101| Raging Cory
Zoey and Shawn were cuddled up on the couch with a blue blanket covering them. They were in the middle of watching a movie they rented to pass the time. The two shared a bowl of popcorn, constantly digging into it and popping a piece in their mouths.
Shawn wrapped his hands Zoey's waist and tugged her towards his side and began tracing circles into her sides with his fingers.
His touch was making it very hard to concentrate on the movie and Zoey could feel her heart beat starting to race a little faster.
"This part of the movie is my favourite." Shawn whispered.
That innocent sentence had Zoey going crazy inside, but not because of what he said, but rather what happened while he spoke. She could feel his light breathe ticking her neck and she could smell Shawn's all unique male scent.
Acting quickly, Zoey twisted her boyfriend and pressed her lips to his. Shawn paused for a moment before he instantly started to kiss her back.
Feeling more bold with herself, Zoey wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her hands through the back of his hair. Shawn was an amazing kisser, every sensual movement of his lips on hers had her turning to mush inside.
Shawn nibbled on her bottom lip, and Zoey knew what he was asking for and she immediately granted him entrance to explore and taste the inside of her mouth. Their tongue's played with one another, Shawn taking full control of the kiss instantly.
Suddenly, a loud yell caused the couple to pull apart. Zoey noticed the hesitated realization on her boyfriend's face.
"Oh, yeah!" Shawn called out. "Hey, the super told me to tell you that the people above us let their bathtub overflow, and whatever you do, don't-"
"Don't poke at the big bubble on my ceiling?" Jack grumbled as he stepped out, soaking wet.
Shawn nodded. "Yeah. You got the message?"
Jack glared at his brother. "Yeah. Just now. My whole room's flooded, and there's half a bathtub hanging over my bed."
"So stay in my room." Shawn suggested casually.
"Hey, by the way, have you seen Blake?" Zoey asked Jack.
Jack shrugged his shoulder. "I think he's with Angela, he really loves her."
"Thanks." Zoey said.
Shawn stood from the couch and lead the way to his bedroom. Both Jack and Zoey followed him as they entered the bedroom. As soon as Zoey saw it, a hand quickly came up to cover her mouth as it opened wide in shock.
"So when people throw garbage down the chute, this is where it winds up, huh?" Jack asked.
Shawn narrowed his eyes. "Are you calling me a pig?"
"A pig would never live in here." Jack said.
"Oh, yeah?" Shawn questioned as he lifted the curtain covering the closet entrance to reveal grown-up Little Cory.
"Shawn, if we ever have a house together I'm never putting you in charge of hygiene." Zoey admitted.
Shawn stared at her in admiration. "We're going to have a house together?"
"Really?" Zoey questioned.
Jack stared at the pig in disbelief. "I'm sleeping out on the couch, man."
"Guys, I need to sleep on your couch." Cory insisted as he rushed into the bedroom.
"What happened?" Zoey wondered.
"I got into a fight with my dad." Cory replied.
"Every boy gets into a fight with their dad." Jack told him.
"Yeah, I knocked him down." Cory explained.
"That's not quite as common." Jack simply said before he walked out of the bedroom.
"Cory!" Zoey said reproachfully.
"I didn't do it on purpose!" Cory exclaimed, shooting her a look. "I wanted to play basketball with him, like he does with Eric."
"I can't believe you hit your dad." Shawn said in disbelief. "Now does he have to leave the house in shame? Do you get his woman?"
"Well, I didn't actually hit him. I shoved him and he went down." Cory explained. "He does all these things with Eric. Why won't he do things we me?"
Zoey shrugged her shoulders. "Well, he's afraid you're gonna hit him again."
"Eric has a good relationship with him, you know that?" Cory began as the two boys sat down on whatever they could find while Zoey continued to stand. "They ski together. They go camping together. I even heard them planning on jumping out of a plane together. All we do is talk."
"Cor, you have a great relationship with your dad." Zoey told him.
"I'm not gonna go through the rest of my life as the guy my father talked to. You know? Great conversations are not memories you look back on." Cory insisted.
"You have tons of memories with your dad." Shawn said.
"Like what?" Cory asked.
"Like the time you beat him up." Shawn replied, earning a smack on the back of the head from his girlfriend. "You're gonna talk about that for years."
Zoey sat in her bedroom, looking over at her letter from Harvard. She didn't know how to feel about it. Will she actually get a chance to go to the Harvard college?
"What's that?"
Zoey jumped, her eyes wide as she glanced up in the door frame. Blake stood in the doorway, leaning against it with his arms folded across his chest. She just shrugged, avoiding eye contact.
"Just notes." She lied, pursing her lips.
"What subject?" Blake asked.
"Um...." Zoey trailed off, her eyes widening as she couldn't believe that not a single subject name was coming to her mind. "French."
Blake raised an eyebrow. "Hm. Je pensais que vous avez pris I'allemand pas francais?"
"You know what, Blake? It's none of your business." Zoey said. She stood up, moving to the door and placed her hand on it. "So if you don't mind..."
Blake chuckled slightly. "You're hiding something."
Blake pushed Zoey aside and moved over to her bed. He pulled up her pillow, grabbing the letter.
"No!" Zoey shrieked, running towards him and tackling him down on the bed.
Blake stuck his arm out so that she couldn't reach the letter, laughing as she tried to climb up his body and get to the letter, her fingers desperately reaching the paper in his hands. He opened it and began reading it.
"What...?" Blake asked in confusion as he read the letter.
Zoey ripped the paper out of his hand and sat at the edge of her bed.. "It doesn't concern you."
"You applied to Harvard?" Blake wondered, sitting beside his sister. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because it was just a shot in the dark. I mean, I didn't know I might actually get accepted." Zoey replied, looking down at the letter and sighed. "Harvard students have access to courses, research institutes, and faculty mentors from all parts of Harvard. With world-renowned faculty, state-of-the-art resources, and individualized instruction, it's the perfect place to purse your interests."
"So, what's the problem?" Blake wondered, curiously.
"What if I do get accepted? Do I go to my dream college, and leave my boyfriend and best friends behind? Or do I stay here and go to college with them?" Zoey questioned with a slight frown.
Blake wrapped an arm around Zoey's shoulder and pulled her into him. "Look, Zo, I trust you you'd make the right decision. If you do get accepted into Harvard, I would be so proud of you. But since I've known you, you always know what the right choice is."
Zoey looked up at her brother and smiled. "Thanks, Blake."
PUBLISHED: September 23, 2018
WORDS: 1265
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