28: Invitation
Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 13/4/2017
Planet: Earth
Location: Camp Jameson
"James, I see her." No matter how many times I blinked, my mother still stood amongst the flames waving at me. "I must go to her!" I managed to push James off me.
I got to my feet and started running towards the burning gate. "Mother! I am coming!"
"I miss you."
"I miss you, too." Tears flooded my cheeks, my feet hit the ground as I neared the gate. "I am coming."
I suddenly stopped, something did not feel right. I turned my head to look behind me and saw Jeremy, James, Mick, Brett and others I did not know running towards me. I felt my legs move without my permission, I was being dragged towards the woman I thought was my mother.
"W-what is going on?" I struggled to say, trying to stop my legs from moving but it was useless. "James!" My throat became numb with the thick smoke surrounding me. The closer I got to the gate the thicker it became. "Help!"
"Jewels!" James ran faster than the others. He reached me, his hand taking mine and holding it tightly. "Stop, Jewels, stop."
"I-I can't!" I was scared, I did not know why I could not stop moving. "H-help me," I begged.
James wrapped both arms around my waist and dug his feet into the dirt, but instead of stopping me, he too started moving towards the gate. "What's going on?"
"I do not know," I said and wrapped my arms around him. "I am scared." He pressed my head against his chest as we continued to be pulled.
"I'm right here, I'm not going to let you get hurt." I felt him kiss my forehead.
We both snapped our heads to the direction of the gate as it swung open, my mother walked backwards holding both her arms out to me.
That was when I saw an outline of a figure in the darkness appear behind my mother, the person moved fast towards us. James tightened his grip around my waist seconds before the person collided with us, sending all three of us to the ground.
For some reason the impact caused me to stop moving, I laid on the ground beneath James who released a groan and finally rolled off me.
We both looked up to find a man with long curly brown hair. Locks of his hair fell over his face and he flung it behind his ears, he had markings like that of James's covering his muscular arms. His green eyes turned and stared at James then back at me. "Where do you see them?" he asked, his voice sounding similar to James's accent.
"Excuse me?" James wrapped an arm around me. "Who—"
"Oh, sorry, mate. I'm actually talking to your girl," the man replied, pulling a bow and arrow from his back. "Who are you seeing?"
"Where?" he questioned. I pointed to the place he had just come from, towards the opened gates. "I need you to tell me where she is." He stood with his legs slightly parted.
I went to stand but he quickly said, "No, stay on the ground."
"What? Why?" James continued and pulled me to his chest. "Why should we trust you?"
"You don't have a choice, mate." The man smirked and aimed his bow and arrow towards the main gate. "Where is she? Where is she standing?"
"Beyond the gate," I told him, raising my hand up and pointed. "She stands there."
"But nothing's there!" James said frustrated. "I don't see anything."
"Just because we don't see anything, doesn't mean it's not there," the man simply replied, following my finger with his bow and released an arrow.
"No! Stop him!"
"Mother!" I screamed against James's chest, the arrow piercing through the air before hitting her in the chest.
"No!" I heard her scream, the sound ripping my heart.
Then a strange thing happened, my mother began to change, a light emitting from her which lit up the darkness.
"What's going on? And who are you?" Jeremy finally arrived with the others, their guns pointed at the man who had released a further three arrows at my mother.
"Oh, no one special." The unnamed man did not look at us, he watched his arrows fly through the air. "But Jewels is."
"How do you know her name?" James's grip tightened around me and pulled me closer yet again. I was now seated on his lap as we both sat on the dirt.
The man turned his head and smirked at James. "Relax, loverboy, just watch." He pointed to where my mother stood.
My eyes widened when the arrows hit my mother, she had stopped glowing but it was no longer her.
"What the hell?" James and Jeremy both muttered together.
Brett gasped, "A Borum? But how?"
"They've developed impersonation and the ability to change shape," the man said as the Borum fell to the ground with three arrows embedded in its chest. "They attach themselves to a victim and make them look like a loved one then they will kill you."
"Since when can Borum's do that?" Jeremy asked as James helped me to my feet.
The man shrugged. "Dunno, figured it out when they did it with me. Turned themselves into someone—" he paused, inhaled and he shook his head. "Doesn't matter how they can do it, but you guys have to be careful." He placed his bow and arrow on his shoulder.
"What's your name?" Jeremy asked, approaching him.
Turning around the man's long curly hair drifted through the air as if it were in a river of water. "Nathan," his green eyes looked at me then to James before landing on Jeremy. "Nathan Monica."
"Well, Nathan, you just saved us." Jeremy extended his hand out which the man, we now know as Nathan, took. "You're welcome to stay here."
"Nah," he chuckled, shaking Jeremy's hand and then released it. "No offensive, I'm sure this camp is fantastic but I'm better on my own, I never stay in one place." Nathan sent me a wink and smirked at James. "Thank you for your offer though, very kind."
Jeremy ran a hand through his hair and nodded. "If you change your mind."
"I know where to come." Nathan took a step towards me, I felt James's hands tighten around my waist. "I thought I told you to relax, loverboy, I'm not gonna steal your girl."
James did not answer so Nathan whispered into my ear for only me to hear, "Everyone has eyes on you, every camp I've been to, they all talk about you. They talk about how it all started with the stars." He stood back. "She's dangerous, you know."
"No, she's not dangerous," James spoke bitterly towards him.
"She's an alien."
"Doesn't make her dangerous." This time it was Jeremy whose voice I heard. "Jewels has saved us more ways than one, she might be gifted but she's not dangerous."
"Hey," Nathan chuckled spinning on his heels and began to walk towards the main gate. "Can't warn a guy for trying to ... well, warn ya." With no further words spoken we watched him disappear through the gate, which was still smouldering.
I could not help but shiver from his words, everyone has eyes on me. And that means Camp Jameson was in danger.
And it is my fault.
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