Chapter 20-the sun goes down, the hair goes up
Two weeks later
Rhetts POV
"Where do you think we should go on holiday this year?" I raked around the pamphlets on our coffee table. Link picked up one and flicked through it, not properly reading it.
"What about France? It's the city of love..." I wiggled my eyebrows in a silly way. He laughed and pushed me away.
"You hopeless romantic. Although it doesn't sound bad though." He handed me the pamphlet. I leant back on the couch. I stretched out a hand and rubbed his cheek before twirling part of his hair in my hand.
"You need a shave. You're all stubbly. And your hair is getting kinda long as well." He sighed and pulled at it.
"Well why don't I phone up a friend and I'll get it cut? Once it's cut short it'll stay short!" I looked at him with a concerned look.
"Are you sure. If you don't like it I mean you could always grow it back out again." He stood up and grabbed the phone. He typed in the number.
"Who are you phoning?" I stood next to me, his face next to mine.
"My friend Julie from my old job at the café. I haven't talked to her in a while but she cuts hair now." I nodded and planked myself on the couch.
"Hello? Julie it's Link!" He smiled and nodded into the phone.
"I've been great! You still cut hair right? Well I'll pay you to come here and cut my wings off." He laughed. I heard him give her the address and then hung up. I walked into the kitchen and cleared everything off the counter.
"So she's coming round today?" I called from the kitchen.
"Yeah she'll just cut my hair and then she'll be gone. Then we can get back to planning our holiday." He walked in a planted a kiss on my cheek.
An hour later
Links POV
"That'll be her." I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door and threw it open.
"Link!" She jumped forward and wrapped her arms around me.
"Julie! It's been too long!" She smiled at me.
"I don't think I've seen you since the day you got fired." I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Haha I guess so. So we going to cut my hair?" She ruffled my hair and followed me into the kitchen. Rhett was leaning on the counter as we entered.
"Rhett this is Julie. Julie, Rhett!" She walked forward and extended her hand. Rhett grabbed her hand and shook it.
"So you're going to cut and style links hair?" Rhett glanced over nervously to me.
She nodded and patted the seat. I sat down and she messed my hair.
"Now I think we should do something to match your lovely boyfriend! What do you think Rhett?" Rhett leant forward and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and picked up a pair of scissors.
"You ready to say to goodbye to your wings?" I nodded.
"Then let's do this."
"And that's...the final cut!" She quickly sprayed it with hair spray.
"And done!" I looked round and Rhett was grinning widely.
"You want to have a look?" I nodded. She held up a large mirror. I stared at my short hair and ran my fingers through it.
"Do you like it Link?" Rhett placed his head on my shoulders.
"I love it so much!" I grinned. I stood up and hugged Julie.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" She smiled. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out some money. She shook her head.
"No link you're my friend. Friends don't get charged. Especially seeing how close we are." She gathered up all of her equipment.
"We should catch up again some other time link ok?" I nodded.
"I love the sound of that." She leant sideways and waved to Rhett.
"Bye Rhett!" Rhett waved back. She pulled open the front door and walked out.
"So how do you like it?" I turned to Rhett. He walked forward and ran his fingers through my hair. I made a strange sound as he ran his fingers more and more. He leant forward and started to kiss along my jawline. He leant forward and whispered in my ear. I smirked at him. He grabbed hold of my hand and I followed him upstairs.
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