Chapter 15
Harry's POV:
I shoved my phone into my pocket and grabbed my jean jacket off of the end of my bed. I wasn't going to wear it, but I wanted to make sure I had it just in case Louis needed it. I ran my fingers through my untamed curls and walked out of my room, then jogged down the stairs. I slung the jacket over my shoulder and grabbed my keys off of the table next to the door, which is where Maria apparently put my keys after I put them wherever I had set them after I had gotten home last night.
I rubbed my eyes with my palm and walked out the door, not even bothering to wish everyone a good day because I knew they were all already gone. Robin had to get his company by six in the morning, and my mum had to be at the hospital by six thirty seven. Gemma, who has done absolutely nothing with her life since she graduated, was either out shopping, or at the gym trying to get guys numbers.
I shook my head and, using the button on my keychain, I opened the fourth garage door and debated on which car I wanted to take. The impala was my favorite, which everyone knew, but I haven't driven the mercedes in a long time. Sighing, I threw the door open on my impala and grabbed my book bag before I closed the door softly and walked around the the drivers side on my mercedes. I opened the door, threw the jacket and backpack in the passenger seat, and climbed into the car.
My legs were squashed as soon as I was sat in the seat, forcing me to mess with the stupid buttons on the side of the seat that allowed me to adjust how I wanted to sit. I scooted it back as far as I could and even then my legs were still a little bent, I would have to get used to it. I threw my backpack and jacket into the backseat and started the car, jumping at the sound of the smooth, yet loud purr of the engine.
It was nothing like my impala at all, but then again, no car ever would be. I cast one more look at my car before I backed out of the garage and down the driveway. I pressed the button to the garage just as I reached the end of the driveway and watched as my black car disappeared. I sighed deeply and shook my head, focusing on the road as I began to drive.
It took me less than five minutes to get to Louis' house, but that was because I was going ten over the speed limit. I don't know what it is, but the closer I get to Louis, the faster my heart beats and the more nervous I become. My palms continued to slide down off the steering wheel as I drove, and my one knee was hitting the bottom of the steering wheel with each bounce of my knee.
When I finally did reach Louis' worn down house, I parked my car next to the curb and rolled down the window, inhaling the fresh, crisp air. It was only about seven fifteen in the morning, so birds were heard chirping in the distance and the sun has yet to fully break free from the thick, white clouds. Today was going to be a good day, based on the clouds, but it was still a little chilly outside so I was hoping it wouldn't suddenly change and go all stormy.
I leaned back in my seat and fished my phone out of my pocket. I chewed on my upper lip and typed my password into the phone before I went to contacts. I was debating on whether or not I wanted to call him or text him, but my little problem was soon solved when the passenger door opened softly and a small body curled up in the seat.
I glanced over at Louis, my lips burning when I remembered what it had felt like to have his lips pressed against mine. He was wearing his usual black hoodie with a pair of black joggers. The hood to his hoodie was pulled up and he was facing the window, denying me to see his face. I frowned deeply and reached over to touch him.
"Don't, Harry." He whispered quietly, fog forming on the window from his warm breath. I retracted my arm and rested it on the middle console, my eyes focusing on the back of his head. Why was he being so strange today? Did he regret the kiss? Did he hate me now because I stole his first kiss?
I felt anger fuel my body, but I quickly shoved it down and regained my calm composure. Fine. If he wanted to pretend I wasn't here, or whatever the fuck he was doing right now, then I would do the same. If a silent game is what he wants, then a silent game is what he will get. Except for when I play this game, I don't break first. I have had a lifetime of practice on staying silent, and giving people the cold shoulder, so Louis Tomlinson better buckle up because I am known for being quite the silent dick.
Louis POV:
He didn't say anything about the kiss. Did he regret kissing me? Was I really that bad that after the first kiss, they go running? Well, technically Harry wasn't running but he wasn't exactly acting like he wanted to be around me. After I had told him not to touch me, the car has been eerily silent. The only sound is my soft breathing and the quiet song on the radio that had been intended as background noise.
