Chapter 29
Third person:
The rest of the week drags on slowly, and by the time it's Friday, Louis finds himself done with everything already. He is tired, sick, and is just overall done with this feeling of never being enough for anyone. He wasn't enough for Harry, that's why the older boy wasn't taking him to the prom, and the reason he wasn't at school today. He wasn't enough for Jen, who was in her classroom working her ass off trying to finish the assignments Louis surprisingly failed to finish. He wasn't even enough for his own mother or sister. Neither of them wanted to see him at home, and they proved that point when he woke up this morning to both of them fighting about him and how useless he was.
Clasping his teeth around his bottom lip, Louis tugs at it and walks down the stairs to the school. School has been out for an hour, and he has yet to leave. His mind was so fuckind clouded today that he hadn't even been able to finish his own assignments. So, while he was trying to fix his fuck up, Jen was trying to fix his other fuck up so the principle wasn't riding both of their asses about their student's being behind on work.
His shoes crunched on the gravel as he walked rather quickly towards whatever direction he was going. He didn't want to go home right now, that was for sure, so he was just going to walk for a while until he was finally forced to go home. He didn't want to deal with the fighting at his house anymore, and he didn't have anywhere else to go, because he hasn't seen or spoken to Harry since yesterday after school when he dropped him off at his house, but his legs seemed to know the direction he was supposed to be going as he trudged forward.
The sky was dark, grey clouds filling every blue crack in the sky. There was a small stream of sunlight that would occasionally pierce through the thick layer of clouds, but it wasn't frequently and it was never for long.
Wrapping his arms around his lower waist, Louis looked down at the ground and watched as one foot appeared in the other. He really needed a new pair of shoes, he decided, when he noticed one hole forming on the tip of his shoe, right where his big toe was. He was surprised his shoes had lasted this long. When he had stole the money from his mom and bought them, he figured they would last a few months at most, but not two years.
"Where the hell am I going?" shaking his head free of thoughts about his damn shoes, he looked around his surroundings. He didn't notice this neighborhood at all, partially because it was one of those nice neighborhoods, but he just figured he had took a long route home. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and moved over to the edge of the sidewalk so he could balance on the curb.
It was hard at first, trying to move one foot in the other without stepping in the wrong spot or losing balance, but he finally got the hang of it. He walked along the sidewalk, taking every curve carefully and stepping over the cracks. He didn't know how long he was doing this for, but before long, he was in a totally different neighborhood. But this one, he recognized.
"Oh shit," he said, face palming himself before he peaked between the cracks of his fingers to make sure the house he was staring at, was the house he thought it was. Sure enough, he seen the familiar four garage doors, and the stretchy driveway that lead up to the beautiful door.
It was Harry's house.
Of fucking course he walked to the one person's house he really didn't want to see right now. Growling in frustration, Louis watched the door for one more second before he stepped off the curb and began to walk in the opposite direction then what he had came here in. He had made it a total of three fucking steps before the door to the bloody house was swinging open and a figure was stepping out on the porch.
"Louis, dear, is that you?" Anne asked, wrapping her pink house robe around her body and tying it shut so the cool air didn't lift it up again.
She peered down her long driveway, having to squint to see the small figure standing still on the road just beyond the sidewalk.'She could have swore it was Louis when she seen the boy staring up at the door, but when she didn't get a response, she sighed in defeat and walked back into her house.
"Yeah, it's me," a solemn voice said. Anne spun around and smiled widely, watching as Louis walked up the driveway and towards her door.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, pulling him into a tight hug once he reached her, "Not that I don't love seeing you, of course!" Her arms tightened a little bit more, then she pecked Louis' cheek in a motherly and finally let go of him, but she kept her arms on his shoulders and held him at arm's length. She looked over him in a subtle way, just to make sure there were no more bruises on anything that covered what visible parts of his body she could see.
"I was walking home from school, and I guess I just decided I needed to come here," shrugging his shoulders, Louis pulled his backpack further up on his shoulder and finally looked up at Anne. Her eyes were warm and her pale pink lips were pulled into a tight grin.
Stepping back, Anne gestured for Louis to come in, "I am so glad you did! We've missed you! Especially me," she closed the door behind Louis and then began to walk into the kitchen with Louis following after her.
