48: Terrified
Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 15/4/2017
Planet: Earth
Location: Camp Jameson
"Friolic, where is the update?" Morgan appeared in a hologram from the stealth suit's left wrist Friolic was wearing. "You are late."
"I am sorry, sir," Friolic replied trying to show no emotion in his voice. "My apologies for being late, but no, I have not found her. However, I believe she is close to my location."
"You must find her."
"I do not know what she looks like, how will I—"
"Friolic! She is the energy source!" Morgan released a sigh then said, "You must draw her out, destroy anything you see. Surely if she is close, she will come to—"
"My daughter will never—"
"Silence! I did not give you permission to speak, Your Majesty."
"High Commander Morgan, do you wish for me to begin the search?"
There was a short pause. "Yes, at once."
Planet: Earth
Location: Somewhere in Camp Jameson
James continued to walk through the small corridor. We came to another hatch, he unlocked it and helped me over a large step.
"Hang on, babe." I felt him let go of my hand, I remained still until the noise of a switch being pulled entered my ears. Seconds later lights engulfed the area. "And there was light!"
I chuckled as James strides back to me, his hands pulling my waist against his. "What is this place?"
We were in a large room, cupboards and other furniture were against the wall to my right. The wall to my left had some type of rectangular screen and a sofa. On the other wall behind an opened curtain was a bed and a bathroom.
"It's a bunker." James began to place kisses on my neck while his hands squeezed my waist. "This was in the case of emergencies, we'd hide our women and important people down here."
"Oh," I tilted my head to the side, allowing James more access to my neck. "James, do you remember how your planet fell? When the bottoms invaded?"
"I think you mean Borums," he chuckled. Taking my hand he lead me to sit on the edge of the bed. James sits beside me and runs a hand through his hair.
"My grandfather told stories of the invasion," James wrapped an arm around me and pulls me to him so that my head was resting on his shoulder. "Everyone thought if we were invaded, they'd come by spaceships. But they were wrong. My grandfather spoke of shadows, he said the Borums were from a different dimension. They appeared as a shadow at first, harmless, and we couldn't touch them nor they us"
I tried to imagine what he was saying, "Shadows?"
"Yeah, just shadows. Apparently, we grew used to them, they were everywhere. But one day, my grandfather said, a shadow was crossing a road and then a car hit it." I lifted my head to look at him, a frown was across his face. "After that, the shadows slowly turned into what we call Borums. Our scientists said they somehow managed to jump from their dimension and into ours."
I allowed my hands to wander across James's chest, I could feel his heart beating beneath my fingers as he continued, "The Borums came through, but they couldn't get back. Grandfather spoke of the great war, us versus them. We won and for years the Borums never returned. But they eventually did, and that's when they invaded the second time. I was just a little boy when both Jeremy's and my parents were killed."
I felt his body tense and his heartbeat sped up, "You do not have to tell me, James."
"I want to," he turns his head and kisses my forehead. "Our parents sacrificed themselves for Jeremy and me, they told us to go to the forest where grandfather had built a sanctuary—"
"Camp Jameson," I cut him off causing him to smile. "He built this place."
"Yeah, I was named after him, James Jameson, and so was the camp." He grabbed my body and moved me so that I was sitting on his lap. "Jeremy and I found a small group of kids being attacked by Borums, we killed every Borum."
"But you were just a kid."
"Yep and I didn't feel pain when I cut that Borum's head off, I didn't regret it. In fact, we began to hunt them until the ROGS tried to take us, so we escaped to this camp. We made it what it is today."
I placed my hands on his shoulders while my legs hang on either side of his hips. "You were brave and you still are."
"So are you, Jewels. You are braver than all of us." He leant in connecting our lips and I kissed him back.
I could feel James's hands move along my sides before they move up beneath my shirt. His lips leave mine and moved to my neck.
A small, strange sound leaves my throat when his hands grasp over my bra. "What was that?"
He chuckled. "You moaned, my love. It means you like this." Again his hands squeezed my bra. "I won't take this any further."
And with that, his hands slide out from under my shirt and he pulls me off his lap. "I want to know you more," he said as I sit beside him.
"What do you want to know?"
"How did it all start? How did you end up here?"
"I have told you before," I said now looking into his hazel eyes. "It started with the stars."
What do you think of the history of Earth?
How about, the creation of Camp Jameson?
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