I shifted in my seat and brushed my fingers across my lips, like I had done last night after Harry had kissed me. It was a strange feeling to have another human's lips pressed against yours, but the way Harry was so soft and gentle made all my awkwardness slip away, or, at least it had slipped away last night. It was funny to me that my first kiss had went exactly like I had wanted it to, but the aftermath was not at all how I wanted it to turn out. I guess I only get lucky once every year.
I sighed sadly, the noise inaudible to Harry, and shook my head. I honestly had thought that he liked me, but he proved my thoughts wrong this morning. But wait, what if he isn't talking because I told him not to touch me? Maybe I hurt his feelings? The thought alone has me laughing internally. In the time that I have known Harry, I have learned that he does not get hurt easily, especially by something as stupid as me telling him not to touch me.
I slid my glasses up my nose, having lost my contact container in my room last night, and finally risked a glance at Harry. He was glaring at the road as he drove, his jaw clenched tightly and his knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. The car slowed down to a stop and painfully slow, Harry turned to look at me.
Damn, if looks could kill, I would be dead ten times over right now.
I felt myself go completely still as fear began to course through my veins. I have never been afraid of Harry, even when I had good reasons to be, but I was right now. His eyes were dark and full of hatred, and I was practically shrinking from his gaze. My hands began to shake uncontrollably, but I didn't want Harry to notice so I grasped the straps to my backpack tightly and ripped my gaze away from him.
He definitely hated me, there was no doubt about that now. I have only ever seen him look at someone like that once before, and it was when Seth had shoved me against the wall and dug his fingernails into my arm. Harry had went from the calm, collected one that was standing behind Jen, to the fuming badass everyone has came to know.
That was the first time I have ever felt completely comfortable in Harry's presence though, and I think it's because I /knew/ he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, that he wanted to protect me... Unlike now.
I swallowed thickly and tried to keep the tears that were burning the back of my eyes from falling. I watched the road the rest of the car ride, my blurry vision focusing on nothing in particular. The moment that Harry stopped his car in a parking spot at the school, I was already out of my car. I tugged my hood up further on my head and slung my backpack over my shoulder, making my way to the front doors.
I heard Harry close his door softly when I was almost to the doors, but I didn't turn around to look at him or stop to wait for him. I opened the door and almost stopped out of habit to hold it open for him, but I quickly shook my head and walked through the door.
The hallways were full of students that were even more obnoxious then I remembered. I tried to block out their voices as I walked down the hallway, but it was soon proved to be a difficult task. They were all so loud and half of them were being complete and utter morons that were running around and throwing shit at each other.
I had been so used to walking down the hallway with Harry, who made it so nobody bumped into me, that I was actually shocked when a student ran passed me and bumped me with their shoulder. The force of it was enough to make me turn sideways a little, but it wasn't the pain that was bothering me, it was the feeling of being completely alone again that had the tears start burning my eyes again.
I twirled my eraser on the table and watched as it went in circles for a few seconds on its own before it fell the the table. The stupid, simple thing had actually managed to get my mind off of things for a while, things like Harry.
I haven't talked to him today, since this morning, but I have seen him. Earlier today he was talking to the school slut, Nicole. In the few seconds I had been watching them, she had used three of her 'special moves'. Which involved her flipping her hair, feeling the guy's bicep, and holding his hand just to see how much bigger his was compared to hers.
I have watched her flirt with enough guys to know that if those three moves didn't work, then she had a whole book full of them and eventually their little talk would end with her bent over a sink in the bathroom as they fuck her from behind.
When I called her the school slut, I wasn't just saying that to be stereotypical, I was saying that because it's true. She has had sex with almost every single guy in this school, excluding me. She has tried to have sex with me multiple times, and I turn her down every single time. The poor, pea sized brained girl just can't seem to understand that I don't like her.
