Chapter 19- still alive but im barely breathing
Next day
Rhetts POV
"Are you sure I look ok?" I glanced over to Link. He was wearing his yellow cardigan and black jeans over a smart shirt.
"You look fine don't worry my parents are going to love you." I grabbed hold of his hand and kissed it. He smiled at me as we pulled up into the driveway. As we clambered out of the car I saw him frantically fixing his hair in the window and straighten his class. I sighed and wandered round the side of the car. He looked at me with a mixture of scared and nervousness. I pulled him into a quick hug.
"Relax. Everything will go well." We walked up to the door, holding hands. I knocked on the door loudly. It opened suddenly.
"Rhett!" A smiling lady opened the door.
"Hi mom!" She beckoned us in and swaddled me in a hug.
"I missed you so much! You never call, you're always working!" She caught s glanced of Link.
"Who's your friend honey?" Link stood up straight and extended his hand.
"Charles Lincoln Neal ma'am." She pushed Link hand down and brought him into a hug.
"It's good to meet you at last! You're Rhetts boyfriend?" She smiled at him. Link nodded.
"Well welcome to the family son. Rhett your dad will be so happy!" She beckoned us through into the living room where my dad was sitting on the couch.
"Rhett!" He stood up and smiled. He pulled me into another hug.
"Dad this is Link, my boyfriend." He looked at Link and then hugged him.
"Come on you lot! By the time we finish hugging the food will be cold." My mom called from the other room.
Links POV
"Wow that food was amazing! Thank you so much Mrs McLaughlin." I placed my fork and knife down on my empty plate.
"You're welcome dear! I'm so happy you ate everything. I want to see both of my boys grow up big and strong!" I looked over to Rhett. He smiled and grabbed my hand underneath the table.
"Would you like any help with the washing up?" Rhett started to collect the plates. She swatted his hands away and smiled.
"Nonsense! You two go through to the living room." She smiled. Rhett and I stood up and went out into the hallway.
"Am I making a good impression?" I whispered. He kissed me on the forehead and smiled.
"You're making a wonderful impression!" He grinned.
"I'm going to see if your mom needs any help. If I help her she'll maybe like me more." He patted me on the shoulder before walking into the living room. I walked down the corridor and walked into the kitchen.
"Mrs McLaughlin? I'm here to help...." she smiled.
"Call me Diane. It's ok honestly dear." I shook my head.
"I insist..." I rolled up my sleeves and grabbed a drying cloth. I grabbed hold of a pot and started to dry it.
"What's that on your arms dear?" She broke the silence between us. She dried her hands before grabbing my arms. She pulled up my sleeves to expose all the scars my father had left me.
"What happened?" She twisted my arms in every direction.
"I don't really want to talk about it..." she looked at me angrily.
"Who did this to you?!" She dug her nails harder into my arm. Visions of the night my father came to the house started to come into my mind. I felt the tears prickle my eyes. I started to feel faint as more images of my father appeared into my head. My legs started to go weak as she let go.
"Rhett!!" She screamed. My vision went all spotty as I collapsed to the floor.
Later on
I opened my eyes slowly. I heard the roaring of the cars going past. I sat up, groaning heavily. I rubbed my temples.
"Hey buddy..." Rhett whispered. He rubbed my thigh.
"What happened?" He sighed.
"You passed out. I think you had a panic attack. I carried you to the car. We are on our way home. Want to tell what happened?" I groaned.
"She saw my scars and she started asking questions. She dug her nails into my arms and I started having vivid flashbacks of that night. Everything just went all misty. Don't blame her. It wasn't her fault." His sad face changed to anger.
"Link I don't blame my parents for things but this was her fault. I'm not having her bring up the past and having you upset like this! She probably didn't mean to do it. But I'm not having her upset my boyfriend." He breathed out heavily.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered. He patted my arm.
"Don't worry ok? She apologised and is very sorry. She really likes you. And so does my dad. So overall I think you made a good impression." I grinned.
"Good!" I smiled to myself.
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