Wendy Romeo And Luna's Past
Guys I'm free from school and sadly my mom said we can't take my phone to Peru and I told her about the book and she said "Too bad tell them to wait for 3 weeks" yeah I know my mom can be the devil at times Now to the chapter
Wendy's POV
I was watching Natsu playing nerve with this Luna girl so I felt there was something strange with her so I searched her up by using her Username of course (LunaTheDevil) but I found nothing so I called Romeo
R=Romeo W=Wendy
R-Agent Marvel is this you
W-I knew it was a bad idea to allow you watch Mission:Impossible
R=Agent Marvel please address me as my code name
W- And what would that be
Someone in back round-AGENT LITTLE DICK
R- HEY ITS NOT THAT My code name is Agent Master
W- *facepalms* anyways can I get a ticket to Aruba
R- I'm sorry no it'll mess my reputation up Wendy
W- I'm not gonna buy weapons Romeo
R- Lemme think
W- wait you think??? I gotta tell Natsu the worlds gonna end
Rowen Shippers in backround-But you love that meanie
W-Now will u get me the ticket please
R-Fine I'll send you the link
W-Omg thank you I owe you
Me-A kiss,you owe him a kiss wuts this lol 😂 I write with this now
Nvm back to this lol 😂
Time Skip after she got the ticket
I ended the call with him and he texted me the link so I copied it and entered it on my computer and got on the dark web I searched up LunaTheDevil and random stuff popped up till I saw her it was a video I clicked on it and watched it
The video
"Bisca come on grab my hand please"
Yelled Luna "I-I can't I'm scared Lucy" yelled bisca on the verge of falling off the skyscraper "PLEASE I DONT WANT YOU TO DIE PLEASE TRY TO REACH MY HAND BISCA" Yelled lucy/Luna "Ok if I don't catch your hand tell my family and friends i love them" yelled Bisca, She reached her hand to Lucys she was so close then her other hand slipped and she fell off "I LOVE GUUUUUYS" yelled Bisca "BISCAAA NO" yelled lucy and another girl "Levy-Chan turn the phone off" "ok"
After that levy and Lucy went to tell the police and the players came after them
End of video
I held my hand over my mouth I was shocked Luna er Lucy got chased by the players and I think I know Levy. Levy always talk about a girl named Lucy and how the were bffs. I have to tell Natsu about Lucy but not yet I don't wanna ruin the Nalu moment YES I CAME UP WITH A SHIP NAME FOR THEM
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