When I had seen her flirting with Harry, I had felt nothing but jealousy. I shouldn't even feel jealous, but I did. I wanted to shove something other than a dick down that girl's throat, which was shocking because I usually wasn't the voient type. If one of the teachers would have heard my thoughts then, they would think I was having a mental break down or something.
I grinned softly and shook my head, clearing my thoughts. It was just in time too, because only seconds later the bell was ringing. I blew out a deep breath and gathered up my things before I stood up. I walked by Jen's desk, which was empty because she had a meeting, and walked out of her classroom.
Unlike every other day, the hallways weren't empty. A few random students were walking down the hallway, two in the direction of me, and three in the direction I was heading in. The two that were walking towards me I noticed were Barbara and Shelby, both of which I went to elementary school with them. They both smiled at me and waved as they passed me, but I quickly looked down and pretended I didn't notice it.
Those two are what you would consider the nice, but popular girls. They are known by every single person in this school, and loved by a lot because of how kind they are. They aren't your typical popular girls, them actually being quite the opposite. It was refreshing to have in times such as now. It seems like all you see lately is students being bullied by the school jocks and cheerleaders, but students like these two prove those stereotypes wrong.
I felt like the three remaining students were looking at me over their shoulders, so the moment I was swallowed by the sea of students, I was actually relieved rather than scared or nervous. I walked along with the flow and soon I was forced to push through the barricade of students that felt like I was pushing against a brick wall.
Finally, a small opening became available and I quickly wedged myself through it. I managed to get through without any problems, other than my foot getting caught on another person's. I caught myself before I could fall, shockingly, and scurried to the open door. I was dreading this class, because it was the only one I shared with Harry, other than Jen's. But at least in Jen's I could sit as far away from him as I'd like. In english I sat right next to him, so it was almost impossible to ignore his perverted comments.
When I walked through the door, I lifted my head up a little so I could look around the classroom. The chairs were placed in the same order, and a few of them were occupied by students. My gaze moved to the back of the classroom and when I seen Harry sitting in his seat, his feet propped up on the other chair, I quickly looked down. Sitting next to him was Nicole, who was apparently in this class. Her long, perfectly manicured fingernails stood out against the blue material on Harry's denim jacket, the one I had wore yesterday.
I ignored the bubble of jealousy I got and I walked to take my seat, which was next to Harry, but on the opposite side of Nicole. I gripped my backpack strap tighter and set down next to him, ignoring the pang of hurt I got when he tilted his body away from me. I set my bag under my seat and folded my arms across my chest, my eyes focusing on the board that had nothing written on it.
I tried not to listen to what they were saying, but when her squeaky laugh broke through my sound barrier, it became way to tempting. I tilted my head a little towards them, but not enough that they would notice, and pretended like I was playing with my fingers. Like usual, my bottom lip slipped between my teeth and I chewed on it, waiting impatiently for Nicole to stop laughing.
"The party was fun! I didn't expect to see you there, but you definitely made it worth the trip." She said around her laughter, but she sounded anything but sincere. She probably was surprised that he had went, but one thing you could pick out if you listened closely, was the small amount of disappointment she felt, but it was only her that knew what she was disappointed about.
Stop paying attention to her, moron. Harry went to a party with Nicole.
At the realization, it felt like all the breath was knocked out of my lungs and I felt the urge to vomit. He had went to a party with Nicole? When was this? Was it yesterday after he dropped me off at my house? Did he go from kissing me, to fucking Nicole?
The vomit started to build up my throat, but I swallowed it back and tried to think back on any happy memory I had. Unwanted images of Harry lying in the snow, the tip of his nose and cheeks tinted a red from the chilly weather, and his bright green eyes popping due to the red that rimmed his eyes. I felt myself relax, but I didn't want to. I didn't want Harry to be the reason I can go from the verge of vomiting, to looking like a lovestruck fool.
