🕊Chapter 1🕊
"I can't believe that school is already over," a young girl by the name of Alya Eanasir remarked to her friends who walked beside her. To her right was a short blonde who was aptly names Pixie and to her left was Pixie's Girlfriend, a shy taller Brunette called Niida.
"You're actually staying home-alone these holidays right?" asked an exuberant Pixie, "I would be so scared at night without all my siblings!"
"Yeah, actually," replied Alya, "My parents are on a getaway to celebrate Dad's new promotion so it's just going to be me at home these holidays."
"I-I-I Kn-kn-know that y-you s-s-said something a-about g-getting a d-dog a-after the h-holidays, r-right?" stuttered out Niida.
"I asked my parents but they said that they weren't ready for a dog yet with dad's new promotion so probably when things calm down they'll get me a dog. But that will probably only happen when I'm 80." sighed Alya.
The group laughed, knowing Alya, and walked towards the park where they split ways. Alya walked further in the park through the well-walked short-cut to her house. When she reached the short forest in the middle she saw a dove's nest. She smiled and walked as she thought to herself, 'I wish I had wings. Can you imagine what having wings and being free to fly above the clouds would be like?'
She continued along unaware to a dove egg cracking open with a new dove chick in the birds nest above.
"I'm home," Alya called to the empty house. She sighed and dropped her bag down onto the dining table and walked upstairs to change. She picked out a pastel blue sweatshirt and black tracks and stalked downstairs. 'Might as well finish some homework now instead of leaving it later so I can binge the new animes on Netflix.' Alya thought and sat down with her maths textbook.
Alya sat down and started working on her work. 'Now onto indices,' she thought.
Later that night, Alya slept fitfully with flashes of pale blue wings and a boy with dark orange wings. There were flashes of a land on the clouds and when she woke up she rolled onto something fluffy; suddenly her back felt heavy and she stilled. Alya rolled upright and reached out to her back and bit back a strangled scream. There were feathers. She tried pulling on the feathers but it only somehow hurt. She got up and walked towards the full-length mirror in her parent's room. Alya started hyperventilating and bit back another scream. She had feathers.
So I needed to write something because I owe you 6 chapters because I lost to my friend and I never updated in a long time (Sorry about that) and I decided that I hates this book so I re-vamped it! Enjoy and I'll be getting the next few chapters out soon.
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