Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine
~~Friday afternoon~~
I am sitting in my last class of the day. And to be honest, I am so happy that I am going to a lake house this weekend. Mom had to think about it. But I am so happy she said yes. She knows that I will have people to protect me, so she is not worried at all. I love my mom. I am so happy for myself. I am actually making friends. Well, not really. Some of them don’t like me unless they are drunk as fuck. But I have a feeling they are going to be drunk this weekend. Considering what happened when we was a little drunk at the party a few weeks ago, there is no doubt that they are going to be a little crazier than before. The last bell rings and I jump up from my seat instantly; making my way to my locker. As I approach my locker, Matt was standing right there. “You know people are going suspect something is up.” I whispered. “True…” He responded. I shoved my books into my locker and locked it back. “I have to go to my house first to get my stuff. Then we can go.” I informed. He nodded and we walked to his car. I could feel eyes on me, us. I just ignored them and kept walking. They are probably thinking, “Why is he friends with a loser?” I got into his car and he drove off.
We pulled into my driveway and I ran inside to grab my bag I packed earlier this morning. “Where you going?” Ana asked. “I’m going to a lake house this weekend with Bailey and Carter.” I informed them. “Why is Matt in the driveway then?” Liv asked. “Because he is coming with us.” I responded. Obviously he is going. The nodded and looked back at the TV. “Bye, love you.” I told Liv and Ana. I ran back outside and got into the car. “All set?” He asked. I nodded and he back out of the drive way and drove off. I turned on his radio and searched through the stations. Ugh… Pick something already Oliver. I told myself over and over again as I searched the stations. Then Research by Big Sean Ft. Ariana Grande comes on. I gasp and turned it up. I could hear Matt chuckling when I turned it up. I love this song. They are such a cute couple. And they sing wonderful together!!! I start rapping to the song. “I did not know you could rap!” Matt shouts in shock. I have only rapped a few times. When I love the song, I will consider rapping to it. The song was over and Matt still was in shock. “What?” I asked. “You are good.” He informed me. “Thanks?” I said... It was more like a question then a response. He laughed and grabbed onto my hand. I started to blush and I turned to look out the window. This is going to be a good weekend…
We pulled into the driveway of the lake house. As we pulled up, the house was huge! It was white with light blue shutters on the windows. Everyone was already here. We got out and went inside. “Ollie!” Bailey screeched and ran over to me. She jumped into my arms. “Hey.” I giggled as I caught her. “Come with me!” She got down and pulled me away. Dragging me out back. When we reached out back there was a huge pool with a fountain. Then the lake was right there. It was so close. She dragged me down the steps and onto the sand. “Beautiful isn’t it?” She asked me. I nodded. We sat down watching the wave’s crash onto the shore. “Do you like Matt?” Bailey asked. I shrugged my shoulders. “I mean, I do but you never know. I just don’t want to get used. So I am trusting him because something is telling me to trust him. I had my doubts about him. But I was wrong. Maybe he is a good guy after all Bails.” I explained. “I just don’t want you to get hurt Oliver. Matt is a player. A huge one at that. Just…. Promise me you will be careful.” She begged. “I promise.” I responded. We just sat on the sand watching the waves. Why be at an ocean when you have Lake Erie? The lake is so beautiful. Even though it is colder than the ocean, this is our beach. “Guys! Come inside!” Tiana shouted. We got up and walked back into the house. “You have to share a room with Matt Oliver. There is two beds in the room. So don’t hate me for sticking you with your devil.” She said sarcastically and walked off. Everyone laughed. “Sucks to be you Oliver.” Blake patted my shoulder and walked away with Bailey. Everyone walked off outside and Matt and I were the only ones in the house. “Come on.” He gestured to the outside. “OLIVER! MATT!!! GO GET FIREWOOD!” Carter shouted from the beach. I sighed and we walked into the woods. I kept walking, ignoring that Matt was right behind me. “Are we supposed to get sticks or actual wood?” I asked. I never done this before. So I have no idea how this works. He started chuckling. “Just sticks will work.” He responded. I nodded and began to pick up sticks. “Have you ever done this before?” He asked me. “Done what?” I mumbled while picking up sticks. “Been with another guy? I’m not saying we are together or anything….. I am just curious….” He responded. I never been with another guy. He should know that if I have not kissed anyone. Well besides him. But you don’t have to kiss anyone to be with someone do you? You could do other sexual things? I never have but, that is a possibility. Maybe that is why he is wondering. “I have.” I lied. Let’s see what he says about that. “What did you do? I know you didn’t kiss anyone but me, but what did you do?” He asked. “Why are you wondering?”
