Chapter 2
I carefully slid my sweaty hand into Harry's, my fingers curling around his before his did the same, making my much smaller hand disappear. He moved his hand up and down, making my arm move as well, before he let go and let both of our arms fall down to our sides. Our handshake had lasted for less than a few seconds, but as it was happening, it felt like a lot longer.
It wasn't until my head began to swim that I realized that I had forgot how to breath. I gasped loudly and tore my gaze away from his piercing green eyes, focusing on Mrs. Black and ignoring that small smirk I had seen dancing on his lips as he leaned against the desk with his right hip, his arms crossing over his chest.
"I'll be tutoring him?" I asked, intending my voice to come out strong, though it wavered slightly. I sucked on my cheek and wiped both of my palms against my thighs, my levis collecting the majority of the sweat.
I had been surprised that I had even remembered how to use my voice, let alone make a coherent sentence. The moment my eyes had locked with his, my mind had became hazy and my stomach erupted with butterflies, but as the seconds ticked by, they turned into large bats flapping away in my stomach.
I shook my head and pulled the backpack further up on my shoulder, my fingers curling tightly around it and causing my knuckles to turn white. I shifted my weight from one foot to another, feeling rather uncomfortable with all their gazes pinned on me, waiting for me to catch up to them and quit acting like a fucking moron.
Nodding slowly, Mrs. Black turned in her seat and leaned forward, folding her arms over her desk as her eyes flickered from me, to Harry, then back to me. "For the rest of the school year." She clarified, her red fingernails tapping on the desk, making me even more uncomfortable.
I swallowed thickly and bowed my head, walking towards one of the tables in the room. Droplets of sweat began to collect on my forehead, one rolling down and between my eyebrows but before it could go any further I quickly wiped it off with the back of my sleeve. "What are his strong subjects?" Even trying my voice was weak. I barely even heard it above the thumping in my ears, so I doubt they would be able to hear it unless they really strained their ears.
I carefully sat down in my seat and reluctantly laid the backpack on the table, my eyes moving up to the clock on the wall. I sighed in relief when I seen we only had twenty minutes of lunch left, meaning I would only have to sit in here for another five minutes before I can head to my next class and just sit in there. The teacher, Mrs. Anderson, has always been fond of me so she has let me sit in her class for lunch many times.
Okay, I know how bad that sounds but I am not a loner. Well, I kinda am. I only have like, three people in this school that will actually talk to me. Other than that, I don't really talk to the students unless the teacher forces me to by making me do a stupid group project. Even then I don't really talk to anyone. When we all form in our little group, they all agree that I should do all the work because then they are guaranteed an A, and I honestly don't mind it. I'm used to people using me and walking all over me. People usually don't stay around me if I have no use to them, including my own family.
Remembering what was going on around me, I gripped the hem of my sweatshirt and looked back at the people who were now in their own conversation, none of them hearing what I had asked. I didn't bother listening to them, instead, I let my gaze wander to Harry. He was now sitting on the edge of the desk, his feet planted firmly on the ground as he interacted in the conversation with the three adults.
My eyes roamed over the side of his face, a strange tingling running through my fingers as the urge to run them over his smooth looking cheek grew stronger. His thin, pink lips were downturned in a frown and his nose was straight, but slightly curved at the tip. He had an amazing jawline and for a male, his eyebrows were surprisingly well taken care of.
I let my eyes move down his body, my tongue slipping between my teeth as I took in his tall, lean figure. His waist was slim, but even through his shirt you could see the starting of a six pack. The black material of his shirt clung to his biceps, showing off his muscles and making me bit down harder on my tongue. He had long legs that looked thin, but muscly at the same time, and he had large feet.
My little moment of appreciating his body was brought to a sudden halt when I distantly heard someone calling my name. I quickly slipped my tongue back into my mouth and internally wiped off the saliva that I imagined was trickling down my chin. Slowly, I looked over at Mr. Daniel, seeing his arms were crossed tightly over his chest and his right eyebrow was inclined as he stared expectantly at me.
"Yes, sir?" I asked quietly, burying my face in my shoulder when my face began to heat. My grip on my hoodie tightened a little when my chest began to grow tighter, my anxiety starting to grow with each second that ticked by in silence.
