Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty one
I woke up to Matt telling me to wake up and laid a tray in front of me on the bed. I looked up and seen my favorite pancakes. “BLUEBERRY PANCAKES!” I shouted. I kissed him so hard my lips throbbed. He chuckled and cut up the pancakes. He started to feed me. “I can feed myself.” I said while chewing. “I want to feed my love.” He smiled and gave me another bite. “Once you are done eating. Go outside to the beach.” He said and walked out. I nodded and smiled. I continued to eat. I love blueberry pancakes. They are my all-time favorite. I took a bite of my toast and took a drink of orange juice. Matt is the best thing in this world. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend like Matt. He never disappoints. That is when you know they are a keeper. Hopefully one day we would be married and have a family. Because I wouldn’t know what to do without him. He completes me completely. I would not change that for the world. It does not mean that I will be like “MARRY ME AND GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!” I don’t care about his money. I love him for him. If he was poor, I would love him just as much as I do now. My love for Matt is unconditional. And that is a fact. I will fight for this guy. No matter what it takes, I will fight for Matt. Heaven knows I would be the one. Love can’t wait. I love this guy more than anything. We laugh at everything together. We have so much in common. He is like my other half. The half that I was missing to be complete. Once he filled that half, I knew I was complete. I didn’t need anything nor anyone else but Matt. I take my last bite of the pancakes and then put my fork down. I downed my orange juice. I picked up the tray and laid it to the side. I got out of the bed and slipped some clothes on. I grabbed the tray and walked down stairs. I didn’t notice how steep these stairs were. They are so steep. It doesn’t even have railings. What stairs have no railings?! They are supposed to have those! I laid the tray into the kitchen and cleaned up the mess. Cleaning is just a habit for me. I have done it all my life. It’s just a think my mother taught me to do. She says “A good cleaner, will make a great husband one day.” Matt knows how to clean, but he insist the maids to do it. I guess I am going to have to teach him how to not rely on others to clean up his mess. I finished cleaning the mess and walked out back. Matt is standing by the water, watching the waves. “Hey.” I said walking next to him. He smiled and gives me a smooch. “Can I ask you something?” He asked leaning up from me. I nodded. He took a breathe and got on one knee. I through my hands over my mouth and tears start to fall. He opens the box and I gasp. It’s so beautiful. “Oliver June Parks, I love you more than words can speak. I want to spend every waking moment with you. You Oliver is the best thing to ever happen to me. My love for you is so amazing. I never loved anyone like I love you. Last night proved our love. This will even make it more official. So Oliver June Parks, will you marry me?” He asked. By the time he asked I was crying. The happy cry, not the bad cry. I nodded and put out my hand nervously. My hand is shaking like crazy. “I will marry you Matt. I will.” I said nervously. He smiled even bigger, making my heart melt. He puts the ring onto my finger and our lips met. I can’t believe I am marrying the best thing in this world. I am marrying my best friend, my lover, my everything. I never have been so happy in my entire life. I truly love Matt. “I love you.” I said as we hugged. “I love you even more.” He said.
Authors message: It was just a dare is finished!!! What a cute ending, right? So if you liked this book, give it a vote. And if you think i should do a five years later, let me know! See you soon, Xoxo.
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