Chapter 24
I watched as articles of clothing flew around the room, creating a small circle around me that slowly started to spread out, turning a once small mess into a large clothing disaster. "Harry, I already told you that the sweatpants and shirt are fine," I said, sighing as I watched him glare at me from over his shoulder, a stripped red and white shirt in his hand.
"You jizzed on those," he growled, tossing the shirt at me before he returned to digging through his enormous closet. I rolled my eyes at his reminder and bent down, grabbing the red shirt along with a pair of red skinny jeans, which didn't look like something Harry would wear. Looking at him one last time, I shook my head and walked into the bathroom, then closed the door behind me.
I walked across the cool, tile floor, my bare feet sticking to it and making an obnoxious noise with each step I took. I stopped in front of the mirror and glanced at my reflection, cringing when I seen my disheveled hair, pale face and eyes still slightly rimmed with black eyeliner. Sighing, I quickly got dressed in the clothes I had stole from Harry, me still being almost completely nude, and grabbed a towel off the rack before I turned on the water.
I blinked a few times, my eyes being dry from my contacts, and bent down, my free hand cupping to catch the cool water. I splashed it on my face, sighing as the water cooled down my warm skin and ran down my cheeks, then dripped off of my chin. I squoze my eyes shut tightly and rubbed my eyes with water, then turned it off. Blowing some of the water off my lips, I took a step back and quickly lifted the towel up the my face to collect the remaining water.
Once my face was dry, I set the towel on the counter and looked back up at myself in the mirror. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to brush it off to the side, but finally gave up when I realized it wasn't going to cooperate. Shaking my head, I turned around and began to walk towards Harry's bedroom door, but nearly tripped and fell on my ass.
Grunting, I looked down and seen that the pants, which were obviously too small for Harry, had fit my body perfectly, but were about a feet too long. I huffed deeply and kneeled down. "Stupid shit, I bet Harry never has to roll his pants up," I grumbled under my breath as I rolled the pants up so they were no longer ten sizes too long.
When I was finished, I nodded in approval and walked into his bedroom, my eyes instantly landing on the pile of clothes in the corner of the room. A dark blush tinted my cheeks when I seen the dark patches on the shirt, knowing that my cum had dried on it and ruined it. Biting my lip, I looked around Harry's room, my eyes lingering on his dresser. Well, the small bottle that was on his dresser.
Grinning to myself, I tiptoed over to the dresser and grabbed the bottle. I read over the front, but didn't recognize the guy, or the name of the cologne, which was Tom Ford, Oud Fleur. Shrugging, I took the top off and sprayed a little on the front of my shirt, figuring that it was Harry's cologne that I loved, but the moment I inhaled deeply, I realized I made a big mistake.
The cologne reeked of old wood, strong spices, and roses. I gagged loudly and set the bottle down before I plugged my nose and used my other hand to try and waft the smell off, and away, from me. My eyes began to water as I held my breath longer, not wanting to breath in the wretched scent I was hoping would be the cologne Harry said was his.
Taking a deep breath in through my mouth, I picked the bottle up again and looked over it, my curiosity getting the best of me because I wanted to know how much money I just spent on a little bit of perfume I sprayed. I had looked over the entire bottle, trying to find the price tag, but I couldn't find it anywhere and I was just about to set it back down when my pinky brushed over a loose piece of sticky paper on the bottom of it.
Chewing on my lip, I tipped it upside down, my eyeballs nearly popping out of my skull when I seen the large number on the small, white price tag. "Six hundred dollars," I gasped loudly, finding the price absolutely ridiculous for something that was so small and smelled so bad.
"My mum loves that one, and I don't have the heart to tell her how horrid it smells," A voice rang out from behind me, causing me to jump, drop the bottle on the dresser, and spin around.
"Harry," I breathed out, my hands gripping the edge of his dresser as I watched him walk closer to me until he was finally only a foot away.
