11. Oops I'm not sorry
5:09pm - in the hospital wing
Pia lay on the medical bed laughing her head off from the drugs they had stupidly given her. I tried to warn them that she was crazy but they ignored me saying that they had to do their job.
"Where's Ry Ry Baby? Hehehe. Baby. B-aby. Ba-by. Bab-y. Wait. That means I'm his mommy. Oh my gosh. I'm not ready for this responsibility. I'm a mommy!" She put her head in her hands and began fake crying.
The doctor had explained Pia had only bruised her 'butt' and broke her ankle. Otherwise, she was as good as Pia could ever be. Ryan, on the other hand, was not in a good mood. And neither was Hadrian to be honest.
4:32pm - 52 seconds after Pia fell.
I began to run to where the boys were and started screaming for Ryan. He turned to me, wondering what I wanted.
"Pia's hurt!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear me. Ryan stared as if I was talking in a different language but soon sprinted in the direction I was pointing to. Some of the other players followed Ryan to see what was going on.
"Sh*t!" Ryan swore. He gently touched her to see if she was alive. Tom went off to get the school doctor while the rest of us hoped she was okay. I glanced at Marcia to see if she was worried as well but the ice queen stood there as if Pia wasn't there and was filing her nails. Ryan also turned to her, guessing that she was the person behind it.
"I swear Marcia, if she is hurt, I will come after you. I don't even care that your boyfriend is my best friend." He hissed at her. Marcia glared back in fear then left the stadium with her cheerleaders.
I knelt beside Pia and realised it was the first time she had ever been quiet. Ryan got up then turned his anger onto his best friend. "I don't understand how you're dating that b*tch."
"I just am," Hadrian replied annoyed.
"Do you even like the girl?" The rest of the team stood around uncomfortable with the situation.
"I don't have time for this." Hadrian began walking away but Ryan decided to play his final card.
"Go ahead. Walk away like your girlfriend!"
Hadrian turned around and I immediately noticed his eyes were pure black even though I could swear that they should be grey.
"Don't test me Ryan," he answered coldly with a silent threat. He then continued leaving without turning, passing the doctors coming to help Pia.
I soon left Pia once she started trying to force me to become her pet cat. I caught sight of Hadrian down the hallway coming towards so I automatically spun around to go the other way.No way was I going to breath the same air as him. But alas, why would my wish be granted? I suddenly felt his presence next to me so I stopped.
"I swear you were on the other end of the hallway..." I stated.
"I was. And now I'm here," Hadrian replied slowly as if I was a small child. I glared at him and continued walking away from him but he managed to keep up. I stopped. So he stopped. I began jogging away. So he followed me. I whipped round and sighed.
"What do you want Hadrian?"
He smirked. "Never said I wanted anything but if you're offering, we can go to my room..."
I stared at him with disbelief. "You have a girlfriend and no anyway."
"Your loss." His mischievous eyes soften to a lighter grey. "How's Pia?"
"Are you bipolar?" I asked. How can you go from mocking to joking around to concerned in 5 minutes? He looked at me trying to figure out if I was joking then gave me a lop-sided smile.
"I don't think I am... Unlike my doctor. However, I repeat. How is Pia?"
"She's fine." Hadrian nodded his head in satisfaction. I became uncomfortable with the silence and began signing the alphabet with my hands.
"As much as I find your hands entertaining, I have a deal for you."
I already knew it was going to be risky and something which could possibly get me killed from the moment he said 'for you'.
"If you can work out what I am by Friday, I will help you get revenge on Marcia."
"Why would you do that? You could be leading me into a trap."
"I could. Or maybe not. So I'm going to threaten you. You have until Friday to find out what I am or I will set fire to the girls' building with everyone in it." His voice dropped to a whisper at the last bit causing me to gulp in fear.
"You would never." I replied disbelievingly. He shrugged then walked back from where he came from.
Holy sh*t, I'm screwed.
-Sorry I haven't been updated #exams
Back though and writing!!
XO Nyx_
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