Chapter 17- Happy Valentines Day
i know Valentines was yesterday but i wanted to upload a valentines chapter anyways! so happy valentines to anyone who has someone to love and to all my fellow singles out there!
the next day (evening)
Rhetts POV
"Ugh!" Link threw his notebook on the bed. I wandered through and saw him with his hands through his hair.
"What's up?" he looked at me and frowned.
"Its hard to write a song! How can you do it?" I laughed and flopped on the bed next to him and pulled the duvet over us. I took his glasses on and set them down on the bedside table and turned the light off. He flipped himself around so that my arm wrapped around him.
"I'm sure you'll figure something out." we lay there for a few minutes as i ran my fingers through his hair.
"You know tomorrow is Valentines day right?" I whispered in his ear. He turned and faced me.
"I never really liked Valentines day. It brings back horrible memories know who..." he sighed and snuggled into my chest.
"Do want to do anything? I mean we can spend the whole day together..." i pulled him closer.
"I dunno....'s up to you...." he kissed me on nose and closed his eyes. I looked at him one last time and then cuddled up to sleep.
Next day
I flipped the final pancake and grabbed the tray. I headed upstairs on tiptoe and pushed the door open to see him still sleeping. I set the tray of food on my beside table and leant over to Link.
"Wakey wakey sleepy head!" he groaned and rubbed his eyes. He looked at me and smiled and then he caught glance of the tray. I smiled and sat it down on his lap.
"You made me breakfast?" he grinned. I sat down next to him and kissed him on the cheek.
"I am making a promise right now that I am going to make this a Valentines day to remember. Starting with pancakes." I grabbed the remote from my drawer and turned the TV on.
"We are also going to watch all of our GMM episodes together cause I want you to watch your very first episode with me and then something very special for tonight." he took a piece of pancake and shoved it in his mouth.
"I love you, you know that right?" he leaned his head on my shoulder.
"Love you too!"
later that evening
Links POV
"Where are you taking me?" he dragged me out of the car but I could only see the inside of the blindfold.
"I wanted to make this night extra special." i heard the creaking of a metal gate as I stumbled behind Rhett. He pulled me a little further until he finally stopped. I heard his footsteps until he was behind me.
"You can take the blindfold off." he whispered. I pulled the blindfold off, At first i noticed we were in the park and then right in front of me was a picnic blanket with was covered with cushions and food.
"You like it?" he leaned in close to me.
"I love it! No one has ever done something so special for me before." I turned around and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss before we sat down. He gave me most of the cushions so that I was comfortable. We shared the food between us. He pulled me over so that I was on his chest.
"Honestly this has been the best Valentines day I have ever had." i saw Rhett smiling.
"I'm just so happy that you're happy. But I have one more surprise for you if you sit up for me love." I sat up and looked at him. He raked his jacket until I saw him pull out a box.
"Rhett is that...." he saw my face.
"Its not a wedding ring....its something better. Link since that day I met you my life has become so much better and I love you very much. That's why I decided on bringing you to the park. It was were I first met you and where you changed my life. So I got you this..." he handed me the box. I felt my eyes getting watery. I opened the box and saw a ring right in the centre. It had my name engraved on it.
"It's a promise ring. Its a promise from me that no matter what happens in our lives, I will always love you." he took the ring and slipped it onto my finger. I glanced at it as it shone in the light.
"I love you Charles Lincoln Neal!" he smiled at me.
"And I love you Rhett James Mclaughlin!" I chuckled as I tackled him into a hug. He fell onto his back as we both laughed. We kissed over and over again. We stopped and I looked right at him
"I don't want this to change. I don't want this to ever end."
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