"You were looking for this one," He said, pulling the drawer to his dresser open before he pulled out a small bottle with black leather covering the middle and bottom of it, and the top of the bottle was clear, revealing the clear liquid. I read the front of the bottle, discovering it was Creed Aventus. I locked the name in my brain, determined to save up however much it was so I could have my own bottle.
"Here," He said, taking off the cap before he lifted it up, like he was going to spray it on me. I closed my eyes and tilted my chin, soon hearing three spurts before the delicious fragrant finally reached my nose. I inhaled deeply, any sign of the previous cologne gone as this cologne spread throughout the room and clung to my clothes.
"It smells wonderful," I found myself admitting, too lost in the scent to care about anything I said.
Slowly, I opened my eyes and tilted my head down, smiling when I seen Harry was watching me, a small smile on his plump lips. "Glad you like it," he murmured, his smile growing even wider when I inhaled even deeper, relishing in the familiar scent.
"You look good, by the way," he said, his green orbs roaming over my body before they locked with mine. I blushed lightly and looked down, then back up at him.
"I do, don't I?" I asked, doing a half curtsy. I giggled quietly and smiled up at him, feeling absolutely ridiculous that I actually just curtsied in front of him.
I wrapped my arms around my waist and sighed quietly, just standing there like an idiot as Harry continued to stare at me. "Let's go, shall we?" he finally asked after a few seconds passed by with his eyes glued to my body. I nodded and, without waiting for him, walked over to the door and opened it.
"Grab my phone," I hollered over my shoulder as I walked out of his bedroom. There really was no need for me to be quiet anymore, considering his mother already knew I was here. I cringed at the memory of her walking in on us, and what made all of this worse, was that I was in nothing but my boxers and I hadn't realized it until Harry told me to get dressed after she had left.
Shaking off the memory, I carefully took one stair at the time, but despite my slow pace, I still found myself out of breath by the time I reached the bottom stair. "Jesus, I need to work out more," I panted underneath my breath, my hands resting on my knees as I leaned forward, my butt pressed against the wall at the bottom of the stairs.
I breathed in and out, my breathing soon slowing down and returning to normal. I stood up, my eyes floating up the stairs when I heard someone running down them, sounding much like a herd of animals was trampling down the stairs. I rolled my eyes when I seen it was Harry, but I couldn't help the fond smile that stretched my lips.
"Harry, breakfast is finished." Anne said, suddenly appearing at the bottom of the stairs, only a few feet in front of me. I jumped back and turned to look at her, finding she was already looking at me. "You're welcome to join us, Louis," she said, smiling softly at me before she turned around and walked out of sight.
I swallowed thickly and looked up at Harry, who looked lost in thought. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and tugged me closer to him. "Don't worry about Robin and my sister," he whispered in my ear before he began to drag me towards the direction his mom went in.
We walked for what seemed like forever, my shorter legs trying to keep up with his long legs. He finally pushed open a door and pulled me into a kitchen, but we didn't stop there. We walked through the kitchen and into another room where a large table was set, a young woman sitting on one side with Anne, and an older man was sitting at the front of the table, his back to us.
I gripped the bottom of Harry's shirt and let him lead me to the table. He pulled out a chair for me and once I was set down, he pushed my chair in, then took the seat next to mine, sitting between me and the older man, who I was guessing was Robin. I instantly looked down at the table, my eyes landing on my white empty plate that had gold swirls around the edge of it.
There was at least three different forks, and next to those were spoons, and on the opposite side there were three sharp, but dull looking knifes with a gold handle. I bit my lip and glanced over at Harry, seeing he was already putting food on his plate. I was shocked when I seen how little he was going to eat, but I wasn't going to comment on it. He finished placing a little bit of everything on the plate, while I just sat there staring at him, before he leaned over and took my plate, then put the full plate in it's place.
"Thank you," I whispered to him, my hand falling on his thigh. I gave it a small squeeze and was about to retract my hand, but before I could, he grabbed my hand in his and laced our fingers together, then let our joined hands rest on his thigh.