“I… I don’t know. I just am Oliver.”
“I am not the person who tells others about my sex life.”
“Y-You had sex?” He asked sounding completely jealous.
“I told you I don’t talk.” I said sarcastically, trying to make him more jealous.
“Was it disgusting?” He asked sincerely. Did he just asked that? Where is these questions coming from?
“No…. No it was not disgusting. If you love someone, it shouldn’t be disgusting Matt.” I responded. He was quiet. Not saying a word at all besides picking up sticks. “I was kidding about if I have done anything. I am still a virgin. The farthest I have gone with anyone is making out with you….” I said nervously. “OLIVER! MATT! WHERE ARE YOU?!” I heard a low shout from Carter. We must been far into the woods. I never paid attention to how far we have walked. “We have to be heading back.” I told Matt and walked passed him. We walked quietly back to the beach. I laid the wood down and Blake started the fire. We all sat by the fire and started talking. Well, I was not talking… I was too busy thinking about why Matt was asking those questions. Is he asking because he wants to do something? I am not sure I am ready for that yet. What if he just uses me for sex or something? I am not ready to be hurt again. Not like that. I had a boyfriend once. A year ago actually. We never kissed. He tried to kiss me but I blocked him away. I pushed him away because I didn’t want to get hurt. I told him that. He understood. The next day, I walked into the bathroom and seen him kissing someone else. I was crushed completely. He just wanted to use me. At least I pushed him away. I was still hurt either way. I got up and walked along the shore. “Ollie? Where are you going?” Bailey asked. “I am taking a walk….” I said and walked away. Farther I got, the darker it got. I could barely hear them talking. “Hello Oliver.” Said a voice from behind me. I jumped. I turned around and it was my kidnapper and rapist. “W-W-What do you want from me?” I stuttered nervously. “Oh don’t be scared now… I am not going to hurt you. I only hurt you to send a message to someone. But obviously that did not work.” He responded. What did he mean by that?
“What do you mean?”
“You will soon find out Oliver. But it is a good thing I scare you…. Because you should be scared.” He said and walked closer to me.
“Get the hell away from me….” I demanded. I could feel a panic attack coming on. He ignored me and walked closer. I punched him in the face and ran as fast as I could back to the group. “RUN OLVIER! I WILL ALWAYS BE AHEAD OF YOU!” He shouted from behind me. Tears started falling through my eyes. “Oliver?!” Bailey and Carter shouted running over to me. “He was there. He was right there!” I shouted. Matt ran over to me. “Where?!” He asked. I pointed behind me and Matt, Blake, and Logan ran where I pointed. “What is going on?” Rene and Tania asked. “Long story.” Carter said. “He’s gone. No one was there.” Matt said walking over to me. “Will someone tell me what is going on?” Blake and Logan asked at the same time. “Yeah for real.” Tania responded. “Who was after you?” Rene asked. Will they just shut up?! I clinched my fist together. I ran back to the house and up to my room. I wrapped my arms around my legs and put my face into my knees. I started to cry. I can’t believe he followed me. Everywhere I go, he is right there. And he said that he will always be ahead of me…. What does that mean?! Does it mean that he will always be where I am? I cried harder. I heard a knock on my door. “Hey…”Blake said nervously. “What do you want?” I snapped. He ignored me and sat in front of me on my bed.
“You know you can talk to me Oliver…” He gestured.
“Why would I do that? We are not friends anymore. I only get along with you because you are dating my best friend.. If you was not with her, then I would have nothing to do with you.”
“Oliver… We used to be best friends… Me, you and Bailey used to hang out all the time when we were in freshman year. We told each other everything…. Well, obviously not everything.”
“You embarrassed me in front of everyone. So you could become more popular than anyone. I did not tell Bailey it was you that told everyone that I was a crazy psychopath who freaks out over everything. It was even worse when I had a panic attack in front of everyone when I was thirteen. But for you to say that to everyone, made it even worse for me.”
“I did not do it! I took the blame for someone! That is what made me really popular!” He shouted at me.
“Really? And who was that?” I crossed my arms. “Carter.” He informed.
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