Chapter One
A haunting vibe lingered in the air of Derry. What once was a quiet, safe town had turned into a place where no child was safe. So many children'teenagers had gone missing, none found. At the start of the school year it was Georgie Denbrough, Bill's little brother, a few months after that it was Reina Jacobs, the girlfriend of Patrick Hockstetter and friend of the Losers Club. The most recent was a girl named Betty Ripsom. How could anyone know what was going on when the kids disappeared without a trace.
No one knew about the dark secret that lived right in Derry, everyone was oblivious. The only people that knew were no longer available to tell the tale. The adults were the worse, acting as if the children were runaways, or forgetting about them every time a new person went missing. Only one word could describe how most people felt. Fear.
-Bill's P.O.V-
The ball rang signalling the end of the last class. It was finally summer, no school for six weeks, getting to spend as much time with my friends, I loved it, but this year was different, it wouldn't be the same. This past year I had lost my little brother and one of my closest friends, Reina. They boys and I hadn't really healed from her going missing. Me, Eddie and Richie walked out of starting our own conversation about Stan's upcoming Bar Mitzvah.
"So there's this church full of Jews right and Stan has to take this super Jewy test!" Eddie explained to me and Richie as we walked down the hallway of the school.
"But h-h-how's it work?" I asked him. I didn't understand how Eddie knew so much about this.
"They slice the tip of his dick off!" Eddie replied. I scrunched my face just at the thought of it.
"But then Stan will have nothing left!" Richie explained turning to face us slightly.
"That's true" Eddie jokingly muttered as Stan had caught up with us.
"Hey Stan, what happens at the Bar Mitzvah a-a-anyway?" I asked him wanting to get the real explanation. "Ed says the slice the tip of you d-d-dick off!" Stan let out a sigh.
"Yeah I think the Rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say where's the beef!" Richie joked. Out of all of us he was the one to always try and make the situation better.
"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah and then I make a speech and Suddenly I become a man" Stan told us all.
"I can think of funner ways to become a man!" Richie exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at his response.
"Oh shit!" Stan blurted out.
The four of us then walked past the well know Bowers Gang, trying to avoid eye contact with them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Patrick Hockstetter lick his lips and smirk at us whilst the other three just glared long and hard. It was a strange relationship between us and the Bowers gang, mainly because Reina was Patrick's girlfriend.
He hadn't been the same since she went missing, sure he bullied us and was extremely weird when she was around but not as bad. Now he was 10 times worse, taking every chance he got to torment us. Although Patrick didn't seem to be affected by Reina's disappearance at all to most people, I knew that deep down this had hurt him, his behaviour gave me a clue.
"Think they'll sign my yearbook?" Richie asked once we had past them. I lightly tapped him on the shoulder.
"Best feeling ever!" Stan Blurted out as we had all finished emptying our backpacks into the school's bin.
"Yeah?, Try tickling your pickle for the first time!" Richie suggested with a smirk. He was absolutely filthy.
"Hey what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked placing his not empty backpack onto his back.
"I start my training" Richie answered as he adjusted his glasses
"Wait what training?"Eddie questioned in confusion.
"Street fighter" Richie shrugged.
"Is that how you wanna spend your summer?" Eddie raised his eyebrow at Richie. "Inside an arcade?"
"Beats spending it inside your mother!" Richie joked, lifting his hand up to Stan for a high five. Stan just sighed and grabbed Richie's hand, bringing it down.
"What if we go to the Quarry?" Stan suggested looking straight at me. I looked at them in confusion. How could they forget?
"Guys, we have the B-B-Barrens" I reminded them. It was quiet for a second until Eddie spoke.
"Betty Ripsoms mum" We all turned to where he was facing and saw betty's mum standing outside of the school in hopes that Betty would come out.
"Does she really expect to see her coming out of that school?" Stan asked softly. I knew what she was going through and I had nothing but sympathy for the poor woman.
"I don't know" Eddie sighed and paused. "As if Betty Ripsoms been hiding in Home EC for the last few weeks.
"You'll think they'll actually find her?" Stan asked still looking at her mother.
"Sure in a ditch! All decomposed covered in worms and maggots, smelling like Eddie's mums underwear" Richie said trying to make light of the situation. I felt myself begin to get angry and I tensed up.
"Shut up thats freakingy disgusting!" Eddie fired back.
"She's n-n-not dead she's m-m-missing!" I corrected. They all turned to look at him, the same expression on each of their faces.
"Sorry Bill she's missing!" Richie said as I turned and began to walk away. "You know the Barrens aren't that bad, who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" I heard Richie let out a groan. I turned to see that he had been flung back into Stan, knocking both of them onto the floor. Henry and his goons.
"Nice frisbee flamer!" Patrick said as he bent down next to Stan, picking up the Kippah that had fallen from his head when he fell to the ground.
"Give it back!" Stan demanded reaching for it causing Patrick to swing his arm back, preventing Stan from getting it. He then flashed a smile towards Henry as he stood up and threw Stan's Kippah into the window of a moving bus.
"Fucking losers!" I looked at him in pure disgust. I then turned to see Eddie gagging once Belch had burped in his face, Belch then shoving him. Henry then barged past me mumbling the word 'Loser' to me. I couldn't take it anymore.
"You s-s-suck Bowers!" I spat. The three boys froze in place, turning to face me painfully slowly.
"You s-s-say something, B-B-B-Bill?"Henry asked mocking me as he took a step closer. "You got a free ride this year because of your little brother. Rides over Denbrough" By now we were nose to nose. He then looked past my shoulder, his face expression changing instantly.
"This summers gonna be a hurt train, for you and your faggot friends!" Henry warned. He then licked the palm of his hands and wiped it down the left side of my face, Patrick snickering behind him as he did. We then watched the three walk over to where Vic was and climb in Belch's car.
"I wish he'd go missing!" Richie snarled.
"He's probably the one doing it!" Eddie added.
Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the sequel. Stay Blessed xo
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