"Eat," was the only thing he whispered to me before he began to fix his own plate. I looked down at my plate, seeing there was scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and a little scoop of strawberries.
My stomach grumbled, thankfully quiet enough that nobody heard. Biting my lip hard, I lifted my hand up to grab a fork, but I had no idea which one to grab. "Just grab the middle one, dear," Anne said from across the table, making a blush darken my cheeks.
I glanced up at her and smiled a half smile, then grabbed the middle fork like she instructed. It was oddly heavy, despite its small appearance, but I figured all the weight was in the large, yet beautiful handle. It felt odd that I was holding something that was probably so expensive in my hand, but when I felt Harry squeeze my hand encouragingly, I pushed down my feelings and scooped up some eggs.
I lifted it up to my lips and slowly closed my mouth around the metal fork, then pulled the fork out. The eggs weighed heavily on my tongue, and I just sat a few seconds with them filling my mouth before I slowly began to chew. Pepper exploded in my mouth, followed by a rich taste of something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I chewed the eggs eagerly, a moan threatening to escape past my lips.
"Good, aren't they?" Harry asked, his lips right by my ear. I nodded and ate another bite, choosing not to respond to him.
We, or I ate, in silence. The rest of them talked every now and again, but I was never apart of their conversation and I was honestly happy about that. I was uncomfortable enough sitting in here, with all of them around me while I eat, so talking was honestly the last thing I wanted to do.
I managed to eat half of the pancake Harry gave me, all of the strawberries, all of the bacon, and some of the eggs before my stomach felt as if it was going to burst. I pushed my plate in front of me and leaned back in the chair, our hands sliding up Harry's thigh a little and making it so they now rested with my hand pressing against his stomach.
I kept my eyes on my plate of food, honestly being proud of myself that I managed to eat so much. Usually, all I was able to eat was a piece of toast before I felt myself getting sick, so my almost empty plate was something that made me beyond proud of myself.
"Harry, why don't you help Robin clear the table?" Anne asked, her fork clanking on her plate as she set it down.
"Do I have to?" Harry asked, though it came out more of a whine.
"Yes, Harold, you do," I said, speaking up before Anne could. All of their heads snapped in my direction, everyone's eyes focusing on me in both shock and amusement. I cupped my hand over my mouth when I realized what I had said. I had just told Harry that he had to help clear the table, while I was only a guest in his house.
"Sor..." I began to say, but was interrupted when Harry sighed loudly and stood up from the table, my hand falling limp at my side when he let go of it and began to grab everyone's empty plates, mine and his being the first ones he grabbed.
I watched as Robin followed after him, both of their arms filled with plates by the time they left the dining room. The girl, who I think Harry said was his sister, excused herself from the table and walked through the same door me and Harry had come through, leaving only me and Anne at the table with an awkward silence filling the room.
"He likes you, you know?" Anne said, her soft voice just above a whisper.
I looked up at her and tilted my head to the side. "I don't think he likes me. He.. he tolerates me," I said, hesitating a little before I finally said what was on my mind.
Her eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head, her eyes darting to the door quickly before she looked back at me. "I am his mother, so trust me when I tell you this. He likes you. He may not tell you he does, but my son is, if he hasn't already, falling for you."
"How do you know, though? How can you be sure that he likes me?" I asked, the question nagging at the back of my mind. I knew I should have just nodded and left the room when she had first said that, but the more she talked, the more intrigued I got. Did Harry really like me? Was he honestly falling for me, like I was falling for him?
"I can see it in his eyes, love. And just now, when you told him to help Robin clean off the table, he smiled that reserved smile of his and began to help, rather than telling us to fuck off before storming into his room." Pausing, Anne scooted her seat back and stood up, then walked across the room so she could take Harry's seat.
