Chapter five
-Patrick's P.O.V-
I had retraced the whole of my steps all the way back to the kissing bridge and the bracelet was nowhere to be seen. I began to get angry, angry with myself for not making sure the bracelet wasn't hidden under my bandana. I quickly made my way back up the hill and reached the bridge.
As I went to climb over I noticed a black object hanging of one of the branches, swiftly made my way over to the branch and saw it was in fact the bracelet. Relief washed over me as I retrieved the object, placing it back onto my wrist. I began to feel as though a part of her was still with me again.
"Patrick, did you find him?" I heard Henry asked, I turned to see he and vic had caught up with Belch.
"Nah, he's long gone" I told him
"Fuck!" Henry muttered.
-Bill's P.O.V-
We helped Ben sit down on a small wooden box in between two shops. He had explained to us that he had ran into Henry and his goons. Ben showed us the H that had been cut into his stomach. Henry had never done anything like this before, it made me feel extremely sick to my stomach.
"Richie wait here!" I demanded as Eddie and Stan followed me into the pharmacy.
Me, Stan and Eddie began to grab anything we could find that would help clean Ben's wound before it got infected. I say we, but it was mostly Eddie grabbing the things we needed as he knew more than the rest of us.
"Can we afford all that?" I asked once I noticed neither of us had enough money.
"It's all we got" Stan said, showing us the money we had put together.
"You're kidding me?" Eddie sighed. We all stood and thought of what we could possibly do and then I remembered.
"Wait, you have an account here don't you?" I asked Eddie, he turned to me with a sarcastic smile.
"If my mum finds out I brought all this stuff for myself, I'm spending the rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting X-rayed" Eddie told us. His mum was a complete control freak who worried way way way too much about her little boy.
We continue to think of ways to get all of the stuff we needed but neither of us could come up with a thing. A figure stepped round the isle we were at, looking to our right we saw it was Beverley Marsh, a girl who went to our school, also my first kiss from a play. Once she noticed us, she quickly shoved her hand behind her back.
"Y-y-you ok?" I asked as she stared in awkwardness.
"I'm fine, what's wrong with you?" Beverley gazed at the stuff Eddie was holding.
"None of your business!" Stan fired. I had a clue on why he was being such an ass to her.
"There's a kid outside. Looked like someone killed him!" Eddie explained.
"W-w-we need some s-s-supplies, but we don't have enough money" I added. Beverly then gave us a friendly smile.
Bev walked over to the front desk of the pharmacy and began flirting with Mr Keene, who just so happened to be the father of Bev's bully Gretta. We watched in amazement as she managed to get his attention. There had been rumors going round that she had slept with most boys in the school. I didn't believe any of it though. She was a sweet girl. As Mr Keene bent down to pick up the things she had knocked over, she turned to us . That was our queue to leave and we did. For the first time in my life I had committed a crime. Stealing.
"Just suck the wound!" Richie said.
"I need to focus right now!"Eddie spat.
"You need to focus?"
"Yeah, can you get me something?"
"Jeez, what do you need?"
"Go get my bifocals!" He said. "I hid 'em in my second fanny pack"
"Why do you have two fanny packs?" Stan asked.
I stepped out of the alley and waited to Bev to exit the pharmacy. As she walked towards me, i noticed how truly beautiful she was. Her face shape, her eyes, her hair, everything about her seemed perfect to me. Beverley was an extremely attractive girl. I couldn't help but stare in amazement. I reached into my pocket and went to hand her some money.
"Um t-t-thanks!"
"Even-steven!" She winked and held up a packet of cigarettes that she obviously didn't pay for. I nervously laughed and placed the money back into my pocket.
"Oh god, he's bleeding" We heard Stan say, she turned her head to see what all the fuss was about.
"Ben from sosh?" She muttered before walking towards me boys, I followed close behind.
"You have to suck the wound before you apply the band-aids!" Richie told Eddie. Ben noticed Bev walking over to them and push Eddie away from him, pulling his t-shirt back down.
"Are you okay? That looks like it hurts" Bev asked as she got closer. The boys all turned their attention to her.
"Oh, no I'm good. I just fell" He told her.
"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers!" We all shot daggers at him.
"Shut it R-R-Richie!" I blurted out but Bev didn't seem interested.
