24: Independence
Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 11/4/2017
Many Earth years ago ...
Planet: Everotorn
Location: Temple of healing
My father and I sat on the floor with our legs crossed and hands joined. He was trying to teach me how to control the energy surging through my veins. He believed I should let the power control me, not me control it. My mother did not agree and neither did she know what my father and I were doing, she surely would not approve of this.
"Daughter, do not think about it," my father instructed, watching the flame in the middle of us flicker as the wind gently blew through the open doors. "Do not think, just do."
"But you know what happened last time, Father, I brought eternal sleep on them and on the hatchlings ..." I got mad just thinking about it, how useless I felt that day.
My father squeezed my hand. "It is only us here, Jewels, I believe you will not hurt me. Now make that flame grow."
"Yes, Father," I replied, releasing his hand. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and then I stood up. "I can do this."
"That's my daughter." My father also stood and stepped backwards, taking his war shield in one hand. I raised my brow and he laughed. "A king must always be prepared."
I could not help but roll my eyes at him. He chuckled from behind his shield.
"Okay! Go for it," he told me. I sent him a nod along with a worried look. "You will be fine."
Doing as he said I allowed the energy within me to surface, causing my veins to glow brightly. I concentrated on the flame in front of me, spreading my hands out I closed my eyes then opened them again. The flame flickered violently, growing in size and began to climb upwards like a tall tower trying to reach the sky.
"Good girl, now put it—"
My father was cut off by my mother's voice, "What is going on in here?"
I spun around to find her standing in the doorway. Suddenly her eyes widened, her jaw opened and she dropped to the floor.
With my hands still in front of me, spinning around had caused the flame to follow my movements, my father and I watched in horror as the flame spiralled through the air engulfing my mother in an ocean of flames.
"No! Mother!" I screamed falling to my knees as her body, once filled with life, dropped to the ground. I had brought eternal sleep on my mother.
Current Earth time ...
Planet: N/A
Location: Outer Rim of the Nogalia, Meteorite field
The queen's hands were forced above her head, both arms were spread out on either side of her as Morgan attached her hands to a strong silver rope which hung from the frame above her. Her legs were attached to the same rope and were also spread out.
"You are a fool," Morgan spat, slamming his hand on a blue button. He watched as the frame holding the queen began to lift off the ground. "Disable the planet Earth's sensors," he instructed a guard behind him. "We do not want them to know when we approach."
"Sir, I am not sure if our beam will reach that far."
"You do not even know which direction—" the queen was cut off when a pulse of electricity was forced into her body by the silver rope attached to her feet and hands. "You will cause galaxy's to black out. No one will have communication. You will cause a war!"
"Do you think I care?" he asked, pressing a red button which sent another pulse of electricity into the queen. She did not show pain; her face was emotionless. "I will wipe out every last planet until I find her," Morgan spat, slamming his foot on the ground. He brought his claw to the queen's jawline and said, "And believe me, Your Highness, I will have what I seek, I will extract every last bit of energy from your daughter until there is nothing left."
"You are indeed a monster."
Morgan laughed in her face, his claw now gliding along her right cheekbone. "That is no secret and it is no secret your daughter walks alone."
"I saved her!"
"You sent her to her death, you betrayed her by sending her to the stars." His eyes locked with hers, seeing regret, hurt and fear in her eyes. "Do not worry, I will end her suffering as I am about to end yours."
And with that he pushed the red button in, holding it down. Again and again, the queen was struck by electricity.
"Jewels!" she cried out, tears flowing from her eyes, ignoring Morgan's laughter and the smirk across his face. She cried out to her daughter, louder and louder but her cries did not reach Jewels.
Well, so she thought.
Current time ...
Planet: Earth
Location: Forbidden Forest
I watched Lucy and Jeremy carry James in their arms, as he remained unconscious. Lucy stroked his cheek, whispering words into his ears that I could not hear.
She will not get away with this. I will get my revenge on her, I will—
I felt a sudden jolt of pain in my heart as though something bad had just happened. It felt as if a blade had forced its way through my skin, piercing my heart. I screamed when it hit me again, my legs gave out forcing me to the ground.
I tried to lift my head to look at Jeremy but I could not then there was darkness, darkness that had consumed me a lot of times since I had arrived here.
"My daughter." I forced my eyes open to find I was no longer on the ground. I was back home on Everotorn. My mother stood before me. "My precious daughter."
"Mother?" my voice sounded weak as I spoke. "How is this possible? How am I here?"
She smiled the smile I have missed, but it never reached her eyes. "It matters not how, it is why."
"Something happened, did it not?" I asked, my voice now laced with concern and fear. I was afraid, I was scared, no, I was terrified. My father once told me at the edge of eternal sleep you may visit your loved ones before passing on. "Please tell me, tell me you are okay," I begged, taking her hands in mine.
When she turned her face away from me, my heart fell. "I cannot tell you because ... no, I fear my time is coming to an end, my child."
"You lie!" I released her hands taking a step away. "You lie!" I repeated, tears formed and soon fell like rivers down my cheeks. "Tell me you lie ..."
With a shake of her head, she turned to face me. Her own eyes mirrored mine with tears falling down her beautiful cheeks. "He is coming for you," she warned. "Jewels, the first warning will be fireballs falling from the sky, second warning will be strange weather phenomenons, things no one can explain—" She was cut off, her body began to fade. My mother looked transparent. "Cherish the weeks you have left, Jewels. I can feel there is someone special in your life, you must hold onto him."
"Mother ..."
"Goodbye, my daughter, remember this is not the end, this is merely the beginning."
My heart shattered in my chest, I reached my hands out in an attempt to stop her from fading. But as I swung my hands out they went straight through her body. She tried to grab my hands but a frown fell on her face when she could not touch me.
"I love you, my daughter. You are not alone."
Then she was gone like the wind blowing on a stormy day.
And once again the darkness took me.
New goal for the story
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