"I would have come sooner, but I didn't know if Harry wanted me at his house or not," Louis admitted, taking his seat at one of the bar stools that Anne has started to call 'his'. His short legs dangled off the ground, and he refrained himself from kicking them. Instead, he hooked his feet on the bar on his stool and set his backpack on the seat next to his, that was usually occupied with the body he had missed hugging.
He just simply missed Harry.
"Why wouldn't he? You guys are goi..." Cutting herself off, Anne's eyes widened and she clamped her mouth shut. She had almost just let a secret Harry had entrusted her with, out. Cringing at thinking what Harry would do to her if he found out she told Louis, she quickly busied herself in the kitchen and filled two cups with steaming water. "Dating, aren't you," clearing her throat, Anne placed a tea bag in each of the cups, then a spoon.
Louis eyed the older woman for a second, his eyebrows furrowed at her sudden hesitation. Brushing it off when she handed him the cup of tea, he smiled gratefully at her and cupped it in his hands that he didn't realize were cold until now. "I guess so, yeah," he said, blushing. He fished the tea bag out of the cup with his spoon, then placed both the bag and spoon on the plate Anne had setting between them.
"Oh come on, darling. I need a little gossip. I haven't been to the hairdresser's in over a month, and all the gossip at the hospital is--," stopping mid sentence, Anne gagged and shivered in mock disgust and grinned at Louis before taking a sip of her tea.
Louis giggled at Anne and mirrored her. He took a small sip of his tea, having to gag it down because it wasn't yorkshire tea. "There isn't much to say about anything, really. The only real interesting thing that's going on right now, is that Harry isn't taking me to prom," he said, shrugging once again. He didn't feel like talking about him and Harry, but he didn't want to hurt Anne's feelings.
Leaning forward, Louis grabbed the jar of sugar Anne kept on the counter and put a few large scoops of sugar in it, followed by a splash of milk. He was hoping filling it with all the sugar and milk would tame the strong taste of whatever tea this was, but when he took another sip, he couldn't stop his face from screwing up in disgust. The sugar and milk just made the tea even more disgusting, if possible.
"Oh, stop it, Harry," Anne said teasingly, taking the cup out of Louis' hands before dumping it down the sink and rinsing it out. "And it's a real shame about the two of you. I was hoping to get some good dirt on my son," she said, smiling at Louis over her shoulder. She poured some more boiling water into the cup, then stood up on her tippy toes and grabbed a few boxes of tea out of the cupboard.
"You and Harry are the same. Neither one of you can stand the tea normal people drink," she winked at him and put the boxes of tea in front of him, watching as he instantly went for the yorkshire tea, which is exactly what her son would have done.
"Where is Harry, anyway?" Louis asked, trying to act as nonchalant as he could. He put his tea bag in his cup and let it sit for a minute before he set it on the plate and put spoonful after spoonful of sugar, and a small splash of milk.
Anne tapped her fingers on the side of the cup, ready to blurt out where he was, but she quickly caught herself and swallowed thickly. "H-He's at school, wasn't he?" she asked, even though she knew Harry was not at school.
"No, he wasn't?" Louis asked rather than stated. He pursed his lips off the the side and began chewing on the inside of his lip, his horrible nervous habit. If Anne thought that Harry had went to school, and he didn't, then where the hell did he go?
"Oh, I could have swore he did," Anne said, and she felt guilty for lying to Louis, but she was also excited too. Her small little fibs wouldn't even compare to what she was covering up. Disregarding Louis' question, she changed the subject to see if that would help ease her guilt. "Will you be staying for dinner? We're ordering out tonight,"
Louis watched as the suddenly nervous woman began to fumble through the drawer she was standing in front of. "Sure," he said, keeping his eyes on her. He didn't plan on staying for dinner, but with Anne fidgeting and acting the way she was, he knew she was hiding something from him and one way or the other, he would get the truth out of her.
First Person:
The sun was beginning to set by the time me, Anne, Gemma and Robin set down at the table to eat. I set in my usual seat, as well as everyone else did, and Harry's seat stayed empty, which was an odd feeling to me.
"How was your day today, Gemma?" Robin asked the girl sitting beside him as he scooped out some chow mein on his plate.
