Chapter 6- You dimwit!
I started eating my mystery meat.
Ew this is nasty... What the heck do they put in this stuff?!
"Hey PMS!" Somebody yelled. I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want moron?" I asked, turning around, and seeing some kid I've never seen in my life. Her hair was bleached and she had a nose piercing in her right nostril. She didn't look very smart.
"PMS! PMS! PMS!" She started to chant. The cafeteria started to join.
I hate people.
"Get a life!" I yelled at her.
"Where am I supposed to find one of those huh, dumbo?"
"At the life store!"
"Oh yea? Where is that located then?"
"At the corner of Dim and Wit you dimwit!"
The crowd that had formed around us was now suddenly quiet.
"Uh, ouch!" She smirked, looking oddly hurt by my ridiculous comment I just said.
"Ouch? Ouch? Did you just say ouch?" I yelled. "Well brat, now you know how I feel when you bully me. I can't tolerate this every single day. You all SUCK! Every night before I go to sleep, I rethink my day. Down to the last detail. Everytime someone was rude to me, hurt me, and tried to hurt me. I'm tired of it. Every night I think 'tomorrow is going to be a good day!' BUT IT NEVER IS! BECAUSE OF YOU! ALL OF YOU! How would you like if the whole school bullied you non stop! You'd would feel bad right? DUH! Did you all think it's funny that I get treated with disrespect every single day of my freaking life?..."
I paused to catch a breath. I was now standing on a table with a whole crowd around me. Even the teachers were staring at me in awe.
"It's all of your fault that I've already made plans on killing myself!" Ok, so that wasn't exactly true....
"And you all think it's funny to make fun of me? No. No no no. I can't take it anymore. You all want me to die? FINE! YOU CAN ALL WATCH ME!!" I yelled.
I can't believe I just said that. Uh, well there's no going back. I gulped. I turned around on the table, and let out a huge sigh. Then I started to fall back.
It's ok you'll be in a better place. A place with nobody to bother you anymore.
"PAM! STOP IT RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" I heard a teacher shout. It was too late I was already falling.
And then I landed into some pretty muscular arms.
I looked up to see Cameron's face full of tears.
"Cameron! I--"
"We don't want you to die."
"Yea you don't want me to die so you can make fun of me some more," I muttered.
There was a chorus of "I's".
But he was interrupted by the bell.
"Thank you," I mouthed as everyone filed out of the cafeteria.
"No problem," he mouthed back.
I can't believe I almost died. In front of the entire school. I facepalmed to myself. Why am I so dumb?
I walked to class alone, rethinking what I had just done.
I was in the zone! But not a very good one...
I sat down just when the bell rang.
"Pam stand up!" Ms. Gonzalez told me.
I stood up.
"Let's give her a round of applause."
Everyone clapped.
"Pam you may sit down."
I sat down.
"Ok class, the principal has decided we will spend the rest of the day discussing bullying....."
And that's how it went through the rest of my classes.
So..... Omg! She almost just freaking killed herself! Hehe...
Anyhow, if any of you know your not being the most friendly person, and you know you are mean and rude to everyone, STOP.
If your mean to someone too much, they'll start to think that there is no point in living! Not just if you are a kid! Adults too!
I could go on but I don't want to waste your time so............
Have a lovely day! 😌
Ps. Sorry for the short chapter!
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