Chapter Two
~Night of the party~
I waited in the living room until Bailey came and picked me up. I really don’t want to go to a party. Even though it is not like a party, makes me a little bit comfortable. I have never been to an actual party before. Only like birthday’s when I was younger. Bailey invites me all the time. But I always so no because I never think I would fit in with a bunch of drunk teenagers. My mom walks into the living room, dressed in her nursing uniform. “Where are you going?” Mom asked me. “Bailey invited me to this think tonight. Don’t worry mom. I won’t drink and do drugs.” I giggled at her. “I know you won’t do drugs sweetie. Just don’t drink and drive.” Mom kissed my forehead and walked out of the house. Bailey honks her horn. I get up from the couch and lock the front door behind me. I run over to Bailey’s car. “Ready to get your party on my love?!” Bailey asked me excitedly. She is so excited that I am going to my first party. Bailey has been to hundreds of them already. She is like the good girl in school but when she drinks she is the wild party girl. She turns on her radio to Nicki Minaj’s Feeling Myself. She knows I love this song so much. Why must she get me in a good mood? I started singing along to the song. “I’m Feeling myself, feeling myself, I’m feeling myself, felling myself.” I sing and dance along. Bailey does the same. We pulled into a big gate. I forgot that Blake had a huge house as well as Bailey. She punched in the code and the gate opens. We pull down a long drive way and the house appears. This house is even bigger then Carter’s. Well…. Just a tiny bit bigger. There is already a few car’s here. And I spot Carter’s. I hear a car engine from behind me. I turn around and see a Black Matte Mercedes Benz G-Class suv. “Who is that?” I asked Bailey. “Matt.” She smiles at me. That bitch. Why must she bring me to a party where he is at?! “Really?! Why must you do this to me?” I asked her. All she did was laugh and hooked her arm around mine, and walked me inside. A lady came to the door. “Down stairs and into the basement.” She waved us off. I looked over at Bailey so she can tell me who that was. “Blake’s mom.” She informed. I nodded and we walked downstairs. We opened the basement door and the music was blasting. Wow, this door was sound proof. We walked into the basement and seen everyone sitting on the couch laughing and drinking. They all turned to me. Well this is awkward. “He Oliver!” Tania shouts and runs to me. Yeap, she is drunk as hell. She jumps into my arms and I caught her. I couldn’t help myself but laugh. Matt walks past me and glanced over. I hate him so, so much. I carried Tania over to the chair and sat her down. I walked over to the bar and looked for something to drink. There is nothing here except for alcohol… Shit… I looked at the drinks and I seen rum and orange juice. I remember off of movies they mixed those two together. “How did you know to mix that when you never drinked before?” Carter asked. I giggled. “I seen it on movies.” I pointed out. She chuckles. “Come sit with me.” She says and drags me by my hand. We sat down on the couch and started talking. I glanced over at Matt here and there and he was staring at me every single time. I understand you don’t want me here, but seriously, I don’t want to be here. Quit fucking staring at me. “LET’S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!” Rene shouts. She grabs an empty bottle and we all sit in a circle. Rene spins the bottle. Please not me. PLEASE! I shout in my head and crossed my fingers. It landed on Bailey. “Bails… Truth or dare?” Rene asked. “Truth…..” Bailey responded. “Have you ever had sex?” Rene asked. I chocked on my drink. What the crap is this game? Blake started to laugh. “Obviously she has.” Blake laughed some more. Bailey slaps his stomach. “SHH!” She hissed at him. Bailey spun the bottle. It landed on Carter. Carter cheers. “I pick dare.” Carter says with an evil laugh. “I dare you too kiss Logan’s big toe.” Bailey laughed. Everyone EW’s. “Give me that foot Logan.” Carter demanded. He took off his sock and she kissed his toe. I am about to throw up. “That is nasty!” Carter shouts while wiping her mouth. I started to laugh. Carter spun the bottle and it landed on me. Son of a bitch. “Truth!” I shout before she could speak. “Not a rebel anymore huh?” Matt says in anguish. I gave him the death look and turned back to Carter. “Have you ever kissed anyone?” She asked. I shook my head. People start to laugh. “Dude, we are seniors and you never kissed anyone?” Ashton asked. I shook my head once