Warnings: Mature Language; BoyxBoy; Sexual Reference; Depression; Suicidal Thoughts/Reference; Etc.. (*Proceed With Caution*)
Kevin Price thought he knew everything about his life. But, as it turned out, after his failed mission in Uganda, that he really didn't know anything about life, except for one thing:
Life made absolutely no fucking sense.
Being sheltered from the harsh reality of the real world through his strict Mormon upbringing, he didn't realize how much reality wasn't like a perfect paradise. No matter how much you work hard and dedicate your life to something, a lot of the time, life just often times really lets you down. Just like it did to Kevin. Honestly, there was only one thing that could make working hard have a proper pay off.
And that was fate.
It was fate that paired Kevin with his companion and newfound "best friend".
It was fate that had sent Kevin to Uganda instead of somewhere much more pleasant, like Orlando.
It was fate that Kevin was brought to District 9.
It was fate that caused Kevin to pass out at the bus station, before he could request a transfer.
It was fate that showed Kevin the truth about his religion.
It was fate that introduced Kevin into facing reality, and teaching him to realize the world didn't center around him.
And it was fate that introduced Kevin to people who had changed his life, entirely. For better or worse, he wasn't sure. But, all that he knew now, was that these people, no matter how small they had been apart of his life in Uganda, meant more to them than anything he could ever imagine, for helping him to open his eyes.
Although, some people, meant just a little bit more than that...
And of those few people, included his young attractive District Leader, Connor McKinley.
Release Date: August 16
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