lunar, Go with Draco. Rainbow, your with Gold. I will keep
watch." I Said "K." They said
Lunar's POV
"Draco... Watch out for Freddy... He is watching us...." I Said. "Throw the potion at him!" Draco said "Ok!" I Said, throwing the poison potion at Freddy. He started glitching out. "Well. Never saw that coming. Let's get the information we need and close this place down." Draco said "Guys! There is some odd purple guy walking around. I think he was the one who killed those kids Thirty years ago!" Funneh Said through the Earpiece (A/N Did I mention they had earpieces so they could talk to each other without being in the same room? I didn't? Well now you know! :3) "Get Out Here Right Now!" She Said again "Ok Ok! C'mon Draco!!!" I Said "K." He Said "Funneh!?" I whispered "Over here!" She whisper-Yelled "Where did you see him?" I asked "By the door. I ran before he saw me." Funneh Said "We are SO closing this place down." Draco said "Wait... where are Gold and Rainbow....?" I asked. It was then a high pitched scream ran through the building "GOLD!" We Yelled, Running to the Office "Gold... Are you in here...?" Funneh Said, shining her flashlight "DIE YOU STUPID CHICKEN!!" Gold yelled, bashing Chica's Head in with a gun. "Wow. You just killed Chica. Well, she is already dead but... you killed her again! Wow." I Said "Welp. She IS an Animatronic, So she can probably come back so... let's go! We have a purple guy to arrest." Draco said "Let's go!" I Said
(Play song now please)
"Agents. Nice to finally see you. Now, I can kill you." Purple Guy Said "Not If WE arrest you
first!" Funneh Said "Hahahah! I'd like to see you TRY!" Purple Guy Said. "Let the battle begin." Gold said. Purple Guy slashed at Draco with his knife "HEY! YOU DO NOT HARM OUR BROTHER!!" I Yelled, Splashing a poison potion on Purple Guy. "Get him Rainbow!" I Said "Draco! Drink a health potion!!" Funneh Yelled
"O-Ok...." Draco said, drinking a potion. "DIE BITCH DIE!!" Rainbow screamed, shooting Purple Guy. "RAINBOW! RAINBOW STAHP! HE'S ALREADY DEAD!!" I Yelled "NO HES NOT!" She Yelled "YOU SHOT HIM LIKE 100 TIMES! PRETTY SURE HE IS ALREADY DEAD" Gold yelled "Oh... Ok! Well, Finally the mission is over! We can go back to our dorms!!! Let's go!!" Funneh Said
How did you like the chapter? We hope y'all loved it AND that you'll love the new book!!~ Wolfy
May you enjoy what God brings you and have a good day... BAIII GUYS🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥~ Storm
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