again. I spun the bottle and it landed on Tania. “DAREEEEEE” She sung. Carter whispers the dare into my ear. “SHUT UP CARTER!” Tania hissed. I started to laugh of what she told me. “I dare you to run upstairs naked and run back down.” I laugh. All the guys whistle. Tania looked at Carter viciously. She stripped naked and darted for the stairs. That is totally nasty. She came back down, out of breath. Everyone laughs as she puts her clothes back on. This game is so pointless. The bottle spun and landed on Matt. She smiled at me and turned back to Matt. “Dare.” Matt says. “I dare you too kiss Oliver.” Tania says viciously. I looked at her in anguish. That bitch. How dare you. “You made me do that. Now I am making Matt kiss you.” She says sarcastically. “I am not kissing a guy. I am not gay.” Matt shouted. He was obviously pissed. “Not a bad boy anymore I see.” I smiled sarcastically. Everyone shouted “OH” and “burn”. “Fine. Come here.” He demanded. “No. You come here to me.” I demanded. Everyone laughed. Matt walked over to me and sat in front of me. He stared at me in the eyes for a few. His bright blue eyes are so hot. You fall right in. He cupped my face into his palms and kissed me for three seconds then pulled away. “No. For three minutes.” Tania crossed her arms. His face started to turn red. “No.” He shouted. “Do it!” The girls cheered. They really love seeing guys kiss. He sighed and leaned in and kissed me so hard, my lips began to tingle. I kissed back instantly. He leaned me down and he was laying on top of me on the floor. I blocked out all the noise and focused on the kiss. God… This felt amazing. I had butterflies in my stomach. And my heart was pounding. He licked my bottom lip, obviously wanting access. I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. When our tongues touched, it shot electricity through my mouth and down my body. He sucked on my tongue making me moan a little in his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He glided his hands down my side. He bit my bottom lip and pulled away. We tried to catch our breath. “Holy….” Bailey started to say. “That was hot!” Carter shouts. “That was disgusting.” Ashton and Logan says. “Holy shit.” Tania, Ashley and Rene say at the same time. We both stared at each other. How is he not disgusted? That was literally the best first kiss though. Like, wow…. We broke out stare and I got up to go get some air. I sat on the front step. When some grabbed my shoulder and sat down next to me. I look over and it was Carter. I frown at her and turned back around. “So…. How was it?” Carter asked. I shrugged my shoulders. “He’s straight right?” I asked. “Very.” She laughed. “But after that kiss…. I am not sure anymore.” Carter added. I turn my head and looked at her. What does she mean? She sighed. “Meaning that the kiss was hot. And he made out with you. And he was grabbing your side. When a guy does that, that means he is into the kiss and horny as fuck.” Carter explains. Oh…. That is strange. “Come on. Let’s go back inside.” Carter gestured. “I don’t want to. After that… I don’t think he will be too pleased to see me. So I am going to walk home.” I informed her. She smack my arm. “NO! You are coming back inside!” She shouted at me. “No I am not! I am going home. Plus it is mid-night. I should be going. Tell Bailey that I went home.” I said and when I got up she reached into my back pocket. I gasp. She grabbed my phone. “Give it back!” I shout at her. “Chill. I am texting myself so I will have your number and you will have mine.” Carter says. Her phone dings. She hands me my phone back. “Do you want a ride?” She asked. “Nah, it’s not too far back home. Like a 20 minute walk.” I smiled and walked off.
When I was about 15 minutes into the walk, I seen that car following me again. What is with this dude? I started to run and he speeded up. I ran all the way home, not stopping at all. I ran into the house and locked the doors and windows. I have the house to myself tonight. My sisters are at their friend’s house and I am all by myself. Great…. Now I may end up murdered. I walked into the kitchen and took my medicine. They are for panic attacks. Only my mom knows and Bailey knows why I take the medicine. I thought back to what happened when I was eleven. I can’t think about that. I will start crying. But when I was 13, I had a panic attack in front of everyone at school. That is why people say I am unpopular because they think I am weird, and a psycho. I rolled my eyes and went to bed. I wish this night never have happened.
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