Chapter 5- I'm done with these meanie weenies
"Bye Cameron!" I said to him as he was about to walk out the door.
"Bye," he replied with a half-wave.
He walked out of the house, leaving me to close the door behind him.
I sighed, leaning against the now closed door.
"Hey honey how was your time?!" Mom said nosily as she and Dad walked in the room.
"Mom why are you always so nosy?" I asked, meaning to add tone.
Then there was an awkward silence.
"Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight!" I exclaimed. Then I skipped out of the room leaving them speechless.
I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. While I was brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror, and saw a girl, a normal teenage girl.
Why does my name have to be a problem?
I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth and rinsed my toothbrush. The I made a cup with my hands, put it under the water, and poured the water into my hands into my mouth. I gurgled. Then I spit the extra water out.
I went to my room and slid under the covers on my bed. But it was too hot for them so I yanked them off.
And fell asleep.
"Pammy, where are you going?" Cameron asked me. We were studying in my room.
"To the bathroom. Don't do anything stupid," then I slipped out the door.
When I got back, Cameron was gone.
"Cam? Cameron?" I was looking everywhere. I threw the covers off the bed, looks in the closet.
"Cameron?! You can't trick me like this...." I warned.
I was literally turning my room upside down.
Then I looked under my bed.
And a strong, rough hand grabbed my leg.
I screamed as I tried to pry his hand off.
But it was too late. They pulled me under my bed.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Went my alarm clock. I groggily hit the snooze button and got comfortable in my bed....
Uh-oh. That was the sound of the school bus's horn.
Yay! I guess I'm not going!
"Pam get your little tootsie down here right now and get on that dang bus!"
Ugh.... Parents. What are you going to do with them?
I slid out of bed and toppled onto the floor. I cursed at myself.
I slowly got back up and got ready for school. Then I went to the front room to see my mom staring at me, her lips pursed with her hands on her hips.
"Go." She pointed to the door.
I pushed pass her and went out the door, listening to the bus honk.
"It's about time," the driver said.
"Die." I replied, not wanting to start a fight this early in the morning.
My day can't get any better, and I haven't even got to school yet!
"PMS!!! Sit next to me!"
"No sit here!"
"Choose me!"
I heard everyone's voices saying.
And I know what your thinking. No I'm not going to sit with them. They will only push me off the seat and into the aisle.
I slid into an empty seat in the back. During the bus ride, I finished my math homework which I couldn't have done because of my parents and whatnot.
"Hey Pam," I heard a guy's voice say.
"Cameron??" I looked up.
"The one and only," he grinned. Stretching his arms like yea that's right baby, it's me.
He took a seat.
"So....." I said.
"Umm.... This is awkward...." I said, looking straight into those twinkling eyes of his.
He laughed. But that wasn't supposed to be funny....
"Finishing your math?" He asked.
"That's nice...."
Then the bus arrived at school. I put everything away as everyone filed off of the bus.
"Sterns, you coming?" Cameron asked.
"Hold on!"
"You have five seconds to get off the bus!" The bus driver yelled.
I stuffed my papers into my backpack.
I put my pencil in my pencil pouch.
"Hurry up!!" Cameron said.
"Just got without me!!!" I whispered.
I picked up my backpack and put it on my shoulders and got up.
Cameron led the way as we got off the bus.
"Have a nice day!" The bus driver said.
"See ya later, Sterns!" Cameron said as he caught up with "The Jocks".
Why did he wait for me even though he just went to his other friends...?
Then I was saved by the bell.
It was time for lunch. Yay.... Note the sarcasm.
Lunch= time for total humiliation. Which is an equation I wrote.
I got in line for the cafeteria, and looked at what they were serving.
Mystery meat? Again??
As I waited in line, there were about 15 people who cutted me. 15!!!
"Excuse you? I'm in line," I stated, tapping one of the girls shoulders.
"That's nice," the girl said, and then going back to her conversation.
Oh that's it..... I'm done with these meanie weenies.
I got out of line and walked up in front of them.
"Hey!!!" That's same girl said," You cut us!"
"Only after you did the same to me!" I shot back. I grabbed my mystery meat and gave the cashier the money. Then I sat at a table. Alone.
Well, it could've been worse.... I thought.
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