"He's changing, and I know that you may not be able to see it, but he is. He has been willing to eat with us as a family, and participate in our conversations. He's never been like this. He's always kept to himself and acted out if any of us asked him to join us for a meal. Never before have we been able to sit down as a family, like we just did, and eat as we joke about nothing." She said, hesitating a moment before she enclosed both of my hands in her own, her long, light purple fingernails brushing against the back of my hands.
'I want to tell you something, but you can't tell Harry I told you," she said, and all I could do was nod my head. My mind was swimming with all of Anne's words, and I couldn't help but feel like I was making a change, even if it wasn't true.
"Harry has always been a troubled boy. He's always been the typical teenager that rebels against his parents and does everything they wish he wouldn't, and I know that he can seem rude and like he doesn't care, but deep down, he has a big heart that is just tired of being hurt. That boy in there has been hurt more than anyone can realize, and he finally just shut himself off. He used to come home, drunk off his arse with different people almost every night, and the more I pushed him to stop doing it, the more he pulled away and the more people he brought home." Anne paused and wiped away a tear that had fallen down her cheek as she relived hers and Harry's past, and I couldn't help but feel my heart swell at the sight.
"But, he hasn't brought anyone home for so long, Louis. I was scared that he wasn't fitting into this new school, or that he just simply gave up doing anything with anyone. So, imagine my relief and surprise when I seen you. I didn't know how to feel at first, because I figured you were just another one of his typical flings, but when I seen him look at you, I knew that wasn't the case. I knew that he was undeniably smitten to you, rather you see it or not. You are the boy I've been praying will show up and save my Harry," her voice cracked with the last word she said, and my heart cracked along with it.
My head was swimming with everything I just learned, and my heart was literally aching. I could feel myself getting pulled into the fantasy world that Harry actually wanted me, that he actually wanted to date me, but I couldn't care. If I continue putting up with Harry acting like he likes me, and I end up getting hurt in the end, then so be it. I will suffer all the heartbreak in the world if it means that this woman finally gets a break from having to constantly worry about her son.
"I'm here to stay," are the four simple words that I managed to murmur before the door was being opened and Harry came strolling in. Anne quickly pulled back and sniffled loudly, her hands wiping underneath her eyes in hopes she could collect all of her tears.
"What are you two doing?" Harry asked, walking around Anne's chair so he could stand behind mine. He placed his hands on my shoulders and used his thumbs to massage in between my shoulder blades, relieving the knot that has been growing for so long.
I sighed and leaned back into his touch, my eyes threatening to close. "Nothing," I mumbled, my eyes snapping open when Harry removed his hands from my shoulders and I could hear him take a step back.
"Then I want to show you something," he said, and before I could protest, he was pulling me up from my seat and towards the door. I turned around and quickly waved at Anne, then stumbled through the door and managed to follow closely behind Harry, his arm still holding onto my forearm.
"Where are we going?" I asked, not having a chance to look around the house before he was pulling me into the backyard. I looked down at the cement and noticed my vomit that was splattered along it, and next to that was a yellowish liquid with chunks of something in it and what looked like carrots.
I gagged internally and turned my gaze back to where we were walking, groaning when I seen we had yet to reach the half mark of the large grass. I inhaled deeply and just let myself continue to get pulled, giving up on fighting against him and hoping he would tell me where we were going.
We walked across the lawn and towards the treeline, and once we reached the trees, we continued to walk on a narrow dirt path until we reached a wall of bushes. Harry stopped and turned to face me, a grin tugging at his lips. "Ready?" He asked, and I nodded excitedly, being all too thrilled to see what he was so excited to show me.
Grinning widely, Harry let go of my arm and walked forward, pulling the bushes apart so I could walk through it. I ducked my head and walked through the small opening, ignoring all the cuts and scrapes I got from all the different branches. When I broke through on the other side, I stumbled for a few feet then managed to regain my balance, my eyes widening when I seen what was infront of me.
"Oh my god," I gasped....
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