"You'll start tutoring Harry starting seventh period. Now, if you all will excuse me, I have a meeting to attend." Nodding his head in Mr. Styles' direction, he spun around on his heels and briskly walked out of the room. An awkward silence filled the room, the only noise being the slow tick of the clock as it counted down the seconds that passed.
I turned back in my seat and unzipped my backpack, pulling out the yellow folder I put all my english work in. I pushed my black bag over a little and put the folder on the table, flipping it open so I could see the papers in it. I pursed my lips to the side and skimmed through the papers, finally pulling out a four page essay that I had finished a few weeks ago, on the same day it had been assigned to me.
I pulled a black pen out of my backpack and wrote my name in neat cursive in the top right corner, a smile tugging at my lips as I read over the paper. I have really outdone myself with this essay on racial equality. I not only did what the teacher required, but I also went the little extra mile and did two pages more than I was supposed to and used direct quotes and things from people who fought for racial equality.
"Did the students from yesterday finish the essays?" I asked Jen, forgetting for a brief moment that there was other people in the room. Realization soon dawned on me, making my eyes widen and my breath hitch in my throat. I quickly glanced over in their direction, exhaling deeply when I seen nobody was in the room.
"Fuck." I mumbled quietly under my breath, realizing that I wouldn't get a response. Shrugging my shoulders, I put the cap back on my pen and put it back in my bag, as well as my folder but I kept the essay out. Groaning, I stood up and slung my backpack back over my shoulder, then picked up the paper and held it tightly in my fist as I walked out of Jen's room and down the hallway, in the same direction that I had came in.
Idly, I wonder why Harry came to this school so late in the school year. We are already almost done with our second term, meaning that after Christmas break the new term will start and we will all have different classes. Different thoughts run through my head; maybe his dad got a new job and got transferred down here, or maybe he got kicked out of his last school.
Shaking the ridiculous thought out of my head, I quickly popped into the counselor's office and said hello to them before I began to walk towards my english class once again. The hallways I were in were empty, them being closed off during lunch. But the moment I walked past the red doors that were currently closed, I would be swallowed by the sea of students rushing to their next class.
Taking a deep breath, and praying to god that I don't get trampled, I opened the door and walked through it. Instantly the loud chatter of all the students surrounded me, and before I knew it, I was shoved into the middle of the hallway. I felt my breathing stop and my body go rigid as I followed everyone in the direction opposite of the lunchroom. A few times I felt someone elbow me harshly in my side or someone flat tire my shoe, but I kept pushing through, desperate to find an escape.
Finally, I broke past the barricade of students and fell head first into the hallway. I landed on my hands and knees, making my palms sting painfully and my knees throb. My backpack fell off my shoulder and I watched through blurry eyes as it got kicked across the hallway, the paper underneath my hand soon getting stepped on as well.
I heard a few people laugh, but nobody bothered to help me up. Closing my eyes for a brief second, I slowly stood up, picking up my paper and putting it under my armpit before I began to wipe the dirt off of my palms that had been tracked in here by hundreds of different shoes. I ignored the pain in my knees and hands and searched the hallway for my backpack, my eyes widening when I seen Seth had it. The thin black strap was pinched tightly between his dirty, uneven fingernails, his light fingernail standing out against the dark color.
"Missing something?" He asked, his eyes shining with humor as a smirk tugged at his lips. I swallowed thickly and took a step back when I realized how close he really was to me. I didn't do well with things like this, and he knew it, that's why he constantly picked on me and made my life a living hell.
"What? Chatter mouth finally decide to turn mute?" He asked, earning him a few laughs from the boys that surrounded him. I glanced at each of their faces, my stomach churning uncomfortably when I seen they were all staring at me with their dark, beady looking eyes.
"Can I have my backpack, please?" Knowing if I used words like please and thank you, he would go a little easier on me. I looked around the hallway and seen all the students weren't paying any attention to what was going on. They were so engrossed in what was going on with them, that they didn't even notice one of their classmates getting bullied.
Oh, who am I kidding? They don't give a fuck. A student could get their head bashed into the lockers and they wouldn't care as long as it wasn't their locker. I've experienced this first hand. Last year, when Seth and his posse decided to slam my locker shut on my hand, none of the students even tried to help me open it which resulted in some nasty ass bruises and a broken pointer finger.
