• Chapter Two •
"Well, to put it like this, you're a Time Traveler."
It was a weird thing to hear, it almost didn't click in his brain. How could one live 16 years of their life and not know they could travel through time? Yet, even knowing that he could didn't explain the feeling he gets of being frozen in ice.
"So, why exactly am I here?" Bailey asked, not wanting to dwell on time traveling anymore. "Well, you see, something has been happening recently, which could destroy everyone."
Bailey didn't want to think about world destruction, but curiosity willed him to know. "What happened then? Why do you need me?" Drew let out a sigh, a hint of sympathy flashed on his face before answering.
"A week ago, some Time Travelers spotted this dark beast traveling through a worm hole. They reported it to the princess saying it was removing time portals. One described it as a black acid melting the portal into nothing. None of us know where it came from, or why it's doing this. We needed as many Time Travelers as possible. I know you don't know anything about your power, and asking your parents would- never mind."
Bailey furrowed his eyebrows, "my parents? They're not Time Travelers! Right?..." doubt filled him as he trailed off. "I'm sorry Bailey... I shouldn't of said that..."
Just this morning he was feeling a sense of doubt for his parents. Doubt that they could be lying to him when they said they wouldn't. But maybe not knowing he could travel through time was the best...
"It's fine, I just need to think on all this I guess. It's a lot to take in, you know?" Drew gave a small smile, "of course, but we should head to the castle. Our princess would love to meet you."
Bailey felt as if a thousand rocks just fell right on him. 'A princess? I'm not even capable of talking to our principal! Let alone a princess? I might throw up as soon as I see her!' Drew placed his hand on Bailey's shoulder. "Don't worry, she's pretty chill if she likes you. Besides, she wanted to meet you in the first place! Let's go!"
The walls of the castle were blindingly white. Bailey felt as if he were looking directly at the sun, for the sunlight made the white ten times more brighter. Drew giggled, noticing the pain Bailey was experiencing. "The castle takes form of whoever is in the royal throne. For instance, our dear princess Aurora has silky white hair, and eyes as golden as a sunflower. Once we get closer, you'll see the golden lining!"
Bailey felt his stomach turn in fear. None of this made sense, a monster in a worm hole? Why would it be there? In fact, why is it even destroying time? It had to be for some unknown reason. Bailey tried to imagine him inside the worm hole, face to face with the monster. It didn't end well from there, for he imagined himself melting away from its acid spit.
"Are you ready? I hope you know proper educate! We wouldn't want to be disrespectful." Bailey pouted, knowing he didn't know any educate. "It's okay, just follow my lead!" Drew walked up to the front doors, a big smile plastered on his face. The guards on either side opened the doors for their entry.
Bailey's mouth dropped open as he looked around the room. The walls where just as white as the outside, but the gold balanced it out beautifully. "I can't believe I'm seeing this," Bailey whispered, going a full circle just to see it all. "Heh, yeah. But we need to see the princess now! We can explore later." Quickly, Drew grabbed Bailey's arm and dragged him down the hall. Just up ahead, Bailey spotted a golden door that he presumed held the princess inside.
The doors opened as soon as the two got to them. Bailey felt his heart stop for a beat, not ready for the sudden princess reveal.
"Greetings, please do come in." The voice was soft and silky, almost like an angel spoke the words themselves. Bailey darted his eyes up, seeing a mountain of white silk. "Greetings princess, Aurora!" Drew chirped, bowing before her. Bailey did the same, but more clumsily from fear and panic.
Aurora stood, her long hair trailed gracefully behind her as she walked up to the two. "I've been waiting for you, Bailey. I'm very happy that you came, we could use as much help as we can get." Her soothing voice seemingly calmed his nerves. "Of course, um, princess. I just... what do I do?"
Bailey felt like slapping himself. What he just did was almost certainly the opposite of proper educate. Drew let out a snort, "he's quite strange, but I think you'll like him just fine!" Drew said, giving the princess a thumbs up. "Wait, me? What you did to me today was beyond strange!"
Aurora placed her hands on Bailey's shoulder, catching him off guard. "Please, Bailey, will you help us? It's not your time, it's not our time, it's their time. Save their time before it's too late." He knew it was no time to mess around. He knew he had to help regardless of how scared he was to do so. "Okay," he started, "where do I start?"
The princess had sent them to a training camp. Drew came along for 'support', but Bailey believed it was so he could watch him fail.
A man came out with a body full of armor. "Listen up kid, do as I say, and we won't have any problems. Yeah?" Bailey nodded his head, mostly out of fear for his life. "Good, now make a time portal. Fast, I don't have all day."
'Oh crap, how do you make a portal?' The man came up to stand before Bailey, his face showed he was not amused. "A Time Traveler who can't make a single portal, what a waste." "I'm s-sorry, I may or may not have learned of all this today..."
Swiftly, the man swung his right arm behind him, creating a portal out of thin air. Bailey stumbled backwards. "H-how?" "You'll refer to me as Commander Grey from now on, yeah? I'll teach you everything because clearly you can't. Now, creating a portal will become as easy as walking on your own two feet. Think about it, and point your hand at where you want the portal to appear."
Bailey thought about the portal, then slowly lifted his hand directly in front of him. A portal appeared almost immediately, making him quite proud and a little afraid.
"Nice, but that was only the beginning."
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