Chapter 10
I was still shivering by the time Harry pulled into a parking lot to a... cafe? I peered out the window to look for a sign, but we were on the side of it so I couldn't see anything other than the red paint that covered the walls. Bushes were growing along the side of the building and were covering half of the wall, and they were covered in snow.
"Why did you stop here?" I asked when I managed to get my teeth to stop chattering. My hands were no longer frozen solid, and I had feeling back in my toes, but now that my body was thawing out, I could feel how uncomfortable my wet my clothes were from when I had sat down on the bench and laid in the snow.
Harry, without answering me, climbed out of the car and walked around to my side. He opened my door and took a step to the side, allowing me more room to get out. I sighed in defeat and climbed out of the car, managing to keep my balance even on the slippery ice that covered half of the parking lot.
The cold air wrapped around my body and embraced me in a cold embrace. I shivered, as if it were instinct, and wrapped my arms tightly around my waist. I followed closely behind Harry as he began to walk towards the door, his strides anything but graceful. Every few steps he took, he would slip and almost fall, but he managed to regain his balance, after cursing, and continue forward.
"Are you going to tell me why we're here?" I questioned, having to almost shout because he was so far in front of me. He slowed down his pace and came to a complete stop when he remembered I was with him. I sighed in relief, fog clouding my head, and jogged to catch up to him.
"I wanted a cup of cocoa." He said, like it was the most obvious thing ever, and shrugged. I rolled my eyes, but my stomach grumbled at the mention of hot cocoa. I haven't had it in years and it sounded amazing right now, but I wouldn't be able to get one because there was a small problem.... I didn't have any money.
I kept quiet and bowed my head as we walked through the front door, Harry holding it open of course. I didn't bother looking at where he was going, because I was too focused on finding a seat so I could cover up my ass that was completely wet, and very noticeable. I lifted my head up a little and looked around the small cafe, spotting the perfect booth in the back corner.
I sighed in relief and walked over to it. I sat down, the plastic black thing that covered the seat making a weird noise. I bit my lip and glanced around, wanting to make sure that nobody had noticed the noise. There was only a few people here, though, and none of them were close to where I was sitting.
At the other end of the cafe, there was an elderly couple and behind them there was a sad looking woman who was twirling her cup on the table. On the other side of the counter there was an elderly woman with a younger child, and standing in front of the counter with a brown wallet in hand was Harry.
His long legs were crossed over each other as he stood in line. His black skinny jeans were wet and his blue shirt was clinging to his body, showing off a few of the tattoos that were littered across his torso and arms. I had noticed a tattoo on his stomach, that was very noticeable, but I didn't know what it was and I didn't want to ask him what it was. His long hair, which he would run his fingers through every now and again, was still slightly damp and hung in loose curls around his head.
I shook my head and blew out a deep, quiet breath. I looked down at the table and picked up a sugar packet from the small basket in the middle of the table. The writing was too small for me to see, my contacts being at home along with my glasses. I was in too big of a rush this morning to even bother grabbing either one of them, so I was practically blind today when it came to things that were far away from me. I mean, I could see blobs and if I squinted, I could make out a few things, but I didn't even bother squinting to read something as stupid as a sugar packet.
I pulled open the top of it and was getting ready to dump it on the table when someone sat across from me. I jumped a little, and watched as some of the grains of sugar flew out of the packet and landed on the table, a few of them sliding and landing on the space next to me. "Jesus." I whispered, my heartbeat accelerating, and carefully sat the packet down on the table, propping it up against the basket so no more got spilled.
"I ordered you a hot cocoa." Harry informed me, smiling smugly. I inhaled sharply and dug my fingernails into the palm of my hand. I hated when people bought me something, which was rare, because it made me feel like shit.
"You didn't have to." I said quietly, looking down at my hands to avoid his gaze. I was embarrassed, to say the least. I couldn't even say that I could pay him back because I didn't have money, and I didn't have a job. I really needed one, though. But I had to wait at least another month before I could get one unless the place I applied at didn't require a drug test.
