Chapter 9
"Elekid,"The electric Pokemon whispered to me trying to be quiet but he didn't realize how loud he actually was.
This morning I has gotten ready for school faster and I had gone to walk with Abby. She had brought Elekid so he wouldn't get into trouble at the Pokemon daycare
The little electric type was sitting in Abby's lap. I suddenly felt something slap against my hand. It was a ball of paper. I turned back to see the Noah kid looking at me.
I flattened out the note and read it. He had horrible hand writing but I thought it said,"Wanna walk with me to practice?" I nodded and smiled friendly trying not to be rude to the popular, mean, gym leader to be.
"Jacob don't get involved with that crowd,"Abby whispered to me
"I'm just being nice,"I whispered back to her.
"Mr.Evans would you please paint us a picture of your life in 10 years,"My teacher said. I gasped loudly I should've been paying attention I thought to myself.
"Well I'll be an attorney. I'll have a nice house either here or in Yama. I will be living with Pearl and Purrloin my Pokemon,"I sweated
"Where will you work? Where will you live?"she asked me loudly In front of the whole class
She then went on onto about how we had to plan our lives to every detail and blah blah blah. I didn't really listen none of this information was useful to me currently.
I saw the muscular blacked haired trainer get up and say something to the teacher.
"Jacob, Noah has informed me you both will be going to the basketball team conditioning,"She smiled. I nodded and grabbed my bag. I rubbed Elekid on his head and then I walked out of the room. Noah was waiting for me outside. He lead me to the gym.
"So your a trainer,"I said breaking the awkward silence that was in the air. Ashton was clearly his enemy and Ashton was one of my closest friends in this region.
"Yep wanna see my current team?"he asked me
I nodded as he pulled out the six Pokeballs.
First was a Noivern it was a bat like Pokemon. It was very creepy looking. It was black and purple I don't even know how to describe it. It screeched and flew to its trainer's shoulder.
Next was a Tyrantrum it was a large tan dinosaur Pokemon that has orange spots on it. It grinned with its razor sharp teeth. It stood on the basketball court I was supposed it could fit in this room.
Then Druddigon it was another dragon obviously but it had a blue body and a red head. It's head was spiky and it gnawed at the air
Next a Hydreigon a three headed Pokemon. It was black and purple. It had to have very strong wings because the three heads looked heavy. It's eyes were close to shutting it seemed very tired.
Then Goodra a light blue gooey Pokemon that looked like friendliest out of his team and lastly a tiny Gible. It looked like a gray shark with a huge mouth.
"I'm originally from Kalos I got some from Unova When I traveled here. Gible is my most recent capture,"he informed me
"I have two, an Eevee and Purrloin,"I laughed releasing my little duo of pokemon. He nodded and returned his all his dragon Pokemon except for the tiny Gible.
After a while the team members started to show up to practice. We just were shooting around until coach arrived.
"Hello, nice to meet you,"the coach said shaking my hand.
"I'm coach Golden,"he introduced himself to me.
"I'm Jacob Evans,"I replied smiling nervously. He split us into two groups. Noah was on the opposing team. Coach Golden handed us red and blue jerseys. I got a blue jersey.
We began to play a game of basketball. My team had 18 points while the other team that Noah was on had 20. My team mate passed me the ball. I tiredly dribbled down the court and Noah jogged up to guard me.
I pretended to go right but I spun and went left. I was open so I shot the ball. I was standing behind the three point line. The ball went in with a swish sound. It was worth three points so it brought my teams total up to 21. Which won the game for us
The blue jerseys erupted into cheers. Noah shook my hand and told me how good I was. I thanked him and he patted me on the back.
"Dang Evan's your really good at ball,"The Coach said patting me on the shoulder.
"Thanks Sir, does that mean I'm on the team,"I asked
"Of-course,"he exclaimed as if I had asked a stupid question he acted as if the answer was obvious
"Thanks Coach,"I grinned. He nodded to me and walked over to his office in the locker room.
I collected my things and left for the daycare. I knew Abby was having a tough time with Zipper leaving so I had to be there for her. Pearl and Purrloin were scurrying after me trying to catch up with their trainer.
I ran into the wooden building and went to the back room where we kept the Pokemon. Abby was there with the trainer.
She handed him three Pokeballs,"your Torterra, Bisharp, Charizard"
She sighed and handed him the last sphere that contained a Pokemon,"And finally Zipper."
"Sweet, thanks,"He smirked he then tossed out the red and white capsule containing Pichu
Zipper appeared. As soon as he materialized he ran to me. He climbed up my leg to my shoulder.
"Oh hey Jacob,"Abby faintly smiled at me
"So zipper still hasn't evolved?"The trainer asked sadly. He sounded upset about the Pichu still being a Pichu not a Raichu.
"Not yet I think it will be a while for him,"Abby said
"You know what? I think I'm not right for zipper will you take him?"The trainer asked me
"No but I know someone who will,"I grinned I nudged for the Pichu to go to Abby. He did and she hugged him lightly.
"Well I guess it is decided Zipper now belongs to you Abby take care of him my sister will understand that zipper belonged with you,"he smiled walking out of the Pokemon daycare
"Yay,"Abby squealed she grabbed me and hugged me tightly.
I hugged her back and smiled all of the Pokemon. Elekid, Pichu, Eevee, Jolteon, and Purrloin joined us happily.
"I gotta get home,"I stated letting go of her she was still grinning real big he define you deserved Zipper.
"Ok I'll see you tomorrow just meet me here,"she replied
"Ok,"I smiled
I was walking home with both of my Pokemon out of their Pokeballs when I got a phone call.
"Hello?"I answered
"Hey"a voice answered I recognized it as my best friend
"Mikey? What took so long?"I asked angrily
"A lot has changed dude. My da-"the connection was cutting off.
"-Pokemon–muscle–help–"the call suddenly cut out
I checked my Pokédex I only had one bar and that quickly changed to No Service. I huffed in annoyance, hopefully Rose can explain to me what is going on with him. I entered my dorm room to see Ashton and Henry were standing there
"Hey man,"Ashton greeted
"Hey,"I grinned
"Are y'all going to the Honey festival tomorrow?"I questioned
"Yeah,"Henry answered
"I heard there is like a catching contest are y'all entering,"I questioned my room mates.
"Nope,"they both replied.
"Ashton I think it is time you tell jacob what's been going on with you,"Henry muttered
"What happened?"I gasped
"You see I'm from Hoenn when I was little I befriended a Teddiursa his name was Ted,"he giggled,"he always ran off at dark. One day I followed it home. His moma was an aggressive Ursaring. It attacked me and I've been afraid of them ever since. I've grown afraid of all Pokemon unless their small,"
He then went on,"Ever since then I stopped studying and began to work out. I thought I could be strong enough one day to take care of myself. I thought looks could protect me. That's why I'm not smart. It scarred me for life,"
I got up and walked over to Ashton I patted him on the back. He got up and hugged me picking me up.
(If you have seen the movie Longest Yard I can imagine him yelling "Down Shrek down!") 「\(^-^ )
We all went to sleep a little earlier because tomorrow was gonna be a big day for us all.
Rose was visiting and we had the honey festival. I was really excited for it.
I had a plan for Ashton to get over his fear of Pokemon too. It was gonna be hard to pull off.
It involved the Pokemon catching contest.
A.N I forgot the teachers name that why I never said it XD. I was to lazy to go back and check. I'm so excited to the write the next chapter it's gonna be so cool. I wrote this in a day too.
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