I chanced a glance at them out of the corner of my eye. Nicole was leaning forward, making her breasts pop out of the top of her shirt, and her fingers were moving over an anchor tattoo on Harry's right wrist. I wanted to lean forward and slap her hand away, but I refrained from doing so when I seen the smile Harry had. His eyes were bright and his lips were stretched into a grin, making his dimples pop out.
"Maybe I can come over to your house after school today so I can get a good look at all of your tattoos?" She asked, her hand trailing from his hand and down to his thigh, giving it a squeeze.
I didn't wait for Harry to respond, because I was already out of my seat with my backpack in hand. I went to walk over to Mrs. Anderson, but all she did was nod and point at the table in the back of the room. I smiled gratefully at her, not at all shocked that she knew what I was going to ask, and made my way back to the desk, the bell ringing as soon as I set down in the spinning chair.
I set my bag on the table and glanced up at Harry and Nicole. My heart, for some unknown reason, was sending really sharp pains throughout my body. It felt like it was cracking, like literally cracking. The pain was unbearable, but if I didn't want to be the laughing stalk of the school, I needed to keep these tears under control until next period.
But it seemed impossible. No matter how badly I wanted to look away, I couldn't. My eyes were glued on her hand that was moving up and down Harry's thigh. I had at least expected Harry to move her hand away when Mrs. Anderson walked up to the front of the class, but all he did was scoot down a little further in his chair and cross his legs over one another on the back of the chair in front of him, which was empty. That resulted in her hand being invisible from the teacher's point of view, but not mine.
My bottom lip wobbled and I finally closed my eyes to get the image out of my head. I couldn't take this anymore. Harry could treat me however he wanted to, but he should at least care about me enough to not do things like that in front of me. He was just kissing me yesterday, and it may have just been a kiss to him, but it was my first kiss. The most memorable one, but as of ten minutes ago, i'm not sure I even want to remember the human being known as Harry Styles anymore.
Harry's POV:
Oh god, does she ever stop talking? I have been sitting with her for only a few minutes and I want to gouge my eardrums out with a pencil. Her voice is so fucking squeaky and each word she says grates on my already shot nerves. But seriously, how can someone have so much to talk about? How does she not run out of breath?
I roll my eyes as she starts rambling on about some stupid shit I didn't care about. I really didn't want to put up with her anymore, but I needed to do this. I knew it would make Louis jealous and I was hoping he would come out of his little comfort bubble and do something about it. I tried to imagine what would happen if he did, but not even my imagination could imagine Louis doing anything to her. He would probably just stay quiet throughout the entire class period and pretend that I am not here, like he always does.
Ah, speaking of the devil and he shows up. Louis walks through the door, his head bowed, and I feel a pulling in my heart, but it is quickly forgotten when I feel small, slim fingers wrap around my arm. I look down at her hand and I have the urge to shake it away but when I glance at Louis from the corner of my eye and see his glare, I decide I would keep it there. And maybe I could at least seem a little bit interested in this conversation.
"Yeah, cool. So, that was you at the party?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. How the hell could I forget her annoying voice and bright ass red hair that was clearly dyed. I looked over at her and seen her eyes were bright as her lips moved faster than anything I have ever seen move, but I didn't know she was talking... Even though I had been staring at her lips for a few seconds.
Jesus Harry, focus.
I shaked my head and try to catch onto what she was saying, but I only catch the last few words. "He ended up doing a strip show for everyone." She said, and i'm guessing it was funny because she laughed, so I joined in with her, even though I have absolutely no idea what the fuck was going on.
I felt a gush of air wash over my side as someone set down, and I didn't need to look to know who it was. His strawberry scent was already clouding me and making my heart rate increase only the slightest bit. I inhaled deeply and turned in my seat a little, making it so my butt was touching the side of his chair.
I tried, once again, to focus on what she was saying but I honestly couldn't get passed the lipstick that stained her front teeth. I grimaced and focused on the pencil sharpener, my mind trying to trick itself and make me hear Louis instead of her, and it surprisingly began to work. I imagined it was his raspy, yet soft voice that was saying the words, and I was actually able to enjoy, and participate, in the conversation.