"It was good. I had to buy..." I zoned out of their conversation and began to dish up a little food on my plate. I went with orange chicken, rice, and an egg roll. The food smelled amazing, and looked extremely delicious, but I felt weird eating with Harry's family when Harry wasn't here.
Placing a napkin on my lap, I sighed in defeat because I was honestly hungry, and took a small bite of the rice. "And Louis, how was yours?" Robin asked me just as I shoveled another spoonful of rice into my mouth.
My eyes widened, and I didn't know whether or not I should continue chewing, or just spit it out on my plate. Smiling sheepishly at him, I held up a finger and chewed as fast as I could before I swallowed. "Me?" I asked him once I finished. I knew he said my name, and that he was talking to me. It was obvious by the way he was staring expectantly at me, but I just wasn't used to having someone ask me how my day was.
Nodding, Robin smiled at me and set his fork down on the table so he could give all his undivided attention to me. I looked at Anne, who was smiling at me, then to Gemma, who just nodded and gave me a soft, warm smile of encouragement.
"It was good," I said, taking a drink of my water to help with my dry throat.
"Annnnddd did you have any tests?" Robin asked, pressing to know more about my uninteresting, uneventful, and ultimately shitty day.
"Yeah, I had a test in math and history. I got extra credit on my history test, and I managed to get a hundred on my math test,"
"That's good, you did good," nodding his head once at me, Robin shifted in his seat like anyone would do if they were uncomfortable, then turned back down to focus on his meal.
I did the same. I ate my meal in silence, just blocking out their conversations that didn't involve me. The only time I did listen was when Anne's phone began to ring and she apologized because she had to take it because it was Harry. My ears had pricked at the name, but I stayed looking at my almost empty plate.
"Hello dear," She said, followed by a few 'Mhhms'. "Louis?" I looked up at my name and seen she was staring directly at me. "Yeah, he's here," her eyes were blank, giving no insight as to what her and Harry was talking about, and why they were talking about me. "Yeah--okay. Hurry home, I saved you a plate," a few more beats of silence, then Anne hung up her phone and set it on the table.
Sighing, she smiled at all of us, "Harry is on his way in," she said, and I was going to ask her what she meant by 'on his way in', but before I could ask, I heard the backdoor in their kitchen opening, followed by someone grumbling.
"Don't fucking try to trip me, stupid fucking house," Harry grumbled, his face in a deep frown when he stumbled into the dining room. "The fucking door tried to trip me," Harry explained when he seen everyone looking at him.
I giggled, Anne laughed, Gemme related to his problem, and Robin just gave him the 'are you serious' look. Harry flipped all of us off, then took his seat next to me and grabbed the plate Anne handed him. "Hey," he said to me, his knee brushing against mine. He looked at me for a second, smiled, then looked down at his food and began to inhale it.
"What were you doing out there?" I asked him, glancing at the entrance he had just walked through, then back to him.
"Playing with the fucking birds," he said with a mouth full of food. "I was mowing the lawn," he said when he seen me roll my eyes.
I furrowed my eyebrows because I didn't hear the lawn mower going, but then again, they are rich so they might have one that makes no noise. It made sense, too, because their backyard is big enough to have it take him that long to mow the lawn. But he wasn't sweaty, and he didn't stink. He smelt like those flowers in that meadow he had taken me to.
"Alright," I mumbled, satisfied with his answer. He may smell like flowers, but what else would he be lying about? What would he have done back there that was approved by Anne?
Sighing, I pushed my plate off to the side and waited for Harry to finish his meal before I excused myself and stood up. I took my plate into the kitchen, scraped it off, and put it in the sink. I then grabbed my bag off the stool I had placed it on before and walked through the quiet house and towards the door.
"Weren't planning on leaving without saying goodbye, were you?" Harry asked, his voice ringing out from behind me. I jumped and whirled around, silently thanking whatever god there was that I didn't fall on my ass, or hit into his chest.
"N-No. I was just putting on my shoes,"
"Your shoes are on," I looked down at my feet and cursed myself because sure enough, there were my old, worn out shoes on my feet.
"I was going to--yeah. I was going to leave without saying goodbye," I said, giving up trying to lie to him. It was no use, really. He seemed to know when I was and wasn't lying, even if I didn't know it sometimes.