"Oh shut it and just accept the cocoa." His tone of voice wasn't rude like I had expected it to be, he sounded calm and maybe a little irritated. I shook my head quickly and slipped my bottom lip between my teeth, clasping my teeth around it. I hated being in public places like this, especially with how I looked right now. My clothes were wet and soggy, my eyes and nose were red from the chilly weather and my hair was wet. If I didn't at least attempt to dry it soon, it would go limp and look like shit.
Pushing my thoughts aside, I closed my eyes and focused on Harry's breathing. It was steady and he was breathing through his nose, but if you listened closely, you could hear how he would breath faster every time I would flinch or move. I didn't know why it happened, though, all I knew is that is was happening.
A few minutes later I felt my arm being nudged to the side as a tray was being set down on the table. I looked up and eyed the black haired woman with clumpy mascara and red lipstick. She was wearing a striped dress with a white apron on and there was a small, white name tag on the corner of her right boob.
"Thank you," Pausing, Harry smirked over at me before he looked at the woman's name tag. "Isabelle." His tongue curled as he said her name, and it made it sound a lot more seductive then I was comfortable with. I shifted in my seat and tried to ignore the bubble of jealousy I got when I seen how he was staring at her.
Wait, what? Jealousy? Why the hell was I jealous? I had no right to be. I mean, Harry had been nice to me and all but that was it. There wasn't really any reason that I should be jealous. Besides, I didn't even know if Harry was gay and based on the way he was currently flirting with the waitress, he was anything but gay.
I pushed down the urge to rip out her hair extentions, and slumped down in my seat, frowning deeply. I grabbed one of the two brown cups off of the tray that was overflowing with marshmallows. There was something red sprinkled over the top of the marshmallows, and there was grated chocolate over them, but what was odd to me was the stick that was sticking out of it.
It was light brown and had brown swirls around it. It looked like a straw to me, but at the same time it didn't. I closed my left eye and squinted so I could look down the straw thing. There was chocolate lining the inside of it and based on the smell, it was some type of graham cracker like thing.
I lifted to cup up to my lips and took a cautious sip. My taste buds exploded when I not only got the flavor from the hot chocolate and marshmallows, but there was also a hint of cinnamon. My eyes lit up and I eagerly took another sip, the warm liquid sliding down my throat and coating it before it landed in the pit of my stomach, warming me from the inside out. I hummed in appreciation and looked up at Harry, who was now watching me, the waitress no longer being anywhere in sight.
"Where's Isabelle?" I asked, using a lot more venom when I said her name than I had intended. Harry raised an eyebrow at me and laced his fingers together, using them to rest his chin on as he leaned forward and propped his elbows up on the table.
"Oh, you mean this Isabelle?" He asked, lifting up his phone long enough that I seen a picture of her smiling, red lipstick staining her teeth. Her name was saved under Bell and just underneath her name there was a number. I rolled my eyes, more jealousy fueling my body, and lifted the cup back up to my lips.
Lifting up one of his hands, Harry tilted the screen towards him a little and clicked the little garbage can next to the call button. A small white screen appeared that said something along the lines of 'Are you sure you want to delete this contact.' Smiling, Harry clicked yes and the screen did a loading sign before it went back to his contact screen.
"Wasn't my type." Harry said when I looked at him questioningly. He smiled at me, like he was enjoying some kind of inside joke, and grabbed his own cup. He took a sip of it before he wrapped his lips around the stick thing and bit down on it. It crunched loudly as he chewed, but the way his eyes were shining, I doubted he cared.
I licked my bottom lip and mirrored Harry, taking a bit of the stick. I found out it wasn't a graham cracker, but it was some kind of cracker. The chocolate that was coating the inside of the stick was now melted from the steam, and it coated my tongue as I chewed. "Oh my god." I moaned, my head tilting back a little as I finished chewing the rest of the stick thing.