She said something about me being at the party, and I nodded for a second before I stopped and my eyes widened. Shit, Louis didn't know that I was at the party. I wanted to turn to look at him, to see if he was okay, but I couldn't. I wasn't sitting so I could slyly glance at him. If I wanted to, I would have to turn my head completely, and there was no way in hell I was going to make him believe that I cared.
I cleared my throat and turned in my seat a little, sitting like I was before. I didn't glance at Louis, though. I was afraid that if I did, I would want to tell him that I did nothing with anybody. "Yeah, it was fun. Some girl I met at the grocery store had invited me, and I decided at last minute I would go." I said quietly, hoping Louis didn't hear what I was saying.
Yes, of course I knew Louis was listening. He was bloody nosey, and that's one thing I like about him. He can literally pick something up, out of nothing. He has listened to people talk for so many years, that he can now pick out each and every emotion there is in a person's voice, even if they don't know what they are feeling. Well, at least that's what he told me. Anyway, point is, he is a snoop and likes to listen to what is going on around him, so I know he is listening to our conversation.
Our conversation about the party soon died down and I found the sleeve to my jacket being pulled up, revealing my anchor tattoo. I wanted to tell her to fuck off and to stop pulling at my jacket, but I bit my tongue and glanced down at the tattoo. "This is so cool!" She exclaimed, her fingers brushing over the tattoo.
I nodded and looked up at her, having to keep myself from gagging when I seen her breasts were hanging out of her shirt. It looked like someone squoze a vanilla pudding cup and let it fall over the edges. I shivered at the unsettling thought and clenched my hands into fists, letting them rest on top of my thigh.
Out of curiosity, mostly, I glanced over at Louis and seen how pissed off he looked. I grinned widely, my dimples popping out, and laughed internally because he looked like a pissed off toddler right now. I kept my thoughts to myself and looked back over at what's her name? Nora? Megan? Nancy? Whatever, she isn't worth the trouble of trying to remember what the fuck her name is.
I didn't realize I hadn't said anything until she pouted, in a way I think she thinks is attractive, and brushed her fingers over my arm. "Maybe I can come over to your house after school today so I can get a good look at all of your tattoos?"
Or how about no.
She slowly began to trail her hand down my arm and towards my thigh. When she reached her destination, she squoze my thigh pretty hard and batted her eyelashes at me. I wanted to slap her hand away and tell her to go clean her fucking teeth, but I clenched my teeth together and forced a smile.
I opened my mouth the respond, but my attention was soon drawn to the now empty seat by me. I frowned and looked back at Louis, seeing he was walking back towards the table Mrs. Anderson had in the back of her room that she usually set at to grade homework or something. I stifled a groan when I seen how fuckable his ass looked right now in those pants that clung to his body in all the right places.
The girl, Harry! Focus on the girl.
I internally growled, but did as my thoughts scream at me and reluctantly turned my gaze back on Strawberry Shortcake. "Listen, that all seems way interesting, but could you just pretend that you are having a great time with me, and maybe you could keep rubbing my thigh?" I asked her, and I tried to keep my voice friendly, but somehow I managed to sound like an asshole.
Blinking a few times, Shortcake--My new permanent nickname for her--looked around the room for a second then nodded, her tiny brain actually being able to understand what I was saying. "You can talk all you want, which we all know you like doing, but I won't be answering. Okay? Okay." I forced another smile, then I turned in my seat when the bell rang and situated my legs so Louis could see her hand that was rubbing up and down on my thigh.
The feeling was not at all arousing. I have had to fight vomit back a few times, but each small glance I got at Louis, I knew this was all getting to him. It wasn't like I wanted to hurt him too badly, I just wanted him to realize that I could pretend he wasn't even there, which is exactly what he was doing to me. Like I said before, Louis Tomlinson better buckle up because this is only the beginning. I could be an even bigger dick than I was being right now, and I planned on doing so.
Maybe then he'll realize how much he actually needs me.
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