"I don't know," shrugging, I set my bag down on the floor next to the door and took a step closer, "I guess I just figured you wanted your space,"
"Why would you think that," taking a step closer, Harry's eyes locked with mine.
"You haven't talked to me much since Monday," I whispered, feeling as the oxygen began to grow less and less the closer he got.
"I've been busy, but that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you or that I want 'my space'" using air quotations, Harry shook his head at me and a little 'v' formed between his eyebrows. "Is that why you haven't talked to me at school?"
"No. I just haven't been up to talking. I-It wasn't because of you. And besides, if you wanted to talk to me, you could have talked to me. I don't always have to make the first move," I switched around the roles, and this time, I was the one who seemed upset. But really, I was just trying to take all the attention off of me and my horrid week.
Rolling his eyes, Harry took another step closer and grabbed ahold of my hips. He pulled me forward, our hips bumping against each other before our chest. He peered down at me with his enchanting green eyes and smiled that damn heart fluttering smile. "So, now you're mad at me?"
"No, i'm not... I'm simply just saying that you could have talked to me if you had wanted to,"
"Oh, princess, what am I going to do with you?" the nickname making my stomach clench, I bit the corner of my lip and lifted up one shoulder in a half shrug.
"I could ask you the same,"
Harry smiled again, and my own lips tugged into a smile. His curls bouncing around as he shook his head, Harry lifted up one of his hands and grasped my chin, holding my head in place before he bent down and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
"Can I show you something?" he asked quietly, his lips still pressing lightly against mine.
Feeling like I just smoked an entire bowl to myself, I nodded and let him lace his fingers with mine. We walked back through the hallway, through the dining room where Harry got a not so subtle thumbs up from Anne, then into the kitchen and out the backdoor. The air was chilly from the storm that was brewing in the sky, so I curled in closer to Harry's side.
We walked across the lawn and towards the trail me and Harry had taken to that meadow/pond. "Why are we going back here?" I asked him. It was dark out here. I could barely even see where we were walking, so I didn't understand why we were walking out into the middle of the forest, where I would undeniably get lost if Harry left me for even a second.
"You'll see," he merely said. I sighed in frustration and went to pull away from him, but then I realized I couldn't see shit and clung onto his shirt even tighter.
Walking in silence, except for the occasional crunch of our feet walking across the sticks and rocks, and the crickets singing beautifully in the background. It took us a good five minutes before we came to an abrupt stop and Harry let go of me. "Did you bring me out here to murder me?" I asked jokingly, but the look Harry gave me did not help with the fact I was already nervous.
"You'll see," he said, smirking, but it didn't seem like it came directly from his heart. "Now, follow me," I watched as he pulled the bush open, but he let it go the moment I stepped forward and turned to face me. "I-I'm new to these things, so before you see anything, just know I tried,"
"What are you talking about?"
Harry's hands began to shake and he began to fidget a little. Giving me one last worried look, Harry sighed and opened the bushes once again. I was worried about what was on the other side of the bush, but I still crouched down and carefully made my way through the spiky thorns and sharp sticks.
It was dark where I was standing, with my back facing the pond as I waited for Harry to return, but I watched as light danced on the leaves and brightened the dark space. "It's bad," Harry mumbled, standing straight up.
I began to grow more and more curious the longer I stayed looking at Harry, who was watching something behind me. "Turn around," he whispered, and I did just as he said. There, in the middle of the meadow, was a trail that looked like was made by someone mowing over it, but that's not what caught my attention. Small lanterns lit the pathway, and there was small red things littering the ground. Taking a few cautious steps forward, I realized they were rose petals.
"Keep going," Harry whispered from behind me, his hand on my back giving me a gentle shove forward.
I had yet to see what this was all for, but I could already feel the burning pressure behind my eyes. Trying to fight back my tears, I followed the pathway of roses. It went on for a few feet, then it opened up to the gravel that set just before the pond. On the gravel was a stand with arrows pointing in another direction, directing me to walk around the pond and onto the other side where I seen something burning bright.
I turned around to look at Harry, and he smiled at me and gestured for me to keep going. I began to walk slowly, trying my best not to step on the roses on the ground. I didn't know what this was for, or what Harry's intentions were, but I didn't care. This was all so beautiful.
