Chapter 3
"Daddy"my mom yelled jumping into my grandfathers arms
"Oh honey"my grandpa sighed hugging her tightly.
"Mr. Oak"my father muttered shaking his father-in-law's hand.
"Gary,"my mother cried kissing his forehead
"Auntie,"he smirked, gently pushing her off of him.
"If I would have known you were coming I would have cleaned the house an got some food and dress more nice-"my mom ranted
"auntie that's why we didn't tell you,"Gary replied
"You must be hungry"my mom laughed happily at her dad being there to visit us.
"I could eat"Gary shrugged
"Gary, manners. We would love to eat"oak scolded my cousin but he went back to smiling.
We had veggie pizza. It was grandpa's favorite food. It had cheese with all kinds of vegetables. By the time we had finished eating and talking it was late and the sun had gone down.
"Ok boys it is time for y'all to go to bed."my mother smiled
Grandpa was staying in one of the guest rooms while Gary was staying in my room with me even though there was plenty of extra rooms with beds. So we could hang out and talk all night long.
"I want a Pokemon so bad"I laughed dryly
"Dude when you move out I will send you one"Gary frowned tired of me allows complaining out my lack of a Pokemon.
"Really?"I questioned siting up, happy of the thought
"Yeah,"he smirked
"What would you send me,"I asked thinking of all the possibilities if his Pokemon.
"How about my.."Gary was interrupted by a large banging on the window in my room. We all jumped out of the bed. I'm surprised we had not hit the ceiling.
Umbreon walked over to the window with me. The dark type was ready to attack the stranger. I relaxed when I realized the banging had been Mikey. I told Umbreon it was ok and he relaxed too.
I unlocked the door and let my friend in. He showed me a red and white sphere. He was shaking with excitement.
"You got a Pokemon"I screamed loudly I was really jealous of my friend
"Jacob"Gary shouted he his eyes got big.
"My bad"I whispered innocently.
"My dad told me that I needed to carry on his tradition he gave me this Pokeball when he gave it to me I ran right here,"he said grinning from ear to ear.
"Have you opened it yet?"I questioned him.
"No I wanted to be with you when I got my first Pokemon"he laughed. When we were kids we made a pact that when we got our first Pokemon we would open it together.
"Are you gonna open it or not"I said with anticipation.
"Yeah"he said
We sat there for a few minutes until Gary spoke up,"for goodness sake just press the button" Gary rolled his eyes.
Mikey followed my cousins instructions about the Pokeball.
Out came a bluish gray Pokemon. It had a feather on its head."Sneasel,"it chanted
"Why did you get a Pokemon before me,"I screamed
"How about we go catch you one,"Mikey yelled smiling.
"Shut up"Gary whispered loudly
The lights outside my room flicked on. I panicked and pushed Mikey into the closet and shut the door.
"What was that noise,"my father asked walking in the door. He noticed Sneasel and gave me a confused glance
"That's my Pokemon and we were just planning our day Tomorrow"Gary smiled at my dad.
"Yeah since tomorrow is Saturday we were thinking of going to the mall."I said.
My father nodded glancing at both Gary and I before he left the room. Gary and I both wiped the sweat from our foreheads while Mikey walked out of the closet.
"While I was at my dad's house I took one of his Pokeballs so we could catch you a Pokemon"Mikey shouted excitedly.
"Slow down kids,"Gary sighed putting a hand in the air before he started to search through his bag.
"Kids?"I asked," We are older than you." I laughed at the teen while he he pulled out a dark blue blue handheld machine.
"I snagged this from Gramp's lab before we left"he smiled showing the me that machine. It looked like a Nintendo DS except it was larger and it had a circular pad on the side. It was about the size of a Pokeball. When it was shrunken.
"Umm what is it?"I asked confused. Everyone stared at me.
"It's a pokédex"My cousin stated he still saw my confused expression so he went on,"it is basically a handheld computer with every know Pokemon in the world. It can also give you your Pokemon stats and attacks. All you so is put the shrunken ball on the pad it also contains a phone and map."