He was the typical school bully, and I was the typical loner boy who didn't talk to anyone and sat alone most of the time. He made sure to tell me that almost daily too, but luckily for me, he had gotten that little daily reminder out of the way this morning in first period. Which we share, unfortunately.
Returning back to reality, I watch in horror as Seth takes a step closer to me but just as he did, a large body stepped in front of him, their back facing me. "Hello Seth, has that F come up yet?" Mrs. Black asked, her hand on her hip as she stared at Seth with what I imagined to be her strict face.
Laughing internally, I watched Seth cower back before handing the backpack to Jen, which I grabbed and held it tightly in my arms. A few quiet words were mumbled between them before Seth turned around and walked down the hallway, his pointy witch looking nose sticking straight in the air.
"What is that boys problem?" Jen asked as she turned to look down at me, her head shaking softly as she sighed. "Let's get you to class."
Before she had even finished speaking she began to walk away, forcing me to speed walk to even catch up to her. The people in the hallway moved over a little and allowed us to walk through, all of them knowing not to mess with Jen.
Soon, after a long minute of comfortable silence, we stopped in front of Mrs. Anderson's room. With a pat on the shoulder and a goodbye, Jen pushed me into the room and began to make her way back to her classroom. I stumbled through the door, but quickly caught myself and smiled softly when I seen nobody was in the room except for Mrs. Anderson.
"I have my essay finished." I said proudly as I walked towards her, extending my arm that had my essay in it. She looked at me from above her glasses, her eyes crinkling in the corners as she smiled at me.
"With you, I know it will not disappoint." Blushing furiously, I bowed my head and walked to my seat at the back of the room, but stopped dead in my tracks when I looked up. Placed around the room were large white tables, there being six in all.
/How the hell did I not notice these before?/
"Sit wherever, dear." I heard Mrs. Anderson say behind me, her clearly catching onto my hesitance. I nodded and scurried to the table in the far back corner, taking a seat that had my back facing the wall.
I sat down in the cool plastic seat and got situated before I hung my backpack on the back of my chair. When all of the was taken care of, I turned back around and scanned over my essay once again, checking for any mistakes or anything. I was so lost in reading my work, that I didn't hear the bell ring nor did I hear all the students shuffle into the room.
What finally caught my attention, however, was when Mrs. Anderson's scratchy voice filled the room, her voice echoing because of the built in speakers. I, of course, didn't hear a word she said but when I glanced up, I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. Standing next to Mrs. Anderson was Harry, who was towering over the tiny teacher.
I gulped loudly and tried to listen to what she was saying but my ears were filled with this buzzing sound. I closed my eyes, and prayed that when I opened them he would be gone, but like every other time, my prayers were not answered.
I've come to the conclusion that god hates me.
Taking deep, even breaths, I looked around the room in hopes I would find something to catch my attention and luckily for me, I did. Before, I hadn't noticed where everyone was sitting because my eyes were too focused on Harry, but now I noticed I was the only one sitting at my table.
I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth and laced my fingers together, keeping my gaze on the white table when I noticed Harry walk from the front of the room. I held my breath, waiting for him to take his seat at one of the other tables before I even thought about breathing. I heard a few of the students offer Harry a seat at their table, but before I even knew what was happening, I felt the chair beside me being pulled out.
/Oh fuck. God really does hate me./
My nostrils were soon filled with the intoxicating scent of mint and some really good smelling cologne. I found myself subconsciously leaning to the side a little, trying to inhale as much of that scent as I possibly could. Oh god, it smelt like heaven. If I were to die right here and right now, which I probably will from heart failure, then I would be one happy ass angel. Or devil, depending on if the big man in the sky really does hate me.
"Don't worry, you'll be smelling that a lot from now on, partner." Harry whispered in my ear, his warm, minty fresh breath ghosting over the side of my face and making goosebumps rise on my skin. I squeaked quietly and looked over at him, my mouth falling open slightly when he grinned widely at me and winked, his green eyes twinkling with mischievousness.
/Holy fuck. This boy is going to make the rest of my school year one hell of a rollercoaster ride./
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