6. Only one call away
Marcia eventually sat down once her fire dragon disappeared. She smirked at me, probably thinking she had won. In theory, she did but if a war is what she wanted, I'd give her one.
"Now I want all of you to get into pairs according to your element. Fire with fire, water and water and so forth. There is a container with a shadow fairy in front of you. All I want you to do is open the box then destroy the fairy."
I removed the lid and a grey, translucent creature crawled out. It was tiny, the height of a basic pen but I soon found out it had a temper. The fairy stalked its way towards me and leaped in the attempt to bite my finger. With a yelp, I grabbed it by its legs then turned it upside down. The rest of the class had already teamed up in pairs, working together to destroy the demonic creature.
I looked around to see if anyone was willing - or had no other option - to work with me. There was no one. It's just me then, I thought. Mrs. Grimm seemed to pick up on the fact I was alone and came to sort it out.
"It seems as if Hadrian has decided not to come to class," she sighed. "You know how to use magyk, right?"
"No." I sounded pathetic even to my own ears. Again she sighed, aware that she had even more work to do.
"Well, from now on you're going to have a tutor every Friday. And guess what? Today's Friday."
I didn't argue with her because I couldn't wait for her to realise that unlike all the people in my class making things from thin air, I wouldn't be able to use this 'magyk'. So I nodded obediently. She handed me a slip with where and when I was supposed to get tutored.
Rhea Montero - 5-6 pm @ the Banqueting hall.
"Rhea Montero, please report to the reception," the announcement speaker called.
The class looked at me, murmuring, wondering what the new girl had done wrong. I forgot that I was holding the fairy and it took the opportunity to bite me. Hard. Maybe it wanted to be friends... Judging by its glare, I wasn't too sure.
10 minutes later, I found myself at the reception waiting for the woman from before to take notice of me. I coughed... Then once more... Then I started having a coughing fit. Her eyes slowly glided to me, annoyed that I had disturbed her.
"I was told to come here," I replied just as rudely.
"Hmph. Your mother's on the line." She pushed the phone into my hand over the marble desk. I took it from her and put it next to my ear.
"Rhea. How's your first day?"
"Good given the fact I was dumped into a school which I was barely ready for," I shortly. The phone was silent.
"I'm sorry Rhea. I'll try and explain quickly. Your father was a sorcerer and I'm a Fire Fae. You're rare because usually it would be impossible to conceive with that combination. Happens every 2000 years."
"... So why am I hearing of this now?" I said incredulously.
"Because you only just started showing signs of your gifts."
"What? When? I don't remember ever turning mice into horses."
"One easy example is when you became angry and a storm started randomly."
"Weather forecast lied."
"You predicted the answers for your exams."
"Lucky bracelet."
"You cured your best friend's cancer."
I stopped. There must be an answer for that. I was scared for Sammy as she became sicker and sicker. All I did was light a candle for her and burn some lavender then hoped she got better. It was just by chance she was clear of the illness.
"Okay, so maybe you could be right."
"I am. I'm sorry Rhea but I need to go... Bye."
I tried to say it back but she had already hung up. The lady at the desk snagged the phone from me and continued her work as if nothing had happened. I seriously didn't like her.
The bell rung meaning it was the end of the day. I sighed with relief until I remembered I had one more session left.
TGIF will have to wait.
- Hello!
I'm taking a moment to just think about those with any illness (even if it's a cold). <3 I'm thinking of you!
Also, remember to:
1. Vote
2. COMMENT. Talk to me people ^^
3. And tell people about this story which has captured your hearts. *faints a bit*
XO Nyx_
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