A cup falling down on the table brought me out of my little heaven. I looked down just in time to see the warm liquid from Harry's cup splashing all over the front of him and the table. I laughed loudly and sat my cup down before I quickly scooted out of my seat. I used my sleeve to wipe of Harry's face, then I turned my direction down to the table. I picked up the cup, that was surprisingly not broke, and set it down next to mine. I grabbed a handful of napkins out of the little tin thing that was next to the basket on the table.
The moment I laid the napkins down on the hot cocoa, they turned brown and became soggy. I groaned loudly and did my best to wipe up as much of the brown liquid and I could. Harry, who had pushed past me to go to god knows where, pushed me out of the way gently and began to mop up the remaining mess with a hand towel.
It took him only a few seconds before he managed to clean all of it up. He took the towel back up to the woman standing behind the counter and turned back around to walk towards me. His blue shirt was no longer blue on the front. It was now dark brown from where the hot cocoa had splattered up it. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing and picked Harry's phone up off the table and met him halfway.
"Let's go." He growled in my ear, ripping the phone out of my hand and sliding it into the pocket of my hoodie, where my phone was. I nodded my head and followed after him as he waddled to his car. As soon as we reached his black impala, he undid the button to his pants and pulled them down. I felt my stomach grow tight as I watched him strip from his pants, leaving him in nothing but his grey boxers that clung to his body in the most perfect way ever.
His ass, which was small, was showed off perfectly in his wet boxers. I swallowed thickly and ripped my gaze away from his ass. I chewed on my bottom lip and walked to my side of the car and carefully sat down in the seat. I closed the door once I was sitting down and looked up just as Harry was sitting down. He threw his pants in the back seat and began rubbing his red thighs.
I hissed softly and looked at the red, angry looking skin. Harry looked at me for a second, his green eyes unreadable. "You and your fucking moan did this." He growled and gestured to his chest and lap.
"My moan?" How did my moan cause this? When did I even moan? Oh, when I took a bite of the weird stick thing that was in my drink. My mouth fell open when I recalled that Harry had infact dropped his cup right after I emitted that ungodly sound. But, why did my moan cause that? What did I even sound like when I moaned. I went to make the sound, being lost in thought, but quickly closed my mouth when I remembered I was in the car with Harry.
"Yeah. Bloody sound made me hard." He growled, his eyes going down to his crotch that was now soft. I tried to imagine what Harry would look like with a hard on, but as the image slipped into my mind, I felt my cheeks heat up and my own dick grow slightly hard.
I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat, ringing my hands in my lap and I tried to focus on anything other than the half naked male that was next to me. All coherent thoughts left my mind and my throat went dry when my mind betrayed me and different sceneries of Harry naked and standing in front of me began to flash through my mind.
I tightened my grip on my seat and shifted so I was facing towards the window, my back facing Harry. I reached up with shaky hands and put on my seatbelt, a small voice in the back of my mind, that was barely heard above Harry's moans that were ricocheting around in my mind, reminded me that Harry was completely insane when he drove and that I needed to put on my seatbelt.
If Harry had talked to me as he drove me to god knows where, then I didn't hear him. I stared out the window absentmindedly and drew small patterns in the fog on the window that would appear with each breath I took. My forehead was resting against the cool window and my knee was pressing against the door. It was uncomfortable, but not completely unbearable.
The thought of having to turn around and face Harry made my stomach churn painfully and my palms sweat. Somewhere on the ride home I had came to a very unwelcomed realization. I had a small, most definitely small, crush on the pantless boy next to me. In the short time that I have known him, I have learned that he is crude, blunt and just an overall asshole, but deep down, I knew that there was a part of him that cared. And even if he didn't want anyone to see it, I have witnessed that side of him on more occasions than one.
That small part of him shines through all the bullshit that surrounds him and I think that that is what I had started to fall for. Not the danger of hanging out with the school's bad ass, but the feeling of actually being cared for and wanted. Harry may be a lot of things in people's eyes, but to me, he was the guy who was going to beat up my bully for /me/, and that alone had my heart racing like I had just got done running... I don't run for exercise, so how about I say.... Icecream truck? Yeah, that alone had my heart racing like I had just got done running after the icecream truck.
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