I looked at the pokédex and screamed,"Cool."
"Keep it down, you'll wake up your parents"Gary whispered to me but I was too excited I couldn't be quiet.
"Gary do you think you could cover for me while I go catch myself a Pokemon?"I asked my cousin
He sighed but shook his head in agreement. I smiled and gave him a pat on the back.
I swung open the same window from the day before. Mikey returned his Sneasel. I let Mikey climb out first when I got on the roof I shut it and waved to my cousin. He rolled his eyes.
My friend and I began to climb down the tree. Mikey took forever going one branch at a time. He wasn't used to climbing like me. After a while I jumped over him and landed on the ground softly.
Mikey fell down with a loud thud. It took all I had not to burst out laughing. Miley stood up rubbing his head."It took me like thirty minutes to climb up it"he sighed looking at the tree
I fell on the ground laughing. Mikey began to drag me to the woods."What are ya gonna do murder me"I asked laughing
He glanced at me and I stopped laughing he chased me around a large tree until I got tired and sat down on the tree's roots.
"Ok let's catch a Pokemon"I yelled jumping up excitedly
Mikey pulled out a flash light and shined it. First it landed on a Purple rat. It had sharp white teeth. After I checked it with my pokédex I realized it was a Rattata.
"Nope"I said putting my hand up
The Rattata scurried off. The next Pokemon was gray wolf Pokemon with a red nose it had yellow eyes. It growled," Poochyena."
"I like that one"I shrugged
Mikey pulled out his Pokeball it expanded in his hand. He threw it and it spun through the air. His Pokemon did a flip and landed on it feet. I rubbed it claws together.
"Okay, Sneasel use...."Mikey started,"what attacks does Sneasel use?" He asked
I pulled out my pokédex I scanned Mikey's Pokemon, the robotic voice read ,"Sneasel, the sharp claw Pokemon. Sneasel can extend or retract its claws instantly during attack. Sneasel is a male and knows quick attack, slash, and growl."
By the time the voice had stopped the Poochyena has fled the battle.
"Dang it, return Sneasel."Mikey said calling his Pokemon back to its Pokeball.
We walked down a little ways. Mikey flashed the light on the ground. The light passed by a few Pokemon. One Pokemon caught my eye. I moved Mikey's hand to the Pokemon.
"That one"I yelled pointing.
"Sneasel use slash"Mikey yelled while his Pokemon appeared,
The Pokemon jumped up and used its claw to attack the purple cat like Pokemon.
"Finish it with quick attack."Mikey commanded
The Pokemon darted towards the Pokemon and hit it hard.
"Throw the Pokeball."Mikey screamed at me
I did as he said and threw the red and white sphere. It hit the Pokemon on the head and pulled it in the pokeball. The ball rocked back and forth. It stopped moving and clicked.
I picked up the ball and held it out," I caught my first Pokemon"I yelled
"What is it"Mikey asked
I stopped jumping up and down a serious look came upon my face,"I don't know."Mikey fell down on the ground.
"Come on out new friend."I yelled. My first Pokemon landed and had a mischievous look on it face. It walked over to me and jumped in my arms.
I held it with one arm while I pulled out my pokédex. The pokédex started to talk," Purrloin, the devious Pokemon, Purrloin fools people into letting their guard down so it can steal their possessions. When angered, it uses it's claws to fight back. This Purrloin is a female and knows scratch, assist, and growl"
"Does that mean its gonna steal from us"Mikey yelled out
I typed the question in my pokédex. The voice began again,"Purrloin, when caught, return items stolen and are loyal."
Mikey wiped the sweat off his forehead. I rubbed my Purrloin behind its ears. It's fur was so soft it felt like a blanket. It glared harshly at Mikey. It clearly didn't like him.
"I got to get home"I said to Mikey he nodded,"me too".
We both ran off to our houses. I climbed the tree quickly and went through the window. Gary was laying in bed. I poked him until he woke up."Guess what? I caught a Purrloin"
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