The end of the trail opened up into another small meadow that had a checkered blanket laying out on it, and a box of something I couldn't see. I heard Harry move from behind me, and when I turned to see where he was going, he was already standing next to the thing that I saw earlier that was bright.
There were candles in what appeared to be a rectangle, but the longer I looked, the more the letters began to appear. 'Prom' is what the letters the candles formed, and I gasped loudly before looking up at Harry.
"I know I was a dick about it before, and I'm sorry, but Louis Tomlinson, will you go to prom with me?" Harry asked, his sharp features illuminated in the faint glow of the lights.
A tear slipped past my eye and trailed down my cheek, followed by another one, and another one. They just kept coming, and I couldn't stop them. "Oh, Harry," I breathed out, the tears starting to fall more steadily now.
This was everything I've ever wanted and more. I never imagined being asked to prom, and never in a way as beautiful as this. "Y-Yes, I'll go to prom with you," I sobbed out, running to him and practically jumping into his arms.
I held onto him tightly, my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face into his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I repeated over and over again.
Harry has been such a positive thing in my life, and he has never failed to amaze me, but tonight, I was completely blown away. He could have not taken me, or he could have simply just asked me. He didn't have to go through all this trouble to make a prom proposal as beautiful as this.
"I love it," I whispered, my tears staining his shirt. Harry nuzzled his stubbly cheek against my forehead and placed a gentle kiss on my temple.
"I was hoping you would,"
With me still clinging to his body, Harry began to walk forward before he set down and placed me in his lap. "I need you to look up at me," he said quietly, his hand sneaking under my chin and grasping the tip of it, forcing me to look up at him with my puffy, bloodshot eyes. "I never meant to hurt your feelings. I have never been into school dances, but I realized it wasn't about what made me happy, it was about what made you happy. And all I really want is for you to be happy,"
"I'm more than happy," I said, my voice thick and raspy. I cleared my throat and sniffled. "T-This is perfect Harry, thank you," voice still raspy and grating on my nerves, I ignored it and pecked the tip of Harry's nose.
I pulled back and just admired him while he would let me. With the glow from the candles, and the lanterns, Harry's face was visible but I couldn't make out each and every detail. I could see his eyes, his mouth, and his nose, but the space surrounding his eyes looked like dark pits of nothing. Nothing but my Harry.
"I..." shushing him, I pressed my finger against his lip and smiled a stretched, watery smile.
"I want to give you something, too," I whispered, keeping my finger on his lips which made his words muffled.
"What?" eyebrows knitted together, Harry tried looking away from me but I held his gaze.
"My virginity,"
It was blunt and the words seemed to linger in the air longer than I wished they would have, but I didn't regret offering it to him. I vowed I wouldn't have sex until I found the right person. A person that made my heart beat fast, my blood surge through my veins, my stomach twist in knots, and my head hazy... a person that made me feel loved, and I knew I found that person. I didn't care if I was rushing into things or that I might possibly regret this, because right now, all I felt was this odd fuzzy feeling in my body, and I knew that, even if i tried denying it.. it was a side affect of being in love.
And I, Louis Tomlinson, am in love with Harry Styles.
Third Person:
Feathery chestnut hair was fanned out around Louis. His eyes were screwed shut, his lips parted, and his cheeks were flushed. Small moans and whimpers left his mouth as he desperately grabbed for anything he could reach, but he was disappointed when he didn't feel what he actually wanted. He didn't want a handful of blanket, he wanted a handful of Harry.
"Shh, baby, I'm right here," Harry said quietly as he slotted himself between the boys spread legs, his knees hitting Louis bum.
"Harry, please," Louis pleaded, his leaking cock throbbing in his trousers. He felt as a drop of precum collected in his tip before it pooled over and slid down his shaft, going over each vein that stuck out in Louis' penis.
Whimpering, Louis rutted his hips up, a breathy moan falling from his wet lips when his boner brushed against Harry's. "Stop," the warning growl had Louis freezing. He cracked his eye open and looked up at Harry, panting as he did so.
"Please," a simple word, but it did so much more to Harry than he'd care to admit.
