My Fav Pokemon (ranked):
1. Meloetta
2. Umbreon
3. Eevee
4. Pikachu
5. Gardevoir
6. Greninja
7. Braixen
8. Celebi
9. Snivy
10. Vulpix
My Fav 2 Pokemon From Each Type:
Grass: Snivy, Celebi
Water: Manaphy, Greninja
Electric: Pikachu, Zekrom
Fire: Vulpix, Braixen
Flying: Fletchling, Vivillon
Bug: Scyther, Leavanny
Ice: Alolan Ninetales, Arcticuno
Fairy: Togetic, Sylveon
Dark: Umbreon, Absol
Ghost: Rotom, Misdreavius
Poison: Nidoqueen, Bulbasaur
Steel: Dialga, Jirachi
Normal: Eevee, Meloetta
Dragon: Latias, Dragonair
Ground: Larvitar, Phanpy
Rock: Diancie, Minion
Fighting: Lucario, Hawlucha
Psychic: Gardevoir, Cresselia
Top 10 Legendaries
1. Meloetta (like seriously I love her)
2. Celebi
3. Manaphy
4. Victini
5. Lunala
6. Cresselia
7. Dialga
8. Diancie
9. Mew
10. Latias
Top 3 Pokemon Mysteries (I will discuss some of these in next chappie)
1. What happened to the GS ball?
2. What happened to the giant Dragonite the gang saw in episode 13?
3. What was the mysterious pokemon Misty saw?
Well, that's it, so.....
yeah bye.
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