Chapter 7.
Scarlett's dress side/above.
Don't be a silent reader :)
Thank you to all of those who vote and comment on my book!
Scarlett's POV.
I stood up as fast as I could and tried not to look embarrassed. He was still laughing and my mother joined him. Is she on my side or his? I thought as I made my way to the kitchen.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him sternly.
"I came here to give you a ride to school." He replied, still trying to control his laughter.
"But, I don't need a ride, it's only 15 minutes walk from here," I argued.
"It's not an option Jensen. You HAVE TO COME WITH ME." He smirked.
Taking the hint, I returned the smirk.
"FINE! Give me some time," I replied.
I went upstairs and took a shower and decided to wash my hair. After wrapping myself in the towel, I opened my closet and rummaged around the outfits. After about ten minutes, I decided to wear an oversized peach hoodie and black sweatpants. Drying my hair, I combed them into a messy bun. I smiled in the mirror before going downstairs.
Mom and Trevor were sitting on the sofa and mom was talking about one of her favorite things: My embarrassing moments. I rolled my eyes and called out to Trevor.
"I'm ready! Can we leave now?"
"Sure thing princess." He said, holding the door open for me.
"See you later ma!" I said, hugging her.
Trevor opened the car door for me and I genuinely smiled at him. "Thanks." He also smiled back and sat in the car. As he ignited the car, I put the seatbelt and adjusted my seat. While I was trying to be comfortable I felt Trevor's eyes on me.
"Got a problem, Lockhart?" I questioned him.
"You have a habit of making yourself at home you do know that right?" He smiled. Wow, he was smiling a lot today.
"I know! It's a flaw I was born with." I fired back.
"It looks cute on you. Especially with the outfit that you are wearing right now." He smiled, again. Did I mention he had small dimples on his left cheek when he genuinely smiled? If I didn't well now I did.
I felt my cheeks turning red. I never blushed! Something is wrong with me! Make it stop!
"Flirty much?" I rudely replied. He didn't say anything. Okay, now I felt bad.
"I'm sorry. No guy has ever complimented me before except for Joseph. Thanks, this is my go-to outfit." I softly said.
"Who is Joseph?" He curiously asked.
"Joseph is a friend...Hey! we missed school. Where are you taking me! Are you gonna kill me?" I shouted as he took a left turn instead of a right turn.
"We are going to the mall." He said.
"You were supposed to mention that when I got in the car. Why are going to the mall anyway?" I asked, calming my heart beats.
"There is an event in Greenville tonight, we are going to get you a dress." He said, stopping the car as the light turned red.
"I didn't carry a lot of money," I said.
"It's on me." He replied blandly.
I turned the radio on as the silence filled the car and it played 'Girls Like You' by Maroon 5. I started to sing on top of my voice and Trevor chuckled.
"What! This is my jam." I laughed back.
"You have a very good voice. You should sing more often." He said. We had reached the mall and Trevor was finding a parking space.
"I don't like singing," I said in a serious voice.
We got out of the car and taking the hint of my voice Trevor didn't ask me any more questions. The mall was smaller than the ones we had in town but it was huge for this town. It also was very attractive from the outside.
We went in and the securities checked us.
"Okay...we have 6 hours to kill. What do you wanna do first?" He said, looking at his watch.
"I didn't have my breakfast. Can we go to the food zone?" I innocently asked.
"Off to the food zone." He joked.
I really liked this Trevor a lot. He was nice and funny. We took the lift and went to the food zone. I ordered a strawberry smoothie and veggie wrap. Trevor went to get it and opened my phone. My phone was flooding with Roxie's texts.
Where are you? Are you okay? You are not at school?
Did Trevor kill you?
Please tell me you are alive!
Should I tell your mom?
I smiled as I read all of her texts. She over thought so much. I texted her back:
I am alive and good. I am at the mall with Trevor :)
Wait! Did you just say Trevor as in TREVOR Trevor?
Aren't you suppose to be in class? And yes I'm with Trevor.
Not weird at all. Spill the deets later. Bye, luv ya.
Bbye :*
I smiled and shut my phone off. As I looked up, Trevor was already seated next to me having a huge grin on his face.
"Whatcha smiling at?" I asked taking a huge bite of my veggie wrap.
"You." He said, taking a sip of my strawberry smoothie.
"Hey! That's mine!" I said, grabbing the smoothie and taking a sip from it.
"Whatever," he said, texting someone.
"Who you textin'?" I asked.
"Sabrina," he replied.
"I met her, she's cool."
I ate my food and we bitched about the people around us bad. We decided to go to a shop which had beautiful dresses. I ran to one of the racks and scanned the dresses with interest. Trevor watched me with a lot of interest. The whole time he had a smile on his face. I then saw a beautiful pink dress with half sleeves.
I rushed to the dress and touched it, feeling the material. Trevor asked me to try it on so I took the dress and went to the trial room. The first thing I checked was the price and it was not very expensive, so I stripped down and wore the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I haven't brought a dress since my father left us.
I stepped out of the trial room and Trevor who was smiling at his phone looked up at me. His jaw dropped and he blinked a few times. He didn't say anything and I also stood there not knowing what to say.
"It's perfect miss." A saleswoman spoke, breaking the silence.
"Thank you." I politely replied.
He still stood there in the same position and I went back to the trial room. I was pissed because I wanted him to tell me something. I changed back into my casuals and went outside with the dress resting on my arm.
"We will take that," Trevor told the saleswoman in a serious tone. The saleswoman nodded and took the dress from my hand.
Something had changed in his behavior, I had never seen this side of him. I decided to be quiet and stood next to him. The cashier gave us the bag and thanked us.
We exited the shop, the dress in Trevor's hand. He was still silent. But just then he took a deep breath stopped and faced me.
"You really looked beautiful Jensen." He stated.
"Thanks, Lockhart," I replied.
We did some window shopping. He took a tux for him. Something changed between us today. I could not put my finger on it. We made our way to his car. He placed the bag in the back seat and came back to the driver's seat.
As he was starting the car, I spoke, "I stopped singing because my father hated my voice."
He just looked at me and placed his hand on mine. I never said this to anyone, not even Joseph. I could now point what changed between me and Lockhart.
I was warming up to him.
Hello Angels!
Sorry for not being able to publish on Saturday :(
Muffinlover and CityGal are the usernames of Roxie and Scarlett's respectively.
What did you think about the chapter?
I wrote this chapter focusing on the main two characters.
There will be a lot of chapters focusing on both of them.
Secrets will be revealed in chapters like these.
Comment down a ship for Scarlett and Trevor.
The one with the best ship name will win a shoutout in the next chapter!
Also, don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite part :)
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