"Why, it's the truth?!" Richie asked shrugging his shoulders.
"You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" She grinned giving a small wink to Ben, who suddenly became shy and looked down at his feet.
"W-w-we'll take care of him" I reassured her. "Thanks again B-B-Beverley"
"Sure! Maybe I'll see you around"
"Yeah we were thinking about going to the q-q-quarry tomorrow" I told her.
"Good to know" She smiled and went to walk off but stopped. She quickly walked back over to us.
"I'm sorry about Reina by the way, I know she was a close friend of yours" She began to say. "Have you heard anything yet?"
I looked over at Stan who winced at the mention of her name. Out of all of us, Stan was the closest to Reina, she was the first girl best friend he had so her going missing affected him deeply, he hated talking about her, it was too much for him.
"No, nothing" Eddie mumbled in a sad tone.
"Oh, she was so sweet. I hope they find her" Bev said with a sigh.
"So do we" Richie added.
"Okay bye Bev!" Stan hurriedly said, not making eye contact with the girl. She shot a look of sympathy his way before walking off. I placed my hand on Stan's shoulder, giving it a comforting rub.
-Patrick's P.O.V-
I looked over at my clock, 10PM. I sighed at stood up, putting a top over my naked half. I stuffed a pillow under my bed just incase my mum came in to check on me. I quietly opened up my bedroom window and climbed out of it, not shutting it completely behind me. I jumped down and opened my backgate before making my way out into the dark street.
Once I had reached my destination, my heart began to beat faster. Making my up the drive, I knocked loudly on the door and waited. The door creaked open after a few seconds and I gave a sweet yet sad smile.
"Patrick? It's late what are you doing?" Reina's mum said as she opened the door all the way.
"I couldn't sleep" I told her.
"Come in dear" I walked into the house. Her mum offered me a drink but I refused.
"I miss her Miss J" I sniffed. I wasn't going to let the tears fall that had began to form.
"We all do Patrick" She pulled me into a tight hug which I gladly returned. Miss J took a hold of my wrist and led me over to the sofa where I had sat when she had first told me. "Have you spoken about this to anyone.
"Nope, I never talk about my emotions" I told her, playing with Reina's bracelet.
"Sometime's it helps Patrick" I sighed and looked down.
"This is going to seem weird but can I...can I stay in her room, just for tonight" I asked. She gave me a confused look and thought about it for a second.
"I guess so if it will make you feel better" She smiled at me. I thanked her and made my way up the stairs. "If you need anything just ask"
I closed the door behind me, locking it. Her room was how she left it, a made bed, pictures on the wall and clothes folded neatly on her chair. I walked over to the picture, taking the one she had took of me and her, by force may I add, and examined it.
"Please Patrick!" Reina whined as she held her polaroid camera.
"No!" I moaned and covered my face with a pillow.
"Oh" She said in disappointment. I looked up from the pillow and watched her slump down in the chair beside her bed, gently placing the polaroid onto her desk. Reina glanced over to me and pouted, I rolled my eyes. She was such a big me.
"Alright fine, I'll take one but don't show anyone!" I demanded.
A wide smile appeared on her face and she quickly grabbed the camera. I wrapped my arms tightly round her waist and pulled her down onto my lap, resting my chin on her shoulder. Reina raised the polaroid out in front of her. Once she felt comfortable she pressed the button, a flash blinding the both of us. I blinked rapidly as we waited for the picture, she was still sat on my knee.
"That's so cute" She told me as she handed the photo to me. I took ahold of it and looked, she was right we did look cute. For once I had actually smiled in a picture and I never smiled. I looked over at her, she looked so happy to me, Reina was also wearing my polka dot shirt...AGAIN!
"You're lucky you're my girlfriend!" I moaned and handed it back to her.
"Oh shut up" She told me and grabbed a piece of tape, walking over to her wall and stuck the picture down. I stood up and walked up behind her, spinning her so that she was now facing me. I licked my lips and looked down at her before pressing my lips against hers.
~End Flashback~
'I miss you' I though to myself as I stuck the photo back on the wall. I removed my clothes so that I was just dressed in boxer and pulled back the covers to her bed. Sighing, I climbed into her bed, wrapping myself tightly in the covers. I pressed my face against her pillow, breathing in the scent she had left behind and waited for sleep to take over my body.
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