Chapter 2
"Dude what happened to your face"Mikey asked
I glared at him harshly slamming my locker shut."I was late."
Mikey and I walked down the hallway. I entered my classroom while Mikey kept walking. He was going to Algebra 2 while I had healthily life skills.
I sat toward the back of the class, even though I was considered popular I didn't feel like getting all the attention today. People were probably talking about how the basketball star got into a fight. I was gonna get into a fight if anyone messed with me today.
"Jacob everyone is saying that you got in a fight"a high pitched girly voice yelled
I looked up. There stood a girl with ruby red hair and green eyes. Her skin was flaw less. She had her cheerleading jacket on. She looked upset and was being dramatic
"Rose, this is highschool.....people are gonna say stuff"I said slowly to make sure she understood.
She slapped my arm and sat in the chair beside me. She rolled her eyes at me.
"At least tell me what happened"she whispered. Starting to calm down. I looked around to make sure no one was looking.
"My dad got mad again, I came home late. I should've left earlier"I sighed
"Jacob it isn't your fault. Your not the one at wrong he is. Jacob you deserve so much more than what he gives you"she protested
"Keep your voice down"I said
"Fine but at least do something about it"she remarked getting out of her chair.
She went up to teacher and then left the classroom. She had left her bag so I knew she would come back. I trusted Rose with all my secrets. Hopefully she wouldn't do anything stupid.
Five minutes later she came back. I gave her a confused look. Hoping she hadn't done something dumb like go to the guidance counselor and informed them of my situation.
"I had to pee, ok?"she blushed,"I won't tell anyone about your dad"
I nodded thankfully. I glanced over at her. She ran he fingers through her perfect straight hair.
I could date any girl I wanted at the school except her. I had dated a few girl, but she gave me Butterfrees. Not actual Butterfrees metaphorical ones. She made me nervous when ever I was around her. I couldn't think straight all I thought about was her.
I enjoyed being around her. She loved Pokemon as well. She had a Leafeon from some Eeveelution adoption place. She was obsessed with grass type Pokemon.
Her dad was a grass gym leader in some other city. That's where she got her grass Pokemon love. Her mom was a substitute teacher. She had a younger sister as well.
"Mr.Evans?"the teacher asked looking at me
I looked up realizing I had blanked out and class had started. No telling how long I had been out.
"Mental, physical, and social/emotional,"Rose whispered to me making sure no one could hear.
I repeated what she had said to me confidently making sure I sounded like I knew what I was talking about even though I had no clue.
"Correct! I'm sorry I thought you were day dreaming! Those are the three sides of the Health triangle."the teacher laughed pointing to a triangle on the board.
I laughed with him and then I quietly thanked my friend Rose.
"That's what best friends are for"she said flipping her gorgeous red hair
I smiled at her. The bell rang and we all gathered our stuff getting ready to leave for out next class.
"Wow time flies when your having fun"my teacher smirked
We all got up and walked out of the classroom. Everyone split off heading to their next class.
I went to the gym. I set my stuff down on the bleachers. I didn't feel like changing today. Katie was already down there shooting basketball. I joined her practicing my free-throws. Coach came down.
"Why aren't y'all dressing out"he questioned with his thick country accent
"I don't want to"I said bluntly looking at him.
He laughed and went back to his office. Practice began and Both the boys and girls team practiced together. Our coaches wanted us to be able to teach each other the things that we knew.
After a while I wished I would've dressed out. I was sweating and I probably stunk like a Stuntank. I changed shirts and bathed myself in a good smelling cologne.
The bell rung and I left I went to my next class which was science. I had it Mikey. We sat at one of the tables together. Halfway through the boring class we had lunch.
Since it was high school and we were seniors they didn't care where we sat as long as we were on time for class. I sat with the basketball team and Mikey. We all ate quietly. I wished that Rose would have been here. She would be making everyone laugh. Rose had a different lunch time so I sadly couldn't sit with her.
When I got back from lunch the teacher informed me I was getting checked out. So I gathered my things and got ready to leave.
Usually my parents don't check me out. They see it as a waste of a day. The only reason I would get check out was if...
My cousin was visiting with my grandfather!
It wasn't that I was upset. It was that I was shocked my grandfather was a famous Pokemon professor. My sixteen year old cousin was a Pokemon trainer.
My parents thought that there career options would influence my life decisions. So they usually weren't allowed to visit us.
I had already been accepted into Sinnoh University. My mean father wanted me to be rich like he was. I didn't care about money like he did.
I walked down the hall-way nervously tapping my foot. My cousin had been home-schooled by my grandfather. So he had gotten out if school way earlier than I had.
He didn't have to go to college either. He immediately left on his journey.
I saw the office ahead of me. In the office lobby was a old man in a lab coat he had blondish hair and thick eyebrows. He was wearing a red collared shirt underneath his coat.
Beside him was a boy with auburn hair. It was going every which way. He was wearing a black button up collared shirt. He had two purple sweatbands one for each arm. He also had a purple necklace on his neck to match it.
An Umbreon stood by his side. Umbreon were black Pokemon with yellow rings and red eyes. They walk on four feet and have long black ears.
"Hey Jakey-boy"he smirked
"Good to see you Gary and you to grandpa"I said pulling my relatives into a hug
My grandfather was the famous Professor Samuel Oak. He gave Pokemon and Pokédexes to beginning trainers
He had a daughter and a son. His son married a nice friendly girl and they had one son named Gary Oak.
His daughter, unlike his son, didn't like Pokemon. She married an evil man and changed her last name to Evans. Since it was his. They had a son too. His name is Jacob. I'm that son.
"How did y'all get here"I asked them smiling
"We flew here, my Skarmony is a fast Pokemon"Gary said arrogantly, one thing about Gary is that he has to be better than everyone.
"What Pokemon do you have with you"I asked rubbing his Umbreon behind its soft ear
"Umbreon, Skarmony, Electivire, Blaistoise, Nidoqueen, and Arcanine."he smiled confident in his team
"That's cool"I grunted
I was so jealous of him he got to train Pokemon. Why couldn't I? Had I done something wrong. It wasn't an age issue either. I mean I was older than the little brat.
"You can pick how we get home"Gary laughed. Letting me choose which Pokemon we would ride.
"We can ride Arcanine and grandpa can take Skarmony"I smiled
Gary retuned his dark type Pokemon. He gave one Pokeball to me and another to our grandpa.
I tossed it out. Gary's fire type Pokemon roared as it erupted from its Pokeball. It was a tiger looking Pokemon and it was huge.
The Skarmony shrieked its name as it emerged from its ball. It was a big metallic bird.
We all got on the large Pokemon. Skarmony took to the sky's. While Arcanine ran through the woods that was between our house and my high school.
When we got to the house I thought gramps would beat us since he was ridif a flying type
I thought I would have to get off the Pokemon and open the gate to the fence so that Arcanine could get through.
Instead the large fire type jumped over the fence it landed on the other side and took off running again.
We arrived just before my mom's dad. He sighed shaking his head. His was upset he lost to his two grandsons.
"Good job boys and you too Arcanine and Skarmony"he smiled returning the steel flying Pokemon.
He handed the Pokeball to Gary who put it up along with Arcanines.
"Well this is gonna be fun"I sighed thinking of my parents reaction when I walked in with my grandpa and my cousin.
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