Rachel, Angela, Topanga and Zoey were in the kitchen enjoying some breakfast. They were all relatively quiet as they ate their meal. However, their silence didn't last long as loud knocking sounded from the door.
Angela smiled amusingly. "It is adorable how he's stalking you."
"Yeah, it is." Zoey agreed flatly. "Go away!"
The knocking continued.
"Milkman!" Shawn shouted from the other side of the door.
"There are no milkman anymore!" Zoey pointed out.
A pause.
"Cow!" Shawn yelled.
Rachel chuckled. "You can't leave him out there, Zoey."
"I'm gonna leave him out there, then I'm gonna kick his butt into the elevator." Zoey said as she walked over to the door.
Zoey opened the door to reveal Shawn, Blake and Cory on the other side.
"Hi!" Shawn greeted brightly.
"Hey, Cor, Blake." Zoey said, ignoring her best friend.
Blake smiled. "Hey sis." He looked behind her shoulder to see Angela. "I'm not here for you by the way."
"I'm not here for you, so cool your jets. Blake and I are here to support our buddy when he gets killed." Cory explained to Topanga. He turned to his best friend. "Go ahead, Shawn. Get killed, and let's get outta here."
Zoey rolled her eyes and moved to close the door.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Shawn called quickly, reaching his hands out to stop her. "Can I just tell you one thing?"
"Fine. You can say whatever you want as long as it doesn't have anything to do with us being a couple." Zoey told him.
"Aw, Zo, why didn't you just say that we're a couple?" Shawn said with a dreamy smile. Zoey narrowed her eyes at him and closed the door in his face. "You think I'm goin' away? I'm not goin' away. I live in your doorway now! You hear that? I live here!"
"You do have to admit his persistence." Rachel remarked.
"Yeah, well, he leaned from the master." Topanga said, referring to Cory.
Another knock sounded from outside.
Angela got up and marched over to the door.
"Hey! Can't take no for an answer!" Angela asked, raising her voice.
Angela opened the door to reveal a middle-aged man who was dressed in an army uniform. Meanwhile Shawn was sitting in the doorway with Blake and Cory stood beside him.
"Why is this boy lying in your doorway?" The man asked Angela.
"Ah! Daddy!" Angela shouted in excitement.
Angela launched herself over Shawn to hug her father.
"Hi." Shawn greeted.
"So, are you going to invite me in, or do I keep standing on this human doormat?" Angela's father asked, gesturing to Shawn as he walked into the apartment.
Shawn slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, that about explains the relationship."
Angela's Dad looked down at him. "What are you?"
"Her boyfriend." Shawn replied, pointing over to Zoey.
"Ex-boyfriend." Zoey corrected. "Unfortunately he belongs to me."
"Do you see how she treats me, Angela's father?" Shawn asked.
"Angela's father, sir." Angela's dad corrected.
"Why?" Shawn wondered.
"Because Angela's father happens to be a master sergeant in the United States Army, who's here to recruit slackers like you to this University's ROTC Program!" Angela's dad explained.
"Oh, and I thought you came here to see me." Angela teased
"Oh... Well, I.... Uh...." Angela's dad stammered.
"Permission to get up, Sir?" Shawn asked, still sitting in the doorway.
Angela's dad looked over at Zoey. "Does he?"
Zoey shook her head. "Nope."
Angela's Dad looked back down at Shawn. "Permission denied, punk who broke my baby's friend's heart."
Cory chuckled. "That's not the whole story, there, sir."
Angela's dad closed the door in their faces.
"You just give me lip, boy?" Angela's dad questioned.
"Wasn't me. That was Cory Matthews." Shawn informed from the other side of the door.
"How you doin', sir?" Cory called out.
"Run! Just run!" Shawn yelled desperately.
Zoey couldn't help but laugh as she heard footsteps running away from the door.
Angela's dad turned to his daughter. "Well, mostly I'm here to see you."
