Chapter Twelve
-Bill's P.O.V-
After the argument a week ago, I hadn't seen much of my friends, only Bev. She was the only one who was basically on my side, which I appreciated. Today me and her had arranged to meet up, but she never showed. I decide to go meet her at her house, but when I got there I noticed the front door was wide open. I curiously stepped inside, looking around her sitting room and kitchen but she wasn't there.
"Bevelry?" I said out loud hoping to get a response. I went to head towards her room but out of the corner of my eye I saw something laying on the ground in the bathroom. I slowly made my way up to the bathroom, as I got closer I noticed it was her dad, a pool of blood next to his head. My heart began to race, fearing the worst. I rushed into her bedroom only to find 'You Die If You Try' written across her ceiling in blood. The clown.
I quickly ran over to the arcade, knowing that's where Richie would be. I need the other losers, this had gone too far. First Georgie, then Reian and now Bev, three of the most important people in my life had disappeared. Something needed to be done. I burst into the arcade, spotting Richie next to the street fighter game, tapping away at the buttons.
"Richie!" I yelled.
"What do you want?" He spat "See that guys I'm hitting, I'm pretending it's you!" I really didn't have time for his bullshit.
"I-i-it got Beverly" I told him.
"What are you talking about?" He asked obviously not paying any attention to what I had just told him.
"IT, Richie!" I repeated "It got Beverly" He immediately stopped pressing the buttons and slowly turned to look at me. Concern and worry spread across his face, I need him right now. We both then rushed out of the arcade and started contacting the others.
-Eddie's P.O.V-
"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. I listened carefully to what I was being told, not liking it one bit. "Okay, I'll meet you there!" I couldn't believe this was happening again. I put down the phone and headed for the front door. Only to have my mum block the entrance by stepping out of the living room. She had obviously listened in on the conversation I had with Bill.
"And just where do you think you're off to?" She questioned.
"Out with my friends" I replied. There was no way I was going to let her control me anymore, not after what I had been told at the pharmacy by Gretta. I had been lied to by my mum this whole time.
"Sweetie, you can't go" She told me innocently. "You're getting over your sickness remember"
"My sickness?" I raised my eyebrow and turned to defence mode. "Okay, what sickness Ma?" I reached into my fanny pack and pulled out the container of pills that I had to take for my so called 'Sickness'
"Do you know what these are?" I continued holding them up in front of her. "They're Gazebos"
"They're bullshit!" I yelled at her, throwing the container onto the floor violently. She looked down at the tablets now spread out across the floor before looking at me with a blank expression.
"They help you, Eddie" She bluntly said. "I had to protect you"
"Protect me?" I asked in disbelief. "By lying to me, by keeping me locked inside this hellhole? I'm sorry but the only people who are actually trying to protect me were my friends, and you made me turn my back on them when I really needed them! So I'm going" I shot her a look of disgust before rushing towards the front door, passing her.
"Eddie, Eddie no" She began to cry, following me out of the door. "Eddie you get back here!"
"Sorry mum, I gotta go save my friends"
"Don't do this to me Eddie!" She yelled after me.
-Mike's P.O.V-
We had finally all caught up with each other and began riding towards Neibolt House, I made sure that I had my Captive Bolt Pistol with me, I knew that I would be needing it to defend myself one way or the other. Bill and Richie had actually come over to me to explain what had happened and there was no way I could just sit back.
The six of us finally pulled up to the house, I firmly pulled on the brakes. I hopped off of my bike, not even waiting for the it to stop, the others did the same. In single file, we all made our way into the gate and up to the house.
"Guys, spikes" Bill said. He placed his bag down and began pulling them out, the rest of us watching. We heard a glass smash, causing us to jump slightly. Looking over, we saw Richie had attempted to smash a glass bottle but he failed miserably. I shook my head at him, everyone else looking as if to say 'What the fuck'. Richie shrugged his shoulders and we all walked into the house.
"Stan?" Ben asked. We turned to see Stan stood in the doorway, debating whether or not he really wanted to do this.