A groan lodging itself in his throat, Harry nodded and scooted down, then hooked his fingers in Louis pants and pulled them down. His boxers came down as well, his cock springing free and hitting against the side of Harry's hand before it fell against Louis' cloth covered tummy.
Harry moaned and looked down at his hand, seeing the precum that was splattered across the back of it from the tip of Louis' penis. Licking the back of his hand, Harry moaned at the bitter taste and couldn't stop himself from bowing his head down and sucking the tip of his penis in his mouth.
He sucked skillfully, his cheeks hollowing out as he pushed his head down further until he felt Louis nudging against the back of his throat. Growling around his mouthful, Harry swirled his tongue around his shaft and felt as a vein throbbed against his tongue.
Harry's cock throbbed along with his heartbeat and god, he was ready. He was more than ready. He had been ready since the first time he seen the plump ass in those tight skinny jeans, but he had never been as ready as he was now.
"I want you on your stomach for now," Harry said, letting Louis' penis fall from his mouth. He licked his lips, savoring the way Louis tasted, then wiped the saliva off with the back of his hand.
Quickly, or as quickly as his fumbling hands would allow him to go, Harry tugged Louis shirt and hoodie up and over his head and threw them off to the side. Eyes straying down to Louis' small pooch on his tummy, Harry grabbed ahold of his hips and flipped him over.
Pink flesh filled his vision, and Harry growled when he realizes this is his to do with as he pleases. Between the swells of Louis' ass was a small pale hole, and Harry couldn't stop himself from tracing his pointer finger over the puckered hole. He chose to ignore the small gasp that Louis emitted, and instead, he focused on grabbing the green bottle of lube out of the basket he had brought with them.
Squirting an insane amount of lube on his fingers, Harry tossed the bottle off to the side and used his lube-free hand to spread Louis's cheeks apart. "Relax, baby," a lubed finger circling around Louis puckered hole, Harry held his breath as he slowly pressed the blunt tip of his finger into Louis' tight hole. The boy clenched around his finger tightly and moaned, the sound a mixture between pain and pleasure.
"More, more, more," Louis chanted, pressing his ass down further and Harry watched as his finger disappeared in between Louis' asscheeks.
Harry had planned on going slow, on taking this nice and calm so Louis didn't experience an ounce of pain, but the moment he felt Louis clench around his finger, he was gone. He has been living a life without sex for what seemed like forever, so now that he had a chance to have sex again, he was going to wreck the small boy.
Harry began to work his finger in and out of Louis, letting him adjust to the sudden intrusion before he's forcing his middle finger into his tiny hole, watching him tense up, then melt in little shivers. "Harry, more," Louis moans, squirming beneath Harry's large body. And fuck, he's pounding into him with his fingers, scissoring his fingers to spread him properly, spurred by his muffled little noises.
Harry brushes the tip of his fingers against Louis' prostate and watches as the boys back arches, shoving his perky ass back into his hand and making his long fingers nudge deeper into him. "Are you ready for me, Princess, ready for me to stretch you?" Harry growls, curving his fingers and rubbing Louis' walls as he pulls out his fingers.
They fall out of Louis with a loud 'pop' and Harry growls when he sees the boys stretched hole constricting around nothing, searching for something to fill it up again and make it feel full. "Please, Harry, Fuck me," Louis' mewls, shoving his ass back further so it hits against Harry's hard on that's barely confined in his tight skinny jeans.
Growling, Harry yanks down his pants. The cool air hitting against his overheated penis is painful, but it didn't last for long before he was grabbing Louis by the hips and flipping him over so they were face to face, the boys legs bent at the knees and falling loosely on the blanket beneath their bodies. Lining himself up, Harry began prodding at his entrance. He screwed his eyes shut tightly and began to slowly press his penis into Louis' still incredibly tight hole. Tightness is all he knows as he forces himself to push forward, to continue going until he feels the back of Louis' plush thighs pressing against the front of his.
"Fuck, Louis, so damn tight," Harry gasped out, his hands grasping at Louis' hips almost painfully tight. He knew there would be hand shaped bruises there tomorrow, but all he was focused on now was the velvety walls clenching tightly around his cock.
He finally felt his hips pressing against Louis thighs, meaning he has bottomed out. He moans loudly and forces himself to stay looking down at the boys withering body, rather than keeping his eyes closed as pleasure rips up his spine.
