Hello, annyohaseyo, bojour, hola, Hejsan, Konniciwa and Selam- it's me E to the L to the A G E and wow, i am cringing! Today we will talk about, dun dun duuuuun colorism! I want to bring this up because it's not to be confused with racism
Colorism is a form of discrimination, that's usually from the members of the same race- and that's a difference between racism that is discrimination to another race- which people get treated differently based on cultural meaning attached to skin color (thank you wikipedia amiright). lighter skin tones I mostly preferable in country's in Africa, Asia and South America
How it effect individual is people try to avoid the sun which in general is bad because if we don't get sun shine then we don't get d vitamins that extremely important for our bones, and lack off d vitamins can lead to the rickets which is a condition that result weak bones. So if you don't want that and still would like to avoid the sun then at least take d vitamins on pills.
How it would effect society is that it's shown that lighter toned black people gets higher incomes and more opportunities for work then the darker toned black people. It's shows a biased duality between two different tones for example with dating.
Products such as skin whitening cream and pills, then their is surgery available that would cost between $150 to $400 USD
((Away from the talk 'bout black people and away to Asians)) Colorism is mostly common in k pop or kdrama- I've seen most signs of colorism in Asia when it comes to the fact that there is people who discuss it being a problem in country's like South Korea for example. Like the skin whitening drink commercial from Verena- which was about a supposedly black or dark skinned Asian Doctor talking with a brown bear about becoming lighter (I don't even know anymore-)in the end that commercial ended up in controversy for being racist. Though we can't forget the "lighter is better" commercial from Heineken beer from 2018 ( which was not an Asian add- and is it bad that I laughed when I read it?)
K pop stars ( a few I've seen) says kinda inappropriate stuff because of the color if it's member skin- for example RM or Kim Nam-joon from BTS who said - and I quote "when I first saw V and Jhope, I couldn't see them because they were to black. (bad choice of words) Yeah, when the nights get dark I couldn't find them".
((Disclaimer:This isn't really colorism but I thought it was something I should bring up))Then there's Chen aka Kim Jong-dae from Exo says he look like a black character named Michol after gotten a punishment to color his own lips dark brown accidentally making them bigger then they originally were.
Of course one major issue being white washing ((in the future I might do a own chapter about this, so imma keep it short and sweet )) if you don't know what white washing is, there's two example about white washing but we will talk about when making someone a lighter tone then they're original skin tone.Its commonly used in the entertainment industry such as actors, artists, fictional characters Ect. Though it gives of the vibe telling that weather one's beautiful or not it decided by their skin color.
History time! Before, back to when slavery and segregation between races was a thing (between 1800 and 1900) was it also a segregation in the black community where lighter black men and women was considered house slaves and darker men and women where outside in the fields.
Then we kinda get to know which one was a more preferable skin tone.
As we all knows it's a reason for us to accept each other not just black or white but also as light and dark. Call me immature but I'm tired of seeing or hearing beautiful actors, artistic -pardon my language- but hell even characters being changed into a lighter version because it's seen as more beatiful. I apologize for my share of opinion when this is supposed to be a neutral book.
Don't courage others to become more lighter no one knows what while happen to them in the inside to hear that.
Of course lighter skin tones is not always based on society's eye, It could be a personal preference that ones choose for themselves. But remember that you shouldn't feel obliged to have a lighter skin tone based on society, if you want to be lighter because you want to then other around shouldn't judge you.
Be proud as always! Whoever you are, whatever you do continue doing it ((as long as it's legal ofc)). Take a stand! And do it proudly! Pardon my enthusiasm but do what you do!
We have spoken about colorism. How it effects it would bring the individual and in society. We've taken a look at products specially used for skin whitening. We have also peaked at how it's reacted in some Asian countries (mostly SK) such as their commercials. Then we talked about the changes we could try. We have to remember that it can be a personal preference and we shouldn't be one to judge but not to be afraid to change it up a little!
authors note
Thank you for reading this! I'm not really educated on this subject but I really tried. Feel free to comment about my mistakes. There might be grammar mistakes but I try my best to bring knowledge to you. The best thing for you though is not taking the knowledge I give to (I- that's true) if you're interested in this subject please don't take this as a trustable source. Read from different sources that has more knowledge bout this subject.
I used pretty lazy with my research but i suppose it's to take what you can get.
If there is a subject you feel is necessary for me to write about feel freeness to ask either private message or in the comments. Of course it's also good e
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