"Stan, w-w-we all have to go" Bill stuttered. "B-B-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time that clown will kill us one by one. But if we s-s-stick together, all of us, w-w-we'll win. The clown will p-p-pay for everything, for taking R-R-Reina, I promise" Stan let out a deep breath and sighed before walking into the house.
Bill led us over the where he had followed the clown a week ago, down the stairs leading to the basement of the house. He shone the flashlight and we all noticed a well. This was now all starting to add up to me, the stories Ben had told us.
"Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing!" Eddie said as we all stood around the well.
"Beverly!" Ben shouted down the well.
"How are we supposed to get down there?" I asked. Bill turned and had found some rope.
The six of us had hooked the rope to a hook that was hanging about the well. I made sure it was secure before anyone attempted to use it. I was physically stronger out of all of us so I had to help them. One by one climbed down the well, Bill went first, then Eddie, Richie and Stan.
-Beverly's P.O.V-
I woke up to something dripping on my face, I reached up and saw that it was a spot of blood I looked around at my sightings in confusion, I had no idea where I was. I stood up, wobbling slightly and made my way around the unfamiliar setting. I looked over and noticed a huge pile of toys in the middle of the room. I slowly walked over but ended up falling to my knees because of how dizzy I felt.
I looked up in front of me and noticed something that looked like a board. 'PENNYWISE THE DANCING CLOWN' was written across it. I slowly stood up and continued to look at the pile of toys, which went higher and higher, my gaze following it. I gasped and took a few steps back, I saw kids floating around the pile, well they were more like corpses than humans now. They had to have been the missing kids. I could've cried at the sight. I frantically looked around and ran away from the pile, hoping to find a way out of here.
"Step right up Beverly, step right up!" I heard a playful voice say. " Come change, come float. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cheer. You'll die!" I heard the sound of a jack in the box go off from the pile of toys.
"Introducing Pennywise the Dancing Clown!" The voice then said again, a maniac like laugh following it. The board that I had once been staring at fell down, as if someone had pushed it form the other side, revealing a stage. I jumped as the clown suddenly appeared. To my surprise the clown then began to dance to circus music, keeping a straight face. 'what in the world?' I thought to myself. I looked over to my left and spotted some ladders leading up to an opening. I saw this as an opportunity and took off running for it. I gasped as I was caught by the clown, it lifted me up off of my feet as I began struggling in his grip.
"I'm not afraid of you!" I told it. He looked angry at me and pulled me closer to its face
"You will be!" It growled. The last thing I saw was a bright light.
-Mike's P.O.V-
I watched as Ben climbed down the rope safety. I grabbed my bolt pistol and noticed that it wasn't loaded. I placed the spare rounds onto the edge of the well, whilst I loaded the pistol with one. I examined the pistol and reached for the rope, accidently knocking the spare rounds down the well.
"Fuck!" I yelled.
"Leave it, it's ok!" Richie called up.
"But we barely have anything now!" I yelled back down. "Six kids ain't gonna do much damage with no fucking weapons!"
"Don't worry, I c-c-called for backup before w-w-we came here!" Bill replied. 'Huh?' I sighed before grabbing ahold of the rope and climbing down it.
-Patrick's P.O.V-
"Stop!" I ordered and Belch parked the car outside of the Neibolt House. The four of us quickly climbed out.
"I can't believe we are doing this" Vic said walking up beside me.
"Pussy!" Henry smirked. "Who's bikes are they?" Henry asked.
"The Loser's are already here" I told him.
"We're helping the Losers?" Henry asked in disbelief.
"It's the only way" I spat. My gaze still on the house.
"Don't back out now Henry!" Belch said, taking another sip of water.
"You brought the fucking water bottle, what's that gonna do?" Vic laughed.
"I can spray the motherfucker in the face if it comes near me!" Belch argued.
"Wow Belch" I blurted out. He lightly shoved me.
"Ready Patrick?" Henry asked turning to me.
"I was fucking born ready!" I fired back. 'That clown is dead' I thought to myself as we all headed towards the house.
Hey guys, I'm not too sure if I'll be able to upload tomorrow as I have another family event but I will try my best. Stay blessed xo
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