Second's in, Harry's through waiting and he slowly pulls his hips back before snapping them forward, burying his cock in Louis' ass as deep as possible. Palming at Louis' sharp hips, Harry lifts him up and angles his cock so his thrusts are deep and effortless. "Fuck," Harry moans, pleasure pouring over his body.
The intense feeling pushing him closer to insanity, Harry finds himself lowering his head and clasping his lips around a soft spot on Louis' neck. He sucks hard, his tongue moving over the skin to soothe the irritated skin. While his mouth is working on Louis' neck relentlessly, making purple marks that range in size, his cock is pounding into Louis' sweet little hole.
Soon, Louis is thrusting his hips upwards and matching Harry's thrusts, creating a sickeningly beautiful sound of flesh on flesh that echoes throughout the quiet forest around them. Besides the green apple lube Harry had drenched not only his cock in, but Louis' asshole too, he can smell the heavy scent of pine from the trees and the sweet scent of the flowers that surrounded them.
Louis' hands fist in Harry's hair and he is tugging at it furiously, the boy having no idea what to do but he needed to do something to release all these feelings that are coursing through his body. "Harder, Harry, harder," Louis sobs out, his body erupted in goosebumps when Harry began to kiss his way across his neck and down his chest.
"If harder is what you want, then harder is what you will get," Harry growled, his lips vibrating against Louis collarbone. He picks up speed, his ball sack hitting against Louis' ass and making a loud noise that is barely masked by their loud moans.
Angling his cock so it's hitting against Louis' sweet spot. He is merciless as he pounds into Louis, his cock hitting against that same spot over and over again and soon, the boy is screaming loudly in pleasure. "I'm close, Harry. I'm so close," he whimpers, his small hands untangling from Harry's hair just so he can begin to claw desperately at the thin blanket beneath them.
Everything suddenly stops around Harry when pulls his head back and his eyes lock with Louis'. Blue orbs is all he sees, all he knows, and his damn heart flips in his chest and plummets the the pit of his stomach. Those damn innocent orbs stare up at him in wonder and amazement, but then the veils slam shut and Louis is screaming loudly, his fingernails digging into Harry's back and leaving red, stinging marks as his jizz squirts up and in between them in small spurts.
He clenches tightly around Harry's cock, his entire body shaking and spazzing beneath Harry's, and the curly haired boy couldn't take it anymore. Lowering his head, he clasps his teeth around the red of Louis' nipple and sucks hard, trying to keep his moans silenced as he too follows after Louis'. Hips stuttering and hands gripping Louis' tiny hips firmly, Harry cums, filling the boy to the brink.
"Fuck," a muffled moan vibrates Louis' nipple and the small boy shivers at the feeling. His entire body was sensitive, but he was content right now. High out of his mind on this amazing feeling that he couldn't explain, he raked his fingers up Harry's spine, making a breathless 'oomph' noise when Harry's body collapses on top of his, his now softening cock still buried deep inside of him.
Harry's body feeling like jelly due to one of the most mind blowing orgasms he was ever had, he rests against Louis, knowing he is probably squishing the boy but he couldn't will his body to move. His brain was disconnected from his body, but he was still aware of everything around him. From Louis' body still clenched around his cock and swollen nipple in his mouth, to the vanilla scent that lingered on Louis' skin. He knows exactly how his trousers are still hugging his thighs, and how his chest is pressed against Louis'. He could feel the fast paced heartbeat against his chest, and he could feel the dull fingernails dragging up and down his spine.
But the thing he was most painfully aware of was the feeling that was rooted deep in his heart. He had known for a while now that he was more than just a little fond of the blue-eyed sassy boy, but he never cared to admit it. Until now. With his blood singing in his veins and his sweaty forehead nudging against the space he had grown fond of, the space that always smelt like vanilla no matter how hard Louis' tried to get rid of it, he tilted his head up and placed a delicate kiss on the curve of Louis' jaw.
For once in his life, Harry was at peace with himself, even if it was for a short amount of time. His heart was no longer fighting with his brain, and he was no longer at war with himself. He was, shockingly enough, okay with the unsettling fact that he might be in love with Louis Tomlinson.
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