"You know what, I don't care why you're here. I am so glad." Angela said gratefully.
"Now, what's the story with the boy-mat?" Angela's dad wondered.
"Story's over." Zoey announced.
"Yeah? Because he doesn't seem to know that." Angela's dad told her.
Zoey sighed. "That's his problem. Not mine."
"In other words, you don't want to talk about it." Angela's dad said.
"Have you met my friends Topanga, Rachel and Zoey?" Angela questioned, quickly changing the subject as she gestured to her roommates.
Angela's dad stepped forward and shook shook the three girls' hands.
"Good to meet the three of you. You know, the ROTC program is also for women." Angela's dad informed.
"Stop selling." Angela told her father.
"So, is Mrs. Moore in the army, too?" Rachel wondered. Topanga's eyes widen and nudged her. "I-Is she in the army?"
"Rachel..." Topanga warned.
"I haven't heard Angela talk about her mum very much. Is she in the ROTC. By the way, what does ROTC stand for?" Rachel asked.
Topanga stood in front of Rachel, giving her a look. "It stands for 'Rachel Ought To Chill'."
Rachel finally got the message and looked up to see Angela and her father looking very uncomfortable at the subject.
"Oh, uh. I'm sorry." Rachel apologized sincerely.
"No, it's okay." Angela's dad assured. "Angela's mother and I are no longer together."
"I don't want to talk about it." Angela declared.
"Angela..." Angela's dad trailed off.
"I don't want to talk about it because of Topanga." Angela explained as she walked over to Topanga and wrapped an arm around her.
"My parents are going through the same thing." Topanga explained.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Angela's dad apologized.
Topanga nodded. "So am I."
"Well, you know, I'm gonna help you get over it." Zoey told her best friend with a smile.
Topanga smiled at Zoey. "And I'm gonna help you get over Shawn."
"And I'm gonna help you get over Cory." Angela added.
Later that day, Topanga, Rachel and Zoey were sitting next to each other in the Student Union, waiting for Angela's dad to give out a presentation. There were about fifty other students waiting also who already looked bored out of their minds.
"Topanga, Eric is still staring at you." Rachel informed.
"May I have your attention, please." Mr. Feeny called, gaining everyone's attention. "It gives me great pleasure to present Master Sergeant Alvin Moore, who's here to talk about Today's Army. Having personally served my country in the Navy-"
Eric stood up. "England doesn't have a Navy, you liar!"
"Anybody here unhappy with the way their life is going?" Sergeant Moore began.
Everyone in the room raised their hands.
Later in the day, Cory sat in the Student Union with Topanga, Angela, Rachel, Jack and Zoey reading a book. He looked up when Shawn and Blake entering the Student Union wearing an army suit.
Cory stood up. "What are you two doing?"
"We joined the Army." Shawn answered.
"What?!" Cory asked in shock.
"Did you do this for us?" Angela asked as she pointed between herself and Zoey.
Shawn turned to face Zoey. She looked at him in disbelief before her and Angela both marched out of the Student Union.
"Okay, there, Shawnie. The plan backfired." Cory told his best friend. "Can you two take off the uniform now?"
"Without Angela, I've got nothing. Being apart of the Army is giving me a purpose." Blake replied.
"Look, I don't have Zoey any more, I don't have a family at all. I've got nothing, really. This is the best thing for me." Shawn added.
Cory sighed. "Shawn, you're my brother so I'm gonna support you. If you want me to join, I will run out right now and sign up and go where you're going and fight right beside you, you and me, Shawn and Cory. Let's get! Let's get on the tank." His expression began pleading. "Please, don't make me go, because the noises, they scare me so much."
"Cory, you don't have to join." Shawn told him.
"Are you sure?" Cory asked. "Because I am a fighting machine!"
Blake smirked. "Well, on second thought..."
"No!" Cory protested quickly. "I don't want to go."
Blake and Shawn exchanged a look before they both walked out of the Student Union.
"I have received the following resignations from the ROTC class. Let me see if I've got this right, uh.... everybody." Sergeant Moore announced. Everyone in the Student Union cheered. "Well, I hope some of you learned a little something from the course."
"Sneak-attack!" Eric exclaimed as he stood behind Sergeant Moore. He was then flipped over by the man. "I learned how to Sneak-attack. I learned that when a girl beats you up, and I'm not gonna use any names, Opanga-Tay. That's code. That's code. I learned that you never let that girl know exactly when you're gonna sneak-attack her." He turned towards Topanga. "I'm gonna get you! Tomorrow at three o'clock, I'm gonna sneak-attack you!"
"Matthews!" Sergeant Moore called.
"Sir, yes, sir!" Eric responded.
"You are a disgrace to this University, to this country, and humanity in general!" Sergeant Moore told him.
Eric laughed. "Wow."
"Drop and give me twenty." Sergeant Moore demanded.
"Fine." Eric groaned. He dropped to the ground and held out money to Sergeant Moore. "Dude, you better pay me back."
Sergeant Moore walked over to the coffee shop to see Cory and an older man with white hair and a mustache at a table.
"Excuse me, gentleman. May I join you?" Sergeant Moore asked.
"Sergeant Moore, please, sit down." Mr. Feeny insisted.
Sergeant Moore sat down and looked over at Cory. "So... where's your friends?"
"I think they needed some time alone. Especially Shawn, he's got a lot on his mind." Cory answered.
"Angela and Blake have a volatile relationship, don't they?" Sergeant Moore wondered.
"I'm not sure they have much of a relationship anymore, sir. Same with Shawn and Zoey." Cory responded.
"And why do you suppose that is?" Sergeant Moore questioned.
"I'll tell you why. It's because of that Topanga!" Cory yelled as he sent a glare to Topanga across the room.
A person dressed as a tree waddled over to their table and when the branch was lowered, Eric's face peered out of it.
"Don't you worry about Topanga." Eric said cryptically before he waddled off.
"She's nuts about me, sir." Cory said to Sergeant Moore. "But ever since her parents split up, she's been.... how can I put this gently? A horror! And for some reason, your Angela finds this freak show attractive. I think Zoey is influencing your Angela because she and Shawn were the first to break up when they're still so obviously in love."
Sergeant Moore gave Mr. Feeny a derisive look. "It's hard to come in the middle of the game and understand anything, isn't it?"
"Trust me, it's worse when you're here all the time." Mr. Feeny assured.
"Fill me in on Shawn Hunter and Blake Francis , will you, Mr. Feeny?" Sergeant Moore asked.
"Well, I have seen Shawn overcome every obstacle that life has thrown at him, and grow up to be one of the finest young men that I know. Blake, on the other hand hand, I've haven't known him as long but he's a very nice person. He shares everything with me and is very comfortable discussing his classes, school friends and homework. He is very polite by nature and is loved by one and all." Mr. Feeny explained.
"What about me?" Cory interrupted them. "Tell him how much you like me."
"Shawn is a deeply sensitive and caring individual." Mr. Feeny continued, ignoring Cory. "He's been Zoey's friend as long as I've known them and he's as loyal to her as a man can be to a wife. I've never seen him happy as when he's in her company. I always thought Zoey felt the same way. Same with Blake and Angela."
"So they were real close?" Sergeant Moore asked skeptically.
"Until they started running away. And do you know why they haven't gotten back together?" Cory questioned.
"With Angela, I think I do." Sergeant Moore answered.
"Topanga!" Cory exclaimed, regardless of his answer. "She's poison. But don't hate her, sir. She's my problem. I love her so much, but poison she is!"
Later that day in the apartment, Zoey was sitting on the couch studying. She was continued studying her teaching degree.
Interpreting learners' statements and actions and shaping productive experiences for them require an understanding of child and adolescent development and of how to support growth in various domains -- cognitive, social, physical, and emotional. Teaching in ways that connect with students also requires an understanding of differences that may arise from culture, family experiences, developed intelligence's, and approaches to learning.
While Zoey continued her studying, Rachel, Topanga and Angela had finally finished decorating the apartment they way they wanted, and it looked really good.
"Well, I think we did a great job redecorating." Rachel commented.
Topanga nodded in agreement. "I know. It's finally starting to feel like our place."
"Yeah, just the four of us." Angela stated.
"Four women together." Zoey added with a smile.
The door buzzer went off. Angela walked over to door and opened it to reveal her father, Shawn and Blake.
"Will you stop bothering my father?" Angela scolded Blake.
"I asked him and Mr. Hunter to come here, Angela." Sergeant Moore explained.
"Why?" Angela asked.
"Because I'm leaving and I wanted to say goodbye, and I wanted to know that you're alright." Sergeant Moore said as he walked into the apartment, followed by Shawn and Blake.
Zoey and Shawn avoided looking at each other.
"I'm better than alright. I'm in my new apartment with my friends, looking forward to the next part of my life." Angela told her father.
Topanga nodded. "That's right, Sergeant Moore."
"Four women together." Rachel added.
"Dismissed!" Sergeant Moore demanded.
"Yes, sir." Topanga said quickly.
"Gone, sir." Rachel assured.
The two quickly rushed up the stairs and ran into the hallway, leaving Sergeant Moore, Shawn, Blake, Angela and Zoey.
"I better get going." Zoey said as she grabbed all her books and notepads and made her way up the stairs.
"Miss Francis, I think it's better if you stayed here." Sergeant Moore advised.
Zoey shook her head. "No, it won't. I'll be in my room."
With that Zoey walked up the stairs and towards her room. When she entered the bedroom, she placed her things down on her desk before laying down on her bed with a sigh.
A soft knock was heard on her bedroom door.
"Zoey?" Shawn's voice called out, leaning against the doorframe.
"What do you want, Shawn?" Zoey demanded.
"I'm not going into the Army." Shawn told her.
Zoey raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"
"Because Sergeant Moore likes me, but he likes his country more, and he didn't want me near the army." He explained. He walked into the room and sat beside her on the bed. "Why don't you want to be with me?"
"Because I'm scared." She said, fumbling with her fingers nervously.
"Scared of what?" He asked quietly.
"Scared of getting hurt again." She admitted with a frown.
"Zoey, I fell in love with you not knowing what love really was. I stayed in love with you because there's no one or nothing I've ever wanted more than you. I will forever be in love with you because I can't picture even a second of my life without you. I ended the relationship because I was scared of settling even though we had been together for five years. I regret ending it everyday. I missed you so much." He told her.
"Shawn, what are you talking about?" She wondered.
"I'm so grateful for you every second. I'm grateful that we met. I'm grateful that somehow in this crazy universe with infinite possibilities, destiny paved the way so we could see each other at the right time at the right place in the right moment. So many things could have happened to keep us from existing together. Yet we met and started something so beautiful. I'm grateful for us and I never want to let you go." He continued.
"I'm really confused." Zoey admitted.
Shawn pulled out a small velvet box out of his jacket pocket. He opened it, revealing a ring with a large diamond at the top and smaller ones around it. Zoey gasped, placing her hands over her mouth in shock.
"From this moment onwards, I don't want to walk alone. I want to walk with you. I want to fight for you when you give up, make you smile when it's hard to find happiness, and be your safe place when you need comfort. You're my person and I'm crazy in love with you. And I can't imagine my life without you. Would you marry me?" Shawn asked.
"Yes." Zoey answered. Tears brimmed her eyes as she watched Shawn sliding the ring into place on her finger of her left hand. She lurched forward and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "I love you, Shawnie. So, so much."
Shawn buried his face against Zoey's shoulder to savor the warm. "I love you too, Zo. I always have."
PUBLISHED: February 2, 2019